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Swimming pool at the right of the main door


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Dear cecil,
If a building complex has a swimming pool in the front. Then some apartments/flats main will have the swimming pool to the left and some will have the swimming pool to right. does that mean the one with the swimming pool at the right of the main door will have bad feng shui( husband will have roving eye). Or this rule applicable to houses only. Thanks.

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Dear Anon,
1. This concept applies more to homes than to apartments.
2. If you are a worried wife, you can sigh in relief:)
But there are differences in opinion here.
In my opinion, it should come under Para 1. But do not add to this by placing a water position at this location within the apartment. Here, one can try and let the members here know if it is really true.
Warmest Regards,

On 11/10/99 3:20:43 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear cecil,
If a building complex has a
swimming pool in the front.
Then some apartments/flats
main will have the swimming
pool to the left and some will
have the swimming pool to
right. does that mean the one
with the swimming pool at the
right of the main door will
have bad feng shui( husband
will have roving eye). Or this
rule applicable to houses
only. Thanks.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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