myfs_146704 Posted October 12, 2010 Share Posted October 12, 2010 Good Day there!!!Hmm... how should i start? well, there's a lovely house within the price range that i wanted to buy, its near to shop lots and daily necessity needs. Just that one thing that keep my mind wondering and pondering, cause hearing from people talking about how bad it is to have house with road leading straight to it. Considering on so many website that i browse, all saying in detail of particular tiny thing which might be hit and miss on the house that i'm looking at. Easiest to say i've drawn out a sketch for you to look at. its a site plan with a perspective view in the attactment.Im just curious about it, so will you enlighten me on the issue here? Thanks again!Best RegardsHauMeng Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 13, 2010 Staff Share Posted October 13, 2010 1. Thanks for the excellent sketch!2. The key concept behind a home at a "T-junction" is always the rare probability of a "run-away" vehicle travelling in a straight line. 2.1. Most of the time such a run away vehicle is often caused by either an intoxicated driver and rarely a case where the car cannot stop.2.2. Thus, in past forum messages, I had mentioned; another critical consideration is which country is one ini.e. right hand or left hand drive.2.3. Next, is we use some imagination to figure out whether a regular car travelling along it's proper land ploughs straight ahead. 2.4. In you illustration; it is good to know that under Para 2.3. the car would instead plough into the front wall of the home. As the opposite arrow is directly away from the main gate of the home. Thus, not so bad. 2.5. What is often worst is to travel a straight-line and meet the gate of the home and subsequently; 2.6. From your picture, it looks like there is a solid wall at the frontage. And hoepfully, this would be able to stop any runaway vehicle and contain it at it's tracks (hopefully). PLUS the HIGH GROUND is an additional good advantage.3. The above is the chain of effects that lead to the main purpose of why it is (commonsense) to avoid a home at a "T-Junction".4. Thus other plus factors include; the bigger the compound the better; where is the windows and main door located in relation to the "t-junction". 5. The other factor is sha qi or poison arrow. For example, again it depends on whether is this an estate access road or a busy road. And how long the straight path is towards the home. And even things like whether there is a hump to slow down cars on that road. These are some other factors to be considered.6. In general, I am sure, some of us have seen worst homes at a "t-junction" than what you had sketched out. Thus if properly "done" and if there are no other homes to consider; then this one is (not the best) but neither is it at the bottom list of a so called home at a "t-junction". Quote On 10/12/2010 11:50:42 PM, Anonymous wrote:Good Day there!!!Hmm... howshould i start? well, there'sa lovely house within theprice range that i wanted tobuy, its near to shop lots anddaily necessity needs. Justthat one thing that keep mymind wondering and pondering,cause hearing from peopletalking about how bad it is tohave house with road leadingstraight to it. Considering onso many website that i browse,all saying in detail ofparticular tiny thing whichmight be hit and miss on thehouse that i'm looking at.Easiest to say i've drawn outa sketch for you to look at.its a site plan with aperspective view in theattactment.Im just curiousabout it, so will youenlighten me on the issuehere? Thanks again!BestRegardsHauMeng Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 13, 2010 Staff Share Posted October 13, 2010 Further to what I had mentioned; earlier we were looking at MICRO Feng Shui or simply a 2 Dimensional look at any threats (a run-away moving object in a straight-line) or opportunities (high ground & surrounding wall).We must equally apply Shapes and Forms Feng Shui via enviromental scanning using the top-view or helicopter approach.The Helicopter view; shows three major considerations so far:-1. A rectangular plot of land. This plot 18 is rectangular thus a plus point.But be cautious, here. We have not seen any drainage behind the home if any. If so, drainage is another consideration be it behind or for a corner home; beside the home and how it drains out of the home into this larger drain.2. Profile of the home.Looks odd shaped (either missing corner(s) or protrusions).3. Another more critical issue is: Does the corner of the Shopping centre pose a threat in terms of a poison arrow aimed towards plot 18? 