myfs_149301 Posted March 13, 2011 Share Posted March 13, 2011 Good day!My girlfriend and I are 6 years apart and according to the info (basis the animal signs)in your website, our relationship is considered "very difficult'. I'm of thepig signand she's of the snake sign. According to your free 'comparison', we have no clashes in the heavenly stem but two clashes (year pillar & year pillar + year pillar & day pillar) in the earthlybranch.Does that mean we will not be fortunate/happy together or there's some kind of remedy?Thanks!Best regards,Gerald Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 14, 2011 Staff Share Posted March 14, 2011 These are some of the considerations:-1. Based on one's Year of birth; yes, in the attached picture diagram; every six years, the animal sign facing each other is suppose to be the "worst pairing":- We can't change the basic Chinese Astrology / Zodiac sign means of suggesting the above "worst" paring. Thus, in the attached diagram; correspondingly; the rat's worst pairing is that of a horse.3. The good news; is that the above; today, is equivalent of "kindergarten" type of Chinese Astrology as it is based soley on one's YEAR of birth.4. Tze Wei Tou Shou is quite similar to Ba Zi; and for ba zi; the inputs are even more :4.1. In order to create a ba zi chart; it is compulsory to have: DD / MM / YYYY . Time of birth is good but if not available; still acceptable.5. Thus; Chinese astrology needs only one field: Year of birth; Ba zi needs at least three variables: Day / Month / Year (and even Hour of birth).6. For example; best to further check compatiblity is via one's ba zi.For example: Anyone can be born in a specific year e.g. 1980. But in that year, there are so many variables: Strong Metal or Weak; Strong Water or Weak; Strong Wood or Weak; Strong Fire or Weak; Strong Earth or Weak.7. For example, if you are considered as a weak wood; but your spouse is a strong water person. Here, even if both of you are either a pig or a snake; under the five elements concept: strong water supports weak wood. Thus based on the bazi; this two persons: are considered to be very compatible. As a weak wood person; gets support from a strong water person. And a strong water person; can have weak wood to draw out the too much water; making the strong water = balanced out... Quote On 3/13/2011 8:37:46 AM, Anonymous wrote:Good day!My girlfriend and Iare 6 years apart andaccording to the info (basisthe animal signs)in yourwebsite, our relationship isconsidered "verydifficult'. I'm ofthepig signandshe's of the snake sign.According to your free'comparison', we have noclashes in the heavenly stembut two clashes (year pillar& year pillar + yearpillar & day pillar) inthe earthlybranch.Doesthat mean we will not befortunate/happy together orthere's some kind ofremedy?Thanks!Bestregards,Gerald Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 14, 2011 Staff Share Posted March 14, 2011 Further to what I had mentioned:-1. The adage: "Love is blind" ....2. Sometimes; it is best not to relate or look into the area of compatibility; as often the dangers are:-2.1. Auto-suggestionFor example, if we scold a rabbit or a sheep; it is none the wiser. But if the couple has a major quarrel; one never knows; one may even bring up the issue of "compatibility" and doubt may set i.2.2. Self-fullfilling prophecyIt may literally come true!3. Best advice is if both of you really are in love and make that life long commitment; don't look back at "such things" Chinese zodiac signs etc... Quote On 3/14/2011 12:09:32 PM, Anonymous wrote:These are some of the considerations:-1.Based on one's Year of birth; yes, inthe attached picture diagram; every sixyears, the animal sign facing each otheris suppose to be the "worstpairing":- We can't change thebasic Chinese Astrology / Zodiac signmeans of suggesting the above "worst"paring. Thus, in the attached diagram;correspondingly; the rat's worst pairingis that of a horse.3. The good news; isthat the above; today, is equivalent of"kindergarten" type of Chinese Astrologyas it is based soley on one's YEAR ofbirth.4. Tze Wei Tou Shou is quitesimilar to Ba Zi; and for ba zi; theinputs are even more :4.1. In order tocreate a ba zi