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general feng shui on career


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1. In my opinion, if your job scope is to recruit; then it should be classified under the earth element.

2. What you mean by "providing security equipment"?

2.1 If you mean that you are a staff handling out e.g. walkie talkies then it can be considered as metal element (as majority of the working components of equipments are metallic - excluding the shell).

2.2 However, if your job is 'providing" as in sales or doing sales and marketing to promote for your company security equipment; then it can be considered as fire element.

3. Again, there is no right or wrong: one has to be specific as to one's core job function, first.

Anonymous wrote:
Good evening!what elementwoulda business on recruitment of security personnel and providing security equipment belong to? Earth element or metal element ? Thank you very much.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Thank you very much for answering my query re career element. May I ask also, what are the characteristics of a metal element career? I understand that a metal career would include finance, entertainment, politics etc...what do they have in common? Thank you once again for sharing your time and expertise. Have a great day !
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  • Staff

Frankly, determining an industry or job specification is based on a certain mastery of the Five Elements Concept and also Mandarin characters.

In some sense, your question is like: why are there only 5 elements: metal, water, wood, fire and earth? This sort of question.

Anonymous wrote:
Thank you very much for answering my query re career element. May I ask also, what are the characteristics of a metal element career? I understand that a metal career would include finance, entertainment, politics etc...what do they have in common? Thank you once again for sharing your time and expertise. Have a great day !

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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