3.1 If so, lets "forget" about the runaway car etc.. as this could even be more of a major concern - if so for this plot 18, first! See attachment.3.2 However, from your illustration, if there is a row of trees that shades or masks the corner of the Shopping centre aimed towards plot 18 or maybe 20; then the issue of such a poison arrow is negated or neutralised.4. Another consideration is the petrol station.4.1 Have to be extra careful especially of the fumes and wind that may blow the vapours towards the home. (Cancer causing).4.2 A petrol station in flames is another REMOTE consideration.: On 10/13/2010 8:29:27 AM, Cecil Lee wrote: Quote 1. Thanks for the excellent sketch!2.The key concept behind a home at a"T-junction" is always the rareprobability of a "run-away" vehicletravelling in a straight line. 2.1. Mostof the time such a run away vehicle isoften caused by either an intoxicateddriver and rarely a case where the carcannot stop.2.2. Thus, in past forummessages, I had mentioned; anothercritical consideration is which countryis one ini.e. right hand or lefthand drive.2.3. Next, is we use someimagination to figure out whether aregular car travelling along it's properland ploughs straight ahead. 2.4. In youillustration; it is good to know thatunder Para 2.3. the car would insteadplough into the front wall of the home.As the opposite arrow is directly awayfrom the main gate of the home. Thus,not so bad. 2.5. What is often worst isto travel a straight-line and meet thegate of the home and subsequently; 2.6.From your picture, it looks like thereis a solid wall at the frontage. Andhoepfully, this would be able to stopany runaway vehicle and contain it atit's tracks (hopefully). PLUS the HIGHGROUND is an additional goodadvantage.3. The above is the chain ofeffects that lead to the main purpose ofwhy it is (commonsense) to avoid a homeat a "T-Junction".4. Thus other plusfactors include; the bigger the compoundthe better; where is the windows andmain door located in relation to the"t-junction". 5. The other factor is shaqi or poison arrow. For example, againit depends on whether is this an estateaccess road or a busy road. And how longthe straight path is towards the home.And even things like whether there is ahump to slow down cars on that road.These are some other factors to beconsidered.6. In general, I am sure,some of us have seen worst homes at a"t-junction" than what you had sketchedout. Thus if properly "done" and ifthere are no other homes to consider;then this one is (not the best) butneither is it at the bottom list of a socalled home at a "t-junction".On10/12/2010 11:50:42 PM, Anonymous wrote:Good Day there!!!Hmm... howshould i start? well, there'salovely house within theprice rangethat i wanted tobuy, its near toshop lots anddaily necessity needs.Justthat one thing that keep mymind wondering and pondering,cause hearing from peopletalking about how bad it is tohave house with road leadingstraight to it. Considering onso many website that i browse,all saying in detail ofparticular tiny thing whichmight be hit and miss on thehouse that i'm looking at.Easiest to say i've drawn outasketch for you to look at.its asite plan with aperspective view intheattactment.Im just curiousabout it, so will youenlightenme on the issuehere? Thanksagain!BestRegardsHauMeng Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_146704 Posted October 13, 2010 Share Posted October 13, 2010 Appended by Cecil: I am crossing my fingers that google does not come after us for interlectual property rights issue. As it is always best to give the source and credit to : Google (in this case their map).Hi there,Thanks for your fast response in the information. very good elaboration that you've got there.Well, i should have just print-image the map view from google in a first place to save my time sketching it. I've attached in this message a plan view. there's also distance indicator on the left hand bottom corner. The shape of the shopping complex which i think the level of the house im looking at is high, near to top of roof of the shopping complex. And also an attached picture of the front of the house itself.Hope this time these will give a clearer picture, thanks again!Best Regards,HauMeng Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 13, 2010 Staff Share Posted October 13, 2010 These are further considerations:-1. From the google map, the shopping centre is not a threat.2. From your first picture, it does not shown any external boundary