chart; it is compulsoryto have: DD / MM / YYYY . Time ofbirth is good but if not available;still acceptable.5. Thus; Chineseastrology needs only one field: Year ofbirth; Ba zi needs at least threevariables: Day / Month / Year (and evenHour of birth).6. For example; best tofurther check compatiblity is via one'sba zi.For example: Anyone can beborn in a specific year e.g. 1980. Butin that year, there are so manyvariables: Strong Metal orWeak; Strong Water or Weak; StrongWood or Weak; Strong Fire or Weak;Strong Earth or Weak.7. For example, ifyou are considered as a weak wood; butyour spouse is a strong water person.Here, even if both of you are either apig or a snake; under the five elementsconcept: strong water supports weakwood. Thus based on the bazi; this twopersons: are considered to be verycompatible. As a weak wood person; getssupport from a strong water person. Anda strong water person; can have weakwood to draw out the too much water;making the strong water = balancedout... On 3/13/2011 8:37:46 AM,Anonymous wrote:Good day!Mygirlfriend and Iare 6 years apartandaccording to the info (basisthe animal signs)in yourwebsite, our relationship isconsidered "verydifficult'. I'm ofthepig signandshe'sof the snake sign.Accordingto your free'comparison', we havenoclashes in the heavenly stembut two clashes (year pillar& year pillar + yearpillar& day pillar) intheearthlybranch.Doesthat meanwe will not befortunate/happytogether orthere's some kind ofremedy?Thanks!Bestregards,Gerald Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 14, 2011 Staff Share Posted March 14, 2011 This came from the first page of my website: nature of love is one of the great mysteries of life. "One way you can improve your relationship and love life by understanding one another's personality."Many of us, after reading something.. e.g. the characterists of a "pig" and may even consciously or unconciously act out the role of a "pig". If so, the above statement in BLUE, should be a 'counter' to auto-suggestion. Thus, if one feels that the Chinese zodiac signs lead us to fear our opposite; one could instead; use this adversity in a positive manner; by reading up the "traits" of say both our sign to better understand the tempermanet and behaviour of the other party!That is how; I personally realistically feel that this is a better model. Quote On 3/14/2011 1:25:15 PM, Anonymous wrote:Further to what I had mentioned:-1. Theadage: "Love is blind" ....2. Sometimes;it is best not to relate or look intothe area of compatibility; as often thedangers are:-2.1. Auto-suggestionForexample, if we scold a rabbit or asheep; it is none the wiser. But if thecouple has a major quarrel; one neverknows; one may even bring up the issueof "compatibility" and doubt may seti.2.2. Self-fullfilling prophecyIt mayliterally come true!3. Best advice is ifboth of you really are in love and makethat life long commitment; don't lookback at "such things" Chinese zodiacsigns etc...On 3/14/2011 12:09:32 PM,Cecil Lee wrote:These are some ofthe considerations:-1.Based onone's Year of birth; yes, intheattached picture diagram; every sixyears, the animal sign facing eachotheris suppose to be the "worstpairing":- We can'tchange thebasic Chinese Astrology /Zodiac signmeans of suggesting theabove "worst"paring. Thus, in theattached diagram;correspondingly;the rat's worst pairingis that of ahorse.3. The good news; isthat theabove; today, is equivalent of"kindergarten" type of ChineseAstrologyas it is based soley onone's YEAR ofbirth.4. Tze Wei TouShou is quitesimilar to Ba Zi; andfor ba zi; theinputs are even more:4.1. In order tocreate a ba zichart; it is compulsorytohave: DD / MM / YYYY . Time ofbirth is good but if not available;still acceptable.5. Thus; Chineseastrology needs only one field: Yearofbirth; Ba zi needs at least threevariables: Day / Month / Year (andevenHour of birth).6. For example;best tofurther check compatiblityis via one'sba zi.Forexample: Anyone can beborn ina specific year e.g. 1980. Butinthat year, there are so manyvariables: Strong Metal orWeak; Strong Water or Weak;StrongWood or Weak; Strong Fire orWeak;Strong Earth or Weak.7. Forexample, ifyou are considered as aweak wood; butyour spouse is astrong water