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build a family hotel in a lot of our property


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dear Sir,
wewant to build a family hotel in a lot of our property (600 sq. m., but only 300 can be built (front part)), andI would like to make you a couple of questions about the building entrance and the garage door. Due to the different regulations the hotel has to meet -so many determinants that I cannot explain them here-, it is beingvery difficult to place all elements inside the building (considering ramps, cellar, heights, corridors, etc.), so it seems thatin the enda gooddistribution inside the building would lead us to place the garage door at the right corner, and the main entrance for people at thefront fa?ade, which has aprojection neighboring houseon the leftas you can see on the sketch. Do you think it is a good decision to place both entrances in this way? I appreciate your kind advice, and thank you very much foryour time. Best regards.
fficeffice" />

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One more comment:
the red arrow shows direction of garage door, the black one direction of main entrance.The problem of changing the entrances (maybe the people entering on the corner would be nicer) is that if the garage dooris at the front fa?ade,close to the left, then the ramp to the cellar takes up all the space on the ground floor and "cuts" it in two sides. Thanks again.

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Sorry, I looked at the 2D layout plan(s); open the file, closed it, roughly scan thru the words... I am afraid, I still can't fully comprehen this flat sketch. Although effort has been done.. but it is really hazy...

On 11/11/2010 11:30:16 AM, Anonymous wrote:
One more comment: the red
arrow shows direction of
garage door, the black one
direction of main entrance.The
problem of changing the
entrances (maybe the people
entering on the corner would
be nicer) is that if the
garage dooris at the
front fa?ade,close to
the left, then the ramp to the
cellar takes up all the space
on the ground floor and "cuts"
it in two sides. Thanks again.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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I am sorry Cecil, thank you for your quick response, I am attaching the file with bigger names and I add some clarifying explanations in order to help:
- Our lot is X, located in a kind of corner but not exactly a corner, with a neighboring house projection on the left (seen from the street), and other neighboring houses on the right.
- The lotis at the street of a small town, with quiet traffic, and furhter the street there is a park and a train station. Then a wall and the railway.
- The wide fa?ade (front) is directed to the northwest, the right fa?ade to the west.
In my opinion, the best entrance for peoplewas the corner, and the garage door should be placed at the front fa?ade, close to the left (attached to the projecting neighboring house), but the ramp to the cellar should be so long that it would take up too much space of the ground floor (almost the 20 m. that can be built (more or less half the lot, up to the garden)), and would cut the floor in two sides. So it seems that the best option is to place the garage door at the corner, and the entrance door for people at the front fa?ade, but I don't know if this can cause any problems in terms of feng shui.
The 'problem' has been caused by the missing corner of theleft front side of the lot,I think that ifthe lot wasa rectangle this problem would be avoided.Please can you help with your comments/suggestions?
Thanks and congratulations on the web and the forum.

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Please see this sample: http://forum.geomancy.net/phpforum/article.php?bid=2&fid=1&mid=28425&new=
So sorry, I prefer to see a snapshot of something like this:-
Just glancing at your sketch with something like a black arrow and a red arrow.. no notation on it etc.. and really flat 2D and with lines of texts ... unfortunately is a turn-off.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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