walls if any nor the high ground or high ground with any ditch or drainage that may directly stop a moving object in it's track before, it ploughs into a home. (This is rare but this is fundamentally one of the cornerstones in the concept that a home at a T-junction is inauspicious besides; the sha qi (movement of air/wind) of a house at such a location.3. I am more concerned about the home very close to the petrol station. More so, about the fumes rising from say the storage tanks below ground and thru topping up the tanks via tankers and even people pumping fuel. If there is a tailwind towards plot 18; sniffing fumes can in a prolonged situation cause sickness and sometimes cancerous.4. Thus, overall, I am more scared of Para 3 than Para 2, above.Note: For those who are posting images; always remember: Source & Credit: to so and so... please Quote On 10/13/2010 9:56:43 AM, Anonymous wrote:Appended by Cecil: I amcrossing my fingers thatgoogle does not come after usfor interlectual propertyrights issue. As it is alwaysbest to give the source andcredit to : Google (in thiscase their map).Hithere,Thanks for your fastresponse in the information.very good elaboration thatyou've got there.Well, ishould have just print-imagethe map view from google in afirst place to save my timesketching it. I've attached inthis message a plan view.there's also distanceindicator on the left handbottom corner. The shape ofthe shopping complex which ithink the level of the houseim looking at is high, near totop of roof of the shoppingcomplex. And also an attachedpicture of the front of thehouse itself.Hope this timethese will give a clearerpicture, thanks again!BestRegards,HauMeng Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 13, 2010 Staff Share Posted October 13, 2010 Have taken a closer look at the googlemap:-1. As there is a curve (in purple) which is good as it helps to slow down any vehicle; while the straight path is also a shorter distance; this is favourable; vs a long straight path where any moving object can accelerate to max speed. In this case, only high performance cars have such a power or force.2. Furthermore, can really see the wall or boundary of the home. Thus, in my opinion, the so called House at T-junction issue is not the most important concern.3. Again, I am more truly concerned about tailwind fumes from the petrol station. Quote On 10/13/2010 10:02:59 AM, Anonymous wrote:These are further considerations:-1.From the google map, the shopping centreis not a threat.2. From your firstpicture, it does not shown any externalboundary walls if any nor the highground or high ground with any ditch ordrainage that may directly stop a movingobject in it's track before, it ploughsinto a home. (This is rare but this isfundamentally one of the cornerstones inthe concept that a home at a T-junctionis inauspicious besides; the sha qi(movement of air/wind) of a house atsuch a location.3. I am more concernedabout the home very close to the petrolstation. More so, about the fumes risingfrom say the storage tanks below groundand thru topping up the tanks viatankers and even people pumping fuel. Ifthere is a tailwind towards plot 18;sniffing fumes can in a prolongedsituation cause sickness and sometimescancerous.4. Thus, overall, I am morescared of Para 3 than Para 2,above.Note: For those who are postingimages; always remember: Source &Credit: to so and so... pleaseOn10/13/2010 9:56:43 AM, HauMeng Tanwrote:Appended by Cecil: I amcrossing my fingers thatgoogledoes not come after usforinterlectual propertyrights issue.As it is alwaysbest to give thesource andcredit to : Google (inthiscase their map).Hithere,Thanks for your fastresponse in the information.very good elaboration thatyou've got there.Well, ishouldhave just print-imagethe map viewfrom google in afirst place to savemy timesketching it. I've attachedinthis message a plan view.there's also distanceindicatoron the left handbottom corner. Theshape ofthe shopping complex whichithink the level of the houseim looking at is high, near totop of roof of the shoppingcomplex. And also an attachedpicture of the front of thehouse itself.Hope this timethese will give a clearerpicture, thanks again!BestRegards,HauMeng Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 13, 2010 Staff Share Posted October 13, 2010 Hey! GUYS! You only visit me! My family and myself have to stay here! Don't be like that! Why so unfriendly! Wear masks? Quote On 10/13/2010 10:13:53 AM, Anonymous wrote:Have taken a closer look at thegooglemap:-1. As there is a curve (inpurple) which