person.Here, even ifboth of you are either apig or asnake; under the five elementsconcept: strong water supports weakwood. Thus based on the bazi; thistwopersons: are considered to beverycompatible. As a weak woodperson; getssupport from a strongwater person. Anda strong waterperson; can have weakwood to drawout the too much water;making thestrong water = balancedout... On3/13/2011 8:37:46 AM,Anonymouswrote:Good day!Mygirlfriendand Iare 6 years apartandaccording to the info (basisthe animal signs)in yourwebsite, our relationship isconsidered "verydifficult'. I'm ofthepig signandshe'sof the snake sign.Accordingto your free'comparison', we havenoclashes in the heavenly stembut two clashes (year pillar& year pillar + yearpillar& day pillar) intheearthlybranch.Doesthat meanwe will not befortunate/happytogether orthere's some kind ofremedy?Thanks!Bestregards,Gerald Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_149301 Posted March 14, 2011 Share Posted March 14, 2011 Hi Master Cecil,Many thanks your super prompt reply.We totally understand what you mean.However, both of our birth elements are strong earth.Does that mean we may not have an easy marriage/ relationship?What can we do to improve the situation?Try to have almost everything around us in white/ metallic to neutralize/ reduceour strong earth birth element?Thanks again! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 14, 2011 Staff Share Posted March 14, 2011 Applying the concept of "The Holy Trinity" of Luck:-1. Heaven Luck = ba zi : this includes both of you being strong earth2. Earth Luck = Feng Shui of home and office3. Human Luck (or man luck) = relationship with each other.Mathematically, each of the above three luck =Heaven Luck = 33.3333 percentEarth Luck = 33.3333 percentHuman Luck = 33.3333 percentOverall, I have always mentioned: some people are not blessed with good Heaven Luck and in your case; the two partners are strong earth person.Thus, one should try to squeeze out luck from earth and/or Human luck.Sometimes; some people also have average Earth luck or Feng Shui.So how; commonsense or cowsense says that there are lots of people; who don't have both heaven and earth luck; but; they have good family bonding etc.. and this third category called Human or Man luck factors is in essence = RELATIONSHIP building... Got it, get it? Quote On 3/14/2011 3:24:41 PM, Anonymous wrote:Hi Master Cecil,Many thanksyour super prompt reply.Wetotally understand what youmean.However, both of ourbirth elements are strongearth.Does that mean we maynot have an easy marriage/relationship?What can we do toimprove thesituation?Try tohave almost everything aroundus in white/ metallic toneutralize/ reduceourstrong earth birthelement?Thanksagain! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_149301 Posted March 16, 2011 Share Posted March 16, 2011 Hi Master Lee,It's crystal clear now. Thank you very much! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_149301 Posted March 18, 2011 Share Posted March 18, 2011 Dear Master Lee,Since my girlfriend and myself are both strong earth people and there's certainly not much we can derive from theheaven luck,what can we do (earth luck aspects) more to keep our relationship more 'harmonious'? We know that the metal element is good for us and thus we arelooking into the possibility to fill the apartment with more whites and 'metals'. Should we also consider having our bedroom and living roomin theNW (big metal) and W (small metal) sectorsas well?Our concern now is that our apartment's master bedroomis in the NE (earth)sector and would that mean that we would be too overwhelmed with the earth element if we were torest in the NE room? Could you please advise us on what would be the 'side effect' of having too much of the earth element?Thank you! