myfs_148408 Posted February 4, 2011 Share Posted February 4, 2011 May I ask the Master that instead of putting up the six-coin cure on thewall, is it alright if we hang it close to the wallon someelectrical fitting like lamps or switch boxes oron trunking, or even on some cupboards in the sector?This is because there might be some markings or paint-peelingshould we use blue-tack or tapes and when we have to remove the cures in future or next year.Secondly, to activate a mountain star one is told to hang up or put upan object of mass. Locally, it is quite difficult to pick up or find a boulder to hang up. What are the common objects thatare generallysuitable to use and that have been hung up before? It may sound flippant here but I ask with the intention of activating my mountain star in my kitchen and I was thinking in lieu of some objects that I haven't thought of, can one hang up a 5kg bag of rice by placing it in a plastic bag and hanging it on the water pipes? Also, if I have some big bottles of floor washing detergent high up in a closed cupboard in my kitchen in that sector, does this constitute having an object of mass henceactivating the mountain star? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted February 4, 2011 Staff Share Posted February 4, 2011 These are some considerations:1. On your first question; there is no hard or fast rule so long as it is not "concealed' or hidden from view. 2. You said: "I was thinking in lieu of some objects that I haven't thought of, can one hang up a 5kg bag of rice by placing it in a plastic bag and hanging it on the water pipes?"2.1. Sorry, I cannot help it but...after glancing this statement, my toes kept on laughing on this 2nd Day of the Chinese New Year!2.2. Very recently, I believe was a few months ago; this person called me to say that he had sought the help of a local lady geomancer. And he was hesitant to use her advice! The lady geomancer asked him to hang a metal hulu (bottle gourd) directly above one of his doors!2.3. Imagine, due to commonsense; her client; dare not question her; but asked me; what happens if the metal hulu drops down? Would cause serious injuries... especially to his young and even to the elder or other family members.3. Especially for youngsters and toddlers; their skull is not fully fused or formed; and what would be worse? 4. If this was 1935; and this was Germany; and if that lady geomancer were to have provided the advice to Adolf Hitler; and just imagine; that hulu had crashed down and "killed" his favourite dog; he would certainly have got that lady geomancer hanged with a piano string!5. Sorry for the side-track.... erh...6. Please note that if the mountain star falls at the back door; this is excellent!. No body has said this, but the reason why a back door is that; even if it is a mountain star; ain't it good if such qi can also come into the home.7. Stop the ridicious or Looney Tunes idea of hanging "silly" objects on water pipe or other fittings... gravity will one day ultimately win!7.1. Hanging things even with a piano string is "rubbish!"8. Under symbolism; even a painting or picture of e.g. the great wall of China or a painting of a mountain, with some e.g. pine trees and tiny birds in the picture.. is fine or ok. Quote On 2/4/2011 9:04:55 AM, Anonymous wrote:May I ask the Master thatinstead of putting up thesix-coin cure onthewall, is it alrightif we hang it close to thewallonsomeelectrical fittinglike lamps or switchboxes oron trunking, oreven on some cupboards in thesector?This isbecause there might be somemarkings orpaint-peelingshould weuse blue-tack or tapes andwhen we have to remove thecures in future or nextyear.Secondly, to activate amountain star one is told tohang up or put upanobject of mass. Locally,it is quite difficult to pickup or find a boulder to hangup. What are the commonobjects thataregenerallysuitable to useand that have been hung upbefore? It may soundflippant here but I ask withthe intention of activating mymountain star in my kitchenand I was thinking in lieu ofsome objects that I haven'tthought of, can one hang up a5kg bag of rice by placing itin a plastic bag and hangingit on the water pipes?Also, if I have some bigbottles of floor washingdetergent high up in a closedcupboard in my kitchen in thatsector, does this constitutehaving an object of masshenceactivating themountain star? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted February 4, 2011 Staff Share Posted February 4, 2011 Erh.. with a brick all the TIME? YES/ NO? Quote On 2/4/2011 9:46:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:These are someconsiderations:1. On yourfirst question; there is nohard or fast rule so long asit is not "concealed' orhidden from view. 2. You said:"I was thinking in lieu ofsome objects that I haven'tthought of, can one hang up a5kg bag of rice by placing itin a plastic bag and hangingit on the waterpipes?"2.1.Sorry, I cannot help itbut...after glancing thisstatement, my toes kept onlaughing on this 2nd Day ofthe Chinese New Year!2.2. Veryrecently, I believe was a fewmonths ago; this person calledme to say that he had soughtthe help of a local ladygeomancer. And he was hesitantto use her advice! The ladygeomancer asked him to hang ametal hulu (bottle gourd)directly above one of hisdoors!2.3. Imagine, due tocommonsense; her client; darenot question her; but askedme; what happens if the metalhulu drops down? Would causeserious injuries... especiallyto his young and even to theelder or other familymembers.3. Especially foryoungsters and toddlers; theirskull is not fully fused orformed; and what would beworse? 4. If this was 1935;and this was Germany; and ifthat lady geomancer were tohave provided the advice toAdolf Hitler; and justimagine; that hulu had crasheddown and "killed" hisfavourite dog; he wouldcertainly have got that ladygeomancer hanged with a pianostring!5. Sorry for theside-track.... erh...6. Pleasenote that if the mountain starfalls at the back door; thisis excellent!. No body hassaid this, but the reason whya back door is that; even ifit is a mountain star; ain'tit good if such qi can alsocome into the home.7. Stop theridicious or Looney Tunes ideaof hanging "silly" objects onwater pipe or otherfittings... gravity will oneday ultimately win!7.1. Hanging things even with a pianostring is "rubbish!"8. Under symbolism;even a painting or picture of e.g. thegreat wall of China or a painting of amountain, with some e.g. pine trees andtiny birds in the picture.. is fine orok.On 2/4/2011 9:04:55 AM, ISylviaISylvia wrote:May I ask the Masterthatinstead of putting up thesix-coin cure onthewall,is it alrightif we hang it close tothewallonsomeelectrical fittinglike lamps or switchboxesoron trunking, oreven on somecupboards in thesector?This isbecause there might be somemarkings orpaint-peelingshould weuseblue-tack or tapes andwhen we haveto remove thecures in future ornextyear.Secondly, to activate amountain star one is told tohang up or put upanobjectof mass. Locally,it is quitedifficult to pickup or find aboulder to hangup. What arethe commonobjects thataregenerallysuitable to useand that have been hung upbefore? It may soundflippant here but I ask withtheintention of activating mymountainstar in my kitchenand I wasthinking in lieu ofsome objectsthat I haven'tthought of, can onehang up a5kg bag of rice by placingitin a plastic bag and hangingit on the water pipes?Also, if I have some bigbottlesof floor washingdetergent high upin a closedcupboard in my kitchenin thatsector, does this constitutehaving an object of masshenceactivating themountain star? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted February 4, 2011 Staff Share Posted February 4, 2011 Edwardde Bono and his "Lateral Thinking"....In my opinion, don't justfocus on theactual meaning or association of a "solid object" with mass as anythingthat has to be solid.Lateral Thinking;with symbolism... can also be a painting of a mountain etc..... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_148408 Posted February 5, 2011 Share Posted February 5, 2011 2.1. Sorry, I cannot help it but...after glancing this statement, my toes kept on laughing on this 2nd Day of the Chinese New Year!Haha, anyway it's always good to have hilarity in the New Year. Thank you. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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