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Usage of Geomancy.net Articles

Cecil Lee

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We like to thank one of our forum members who had brought to my attention a certain Feng Shui Blog-site that has no regard for copy-rights.
I have seen one of the links, given and this website really "cut-paste" one of my forum message.
I have to see how much more infringements from this site; to see what further action need to be taken:-
I have masked out our very kind forum member's information for privacy issues.
=== Start of Message ===


Subject: Usage of Geomancy.net Articles
for support@geomancy.net
; Tue, 08 Mar 2011 12:19:29 +0800

Dear Master Cecil,

I am an avid reader of your website but recently I have stumbled upon another website that uses your article and displays no acknowledgment of the original source.

(Have removed the links subject to further investigations)
Is the person related to you in anyway? If not i think it is not right of him to use your article without permission.

(masked out)
== End ==

Once again, Thanks for bringing it to my notice.
Cecil Lee

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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