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 18, 2011 Staff Share Posted March 18, 2011 1. Yes, there is a limitation to how much one can squeeze out of Heaven Luck.2. On the Earth luck side; frankly, if your home were those with "Quantum Leap" in Feng Shui. If so; as the word suggests; it is in excess of all the Heaven Luck that one could get or ever squeeze out and even more.3. To find out what is Quantum Leap; do a Search for this term.4. Frankly, Feng Shui is a wide field. And it starts from the simple 3 L's: location, location and location. These three L's is really the major key success-factor in making, breaking or even having a Quantum Leap.5. What you are trying to squeeze out from your statement is : within the four walls of your home.6. If you seem to want to do DIY Feng Shui; then; you may have to apply Shapes and Forms plus the Two major Compass School Feng Shui theories into your home.7. Please note that what you are mentioning in all your statements are : You, her, both partners = trying to squeeze out luck from the bazi elements or colours.8. But do you know that; yes, both partners have your DD/MM/YY and even HHMM.9. But, you can't just eat and sleep based only on your DD/MM/YY and even HHMM.10. Do take note that you have not even considered: the Feng Shui aspect. For example one Feng Shui aspect relates to the Flying Star Feng Shui.11. For example; every home or apartment MUST fall within or onto one of the 15 directions. Of course, there is the bad luck homes that fall in-between. That is another sad story. 12. You only considered your birthdates. Flying Star Feng Shui also is based on the birthdate of the home. For example; a home can even have a birthdate ofT.O.P. in 2004! 13. Thus, you can't just use tunnel vision and think otherwise or in isolation that just because both of you need metal or lots of it; the home may need it also. 14. However, in some instances; metal element may be needed in a Flying Star sector; but not all sectors could benefit by metal. 15. Thus, unfortunately, your idea of squeezing out luck is flawed.Just imagine; what you had written below is like both of you own and share a car. BUT WAIT! You don't own the road! You can't just drive thru a RED LIGHT. You still have to OBEY the traffic lights.16. Here, the traffic lights are like the Flying Star variable. Please think about it, please. Quote On 3/18/2011 3:53:41 PM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Master Lee,Since mygirlfriend and myself are bothstrong earth people andthere's certainly not much wecan derive fromtheheavenluck,what can we do(earth luck aspects) more tokeep our relationship more'harmonious'? We knowthat the metal element is goodfor us and thus wearelooking into thepossibility to fill theapartment with more whites and'metals'. Should we alsoconsider having our bedroomand living roomintheNW (big metal) and W(small metal) sectorsaswell?Our concernnow is that our apartment'smaster bedroomis in theNE (earth)sector andwould that mean that we wouldbe too overwhelmed with theearth element if we weretorest in the NEroom? Could you pleaseadvise us on what would be the'side effect' of having toomuch of the earthelement?Thank you! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 18, 2011 Staff Share Posted March 18, 2011 Further to what I mentioned;In the past, around the 1970's and 1980's; Feng Shui was not as sophisticated as today; Feng Shui practitioners could easily pass-off the concept that say; since this chap lacks wood; that fella would happily make his home full of "wood".Today, this may be challenged by Feng Shui smart clients! Quote On 3/18/2011 5:26:27 PM, Anonymous wrote:1. Yes, there is a limitation to howmuch one can squeeze out of HeavenLuck.2. On the Earth luck side; frankly,if your home were those with "QuantumLeap" in Feng Shui. If so; as the wordsuggests; it is in excess of all theHeaven Luck that one could get or eversqueeze out and even more.3. To find outwhat is Quantum Leap; do a Search forthis term.4. Frankly, Feng Shui is awide field. And it starts from thesimple 3 L's: location, location andlocation. These three L's is really themajor key success-factor in making,breaking or even having a QuantumLeap.5. What you are trying to squeezeout from your statement is : within thefour walls of your home.6. If you seemto want to do DIY Feng Shui; then; youmay have to apply Shapes and Forms plusthe Two major Compass School Feng Shuitheories into your home.7. Please notethat what you are mentioning in all yourstatements are : You, her, both partners= trying to squeeze out luck from thebazi elements or colours.8. But do youknow that; yes, both partners have yourDD/MM/YY and even HHMM.9. But, you can'tjust eat and sleep based only on yourDD/MM/YY and even HHMM.10. Do take notethat you have not even considered: theFeng Shui aspect. For example one FengShui aspect relates to the Flying StarFeng Shui.11. For example; every home orapartment MUST fall within or onto oneof the 15 directions. Of course, thereis the bad luck homes that fallin-between. That is another sad story.12. You only considered your birthdates.Flying Star Feng Shui also is based onthe birthdate of the home. For example;a home can even have a birthdateof?T.O.P. in 2004! 