is good as it helps toslow down any vehicle; while thestraight path is also a shorterdistance; this is favourable; vs a longstraight path where any moving objectcan accelerate to max speed. In thiscase, only high performance cars havesuch a power or force.2. Furthermore,can really see the wall or boundary ofthe home. Thus, in my opinion, the socalled House at T-junction issue is notthe most important concern.3. Again, Iam more truly concerned about tailwindfumes from the petrol station.On10/13/2010 10:02:59 AM, Cecil Lee wrote:These are further considerations:-1.From the google map, the shoppingcentreis not a threat.2. From yourfirstpicture, it does not shown anyexternalboundary walls if any northe highground or high ground withany ditch ordrainage that maydirectly stop a movingobject init's track before, it ploughsinto ahome. (This is rare but this isfundamentally one of thecornerstones inthe concept that ahome at a T-junctionis inauspiciousbesides; the sha qi(movement ofair/wind) of a house atsuch alocation.3. I am more concernedabout the home very close to thepetrolstation. More so, about thefumes risingfrom say the storagetanks below groundand thru toppingup the tanks viatankers and evenpeople pumping fuel. Ifthere is atailwind towards plot 18;sniffingfumes can in a prolongedsituationcause sickness and sometimescancerous.4. Thus, overall, I ammorescared of Para 3 than Para 2,above.Note: For those who arepostingimages; always remember:Source &Credit: to so and so...pleaseOn10/13/2010 9:56:43 AM,HauMeng Tanwrote:Appended byCecil: I amcrossing my fingersthatgoogledoes not come afterusforinterlectual propertyrights issue.As it is alwaysbest to give thesource andcredit to : Google (inthiscase their map).Hithere,Thanks for your fastresponse in the information.very good elaboration thatyou've got there.Well, ishouldhave just print-imagethe map viewfrom google in afirst place to savemy timesketching it. I've attachedinthis message a plan view.there's also distanceindicatoron the left handbottom corner. Theshape ofthe shopping complex whichithink the level of the houseim looking at is high, near totop of roof of the shoppingcomplex. And also an attachedpicture of the front of thehouse itself.Hope this timethese will give a clearerpicture, thanks again!BestRegards,HauMeng Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 13, 2010 Staff Share Posted October 13, 2010 GOOD NEWS!I have now kicked my addiction to rubber glue. As we have now moved into a new home.The further excellent news is that the petrol smells so nice! I love this new home!Let's hope the wind always brings this nice smell into our home!Ain't it great to live near a petrol station! WE LOVE THIS NEW HOME! Quote On 10/13/2010 10:27:31 AM, Anonymous wrote:Hey! GUYS! You only visit me! My familyand myself have to stay here! Don't belike that! Why so unfriendly! Wearmasks?On 10/13/2010 10:13:53 AM, CecilLee wrote:Have taken a closer lookat thegooglemap:-1. As there is acurve (inpurple) which is good asit helps toslow down any vehicle;while thestraight path is also ashorterdistance; this isfavourable; vs a longstraight pathwhere any moving objectcanaccelerate to max speed. In thiscase, only high performance carshavesuch a power or force.2.Furthermore,can really see the wallor boundary ofthe home. Thus, in myopinion, the socalled House atT-junction issue is notthe mostimportant concern.3. Again, Iammore truly concerned about tailwindfumes from the petrol station.On10/13/2010 10:02:59 AM, Cecil Leewrote:These are furtherconsiderations:-1.From thegoogle map, the shoppingcentreis not a threat.2. From yourfirstpicture, it does not shownanyexternalboundary walls ifany northe highground or highground withany ditch ordrainage that maydirectly stopa movingobject init's trackbefore, it ploughsinto ahome.(This is rare but this isfundamentally one of thecornerstones inthe concept thatahome at a T-junctionisinauspiciousbesides; the sha qi(movement ofair/wind) of ahouse atsuch alocation.3. I ammore concernedabout the homevery close to thepetrolstation. More so, about thefumes risingfrom say thestoragetanks below groundandthru toppingup the tanks viatankers and evenpeople pumpingfuel. Ifthere is atailwindtowards plot 18;sniffingfumescan in a prolongedsituationcause sickness and sometimescancerous.4. Thus, overall, I ammorescared of Para 3 than Para2,above.Note: For those who arepostingimages; always remember:Source &Credit: to so andso...pleaseOn10/13/20109:56:43 AM,HauMeng Tanwrote:Appended byCecil: I amcrossing my fingersthatgoogledoes