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Master Cecil,
1. In the master's bedroom, which is the better location for the toilet:
a. southwest sector with MS 3, WS 4 and BS 5 or
b. north sector with MS 2, WS 5 and BS4?
My Kua number is 8 with pillar of destiny - yin earth fire horse. Based on 8 house, southwest is a good sector for me.
2. How bad is it to have the toilet door facing the side of the bed? Should this be avoided at all cost?
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1. In my opinion, toilet is better at North with MS2 WS5 and base 4. However, where possible, the toilet should share an external wall.
2. In addition, the layout of the toilet / toilet doorin relation to say the master bedroom layout should be considered.
2.1 For example, if based on shapes and forms (and if say having a toilet at SW would mean that one external wall is shared) and if at North;

2.2 there is or may not be an extra shared wall; then in such a situation or as you mentioned toilet door facing the side of the bed; the one not facing the side of the bed may be a better choice.
3. It is nice-to avoid toilet door facing the side of the bed. But if really no choice, (if one check past forum messages) there is no major issue.
4. The issue has more to do with both psychology i.e. if the toilet door is not closed; some don't like to see the toilet bowl etc..
5. As mentioned in many of the past forum messages: was driving along the Central Expressway; a radio program; someone said: must buy disinfection tablet like those for false teeth to cleanse the toothbrush head; as he menitoned that anywhere one place the toothbrush in a toilet; sure to find some form of germs.
5.1. In addition, do you know that it is even better to have the lid of the toilet bowl in an "open" or upright position vs closing it. The reason? Many toilet bowl seats have "gaps" between the seat and the porcelain bowl. And in a closed position; whenever one flushes the toilet; some of the gas or "air" would shot out from this gap.
5.2. Frankly, for a normal healthy person; a bit of germs won't "die" or make us sick. Only those who have very low resistance to germs such as those recovering from an illness or the very old and weak.. should avoid AT all costs, a toilet door beside the bed.
5.3. For those, who are still working: strong limbs and hands; what is the worry? In life; like the saying goes; travelling in a plane is much safer than walking on the road. And the heck with it! Smelling one's toilet is even safer than walking on the road on as a motorcycle rider!

On 9/27/2010 7:10:17 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Master Cecil,1. In the
master's bedroom, which is the
better location for the
toilet:a. southwest sector
with MS 3, WS 4 and BS 5 orb.
north sector with MS 2, WS 5
and BS4?My Kua number is
8 with pillar of destiny -
yin earth fire horse.
Based on 8 house, southwest is
a good sector for me.2.
How bad is it to have the
toilet door facing the side of
the bed? Should this be
avoided at all cost?Thanks!

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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