13. Thus, youcan't just use tunnel vision and thinkotherwise or in isolation that justbecause both of you need metal or lotsof it; the home may need it also. 14.However, in some instances; metalelement may be needed in a Flying Starsector; but not all sectors couldbenefit by metal. 15. Thus,unfortunately, your idea of squeezingout luck is flawed.?Just imagine;what you had written below is like bothof you own and share a car. BUT WAIT!You don't own the road! You can't justdrive thru a RED LIGHT. You still haveto OBEY the traffic lights.16. Here, thetraffic lights are like the Flying Starvariable. Please think about it,please.On 3/18/2011 3:53:41 PM,Anonymous wrote: >Dear MasterLee,Since my >girlfriend and myselfare both >strong earth people andthere's certainly not much wecan derive from >the?heavenluck,?what can we do >(earthluck aspects) more to >keep ourrelationship more'harmonious'?? We know >thatthe metal element is good >for us andthus we >are?looking into thepossibility to fill theapartment with more whites and'metals'.? Should we alsoconsider having our bedroom >andliving room?in >the?NW (bigmetal) and W >(small metal)sectors?as >well???Ourconcern >now is that our apartment'smaster bedroom?is in the >NE(earth)?sector and >would thatmean that we would >be toooverwhelmed with the >earth elementif we were >to?rest in the NEroom?? Could you pleaseadvise us on what would be the'side effect' of having too >muchof the earth >element??Thankyou! >??? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_149301 Posted March 19, 2011 Share Posted March 19, 2011 Hi Master Lee,We are not sure if we have clearly understood what youwere trying to tell us on how we can improve the feng shui of our house but we do appreciate very much your comments + time.It would certainly be good if we were to lack certain element/s, we just add more of these elements or their symbols in the house.Too bad this is really not the case. Otherwise, all of us would easily be Feng Shui Masters! Once again, thanks for sharing! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 19, 2011 Staff Share Posted March 19, 2011 Look at it this way:1. Pretend that you are now in the 1970's2. You engaged a "Geomancer" for your home.3. The geomancer's key suggestion to you is"Both of you lack metal or rather needs more metal!"4.Since you are the driving force behind the concern: "YOUR FACE LIGHTED UP LIKE A CHRISMAS TREE!'5.Wow : This Geomancer founda SOLUTION forME!(While that one I searched and found in the internet in the 2011's couldn't offfer me a solution!)6. Since many of us dwell with HUMAN factors or FEEL good factors; instead of sulking after reading the "negatives"; you place lots of metal..7. And LIKE all the fairy tale story's : BOTH OF YOU LIVE HAPPILY THERE AFTER! 8. How about that! One up for HUMAN or MAN LUCK factor! Heck with all the today's Fung Sway complications like: #8 = current prosperity; Mountain stars; Water stars; #5 = misfortune, sickness; #3 = quarrels, conflicts, lawsuits etc....GOT IT, GET IT? Quote On 3/19/2011 8:55:11 AM, Anonymous wrote:Hi Master Lee,We are not sureif we have clearly understoodwhat youwere trying totell us on how we can improvethe feng shui of our house butwe do appreciate very muchyour comments + time.Itwould certainly be good if wewere to lack certainelement/s, we just add more ofthese elements or theirsymbols in thehouse.Too bad thisis really not the case.Otherwise, all of us wouldeasily be Feng ShuiMasters! Once again,thanks for sharing! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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