not come afterusforinterlectual propertyrights issue.As it isalwaysbest to give thesource andcredit to :Google (inthiscase theirmap).Hithere,Thanks foryour fastresponse in theinformation.very goodelaboration thatyou've gotthere.Well, ishouldhavejust print-imagethe map viewfrom google in afirst placeto savemy timesketchingit. I've attachedinthismessage a plan view.there'salso distanceindicatoronthe left handbottom corner. Theshape ofthe shoppingcomplex whichithink thelevel of the houseimlooking at is high, near totop of roof of the shoppingcomplex. And also anattachedpicture of thefront of thehouseitself.Hope this timethesewill give a clearerpicture,thanks again!BestRegards,HauMeng Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_146704 Posted October 13, 2010 Share Posted October 13, 2010 Hi there,Thanks a lot of the information you've given me, clear and concise i could say. Will be having second thoughts on getting that house, a lot of things to think of.Very much appreciated with all your help!!!Best Regards,HauMeng Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 13, 2010 Staff Share Posted October 13, 2010 1. Well all the very best in your house hunting!2. Franky, most of what I had mentioned has more to do with commonsense. And many of the Feng Shui concepts is based largely on commonsense. Just that many don't link commonsense with FS.3. In my personal opinion, it is good that you have second thoughts. As originally, on the surface, the main concern is about a simple subject: House at a T-junction.4. But what really, really worries me is the fumes from the petrol station. IT MAY or may not affect your home. But, can never know how the wind carries the vapours. As petrol is light, it definitely can leak and may be cancerous. While diesel is heavier and less of a concern.5. Personally, after thorough look, I am rather fearful of living close on the ground level and pretty nearby to the petrol station. As one can never compromise on health - prevention is better than "cure". Quote On 10/13/2010 10:41:59 AM, Anonymous wrote:Hi there,Thanks a lot of theinformation you've given me,clear and concise i could say.Will be having second thoughtson getting that house, a lotof things to think of.Verymuch appreciated with all yourhelp!!!Best Regards,HauMeng Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 13, 2010 Staff Share Posted October 13, 2010 Did a quick search under and found some of the articles:-Study shows petrol fumes cause brain damage - PetrolPlaza - News Petrol fumes contain a host of volatile chemicals that are bad for health - including cancer-causing benzene. High doses can harm the central nervous system ...Petrol General information File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick ViewProlonged skin exposure to petrol may cause a variety of skin conditions ... Vehicle engines may emit a very small amount of un-burnt petrol in exhaust fumes. ... Can petrol cause cancer? Petrol is classified by the International Agency ...Road rage by the gallon: Whiff of petrol fumes can make even ... 24 Nov 2009 ... Petrol fumes contain a host of volatile chemicals that are bad for health - including cancer-causing benzene. High doses can harm the ...etc... The sayings goes: Better safe then sorry! Quote On 10/13/2010 10:50:42 AM, Anonymous wrote:1. Well all the very best in your househunting!2. Franky, most of what I hadmentioned has more to do withcommonsense. And many of the Feng Shuiconcepts is based largely oncommonsense. Just that many don't linkcommonsense with FS.3. In my personalopinion, it is good that you have secondthoughts. As originally, on the surface,the main concern is about a simplesubject: House at a T-junction.4. Butwhat really, really worries me is thefumes from the petrol station. IT MAY ormay not affect your home. But, can neverknow how the wind carries the vapours.As petrol is light, it definitely canleak and may be cancerous. While dieselis heavier and less of a concern.5.Personally, after thorough look, I amrather fearful of living close on theground level and pretty nearby to thepetrol station. As one can nevercompromise on health - prevention isbetter than "cure".On 10/13/201010:41:59 AM, HauMeng Tan wrote:Hithere,Thanks a lot of theinformation you've given me,clear and concise i could say.Will be having second thoughtson getting that house, a lotofthings to think of.Verymuchappreciated with all yourhelp!!!Best Regards,HauMeng Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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