myfs_136122 Posted July 18, 2011 Share Posted July 18, 2011 Hi Mr CecilMy fiancee belongs to the South house (Li), while I belong to the North-East house (Ken).I've attached the floor plan of Apartment 1 which we like. But we've opposing favourable directions.Hers: N - Logevity, NE - Disaster, E - Prosperity, SE - Health, S - Excellent, SW - Irritation, W - Spook, NW - DeathMine: N - Spook, NE - Excellent, E - Irritation, SE - Death, S - Disaster, SW - Prosperity, W - Longevity, NW - Health(1) I'll sleep close to the west side while she sleeps close to the South side, as shown in the picture attached below, will this solve the problem?(2) I've listed the position of a buddha altar in red & it's facing the door, is this position ideal?(3)Our apartment 1main door is directly facing the other apartment's main door. I read that luck or good qi will be sucked away by the other apartment or vice versa, can I place a pair of Qilin outside to solve the problem?(4) Store room next to the main door is also not good right, what if I knock down the part of the store room wall nearest to the main door, as shown in the picture?Best regardsWangchuk Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 27, 2011 Staff Share Posted July 27, 2011 My comments in red(1) I'll sleep close to the west side while she sleeps close to the South side, as shown in the picture attached below, will this solve the problem?Yes, this is usually the advice given.(2) I've listed the position of a buddha altar in red & it's facing the door, is this position ideal?It is quite normal to have an ordinary buddha altar to face a door. As to the colour red; limited info to go on.(3) Our apartment 1 main door is directly facing the other apartment's main door. I read that luck or good qi will be sucked away by the other apartment or vice versa, can I place a pair of Qilin outside to solve the problem?So long as your neighour don't react adversely e.g. place a convex or concave bagua mirror facing you as a reaction to what you had done is OK.(4) Store room next to the main door is also not good right, what if I knock down the part of the store room wall nearest to the main door, as shown in the picture?Such questions best to plot a flying star chart to check what stars are at that location. For example, if the storeroom had currently locked bad stars e.g. #5 or #2 or combinations of them and knocking the wall down and releasing especially such stars may be detrimental. Quote On 7/18/2011 1:38:14 AM, Anonymous wrote:Hi Mr CecilMy fiancee belongsto the South house (Li), whileI belong to the North-Easthouse (Ken).I've attached thefloor plan of Apartment 1which we like. But we'veopposing favourabledirections.Hers: N - Logevity,NE - Disaster, E - Prosperity,SE - Health, S -Excellent, SW -Irritation, W - Spook, NW -DeathMine: N - Spook, NE -Excellent, E - Irritation, SE- Death, S - Disaster, SW -Prosperity, W - Longevity, NW- Health(1) I'll sleep closeto the west side while shesleeps close to the Southside, as shown in the pictureattached below, will thissolve the problem?(2) I'velisted the position of abuddha altar in red & it'sfacing the door, is thisposition ideal?(3)Ourapartment 1main door isdirectly facing the otherapartment's main door. I readthat luck or good qi will besucked away by the otherapartment or vice versa, can Iplace a pair of Qilin outsideto solve the problem?(4) Storeroom next to the main door isalso not good right, what if Iknock down the part of thestore room wall nearest to themain door, as shown in thepicture?Best regardsWangchuk Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_136122 Posted July 27, 2011 Share Posted July 27, 2011 Thanks Mr CecilI've attached the apartment's flying chart below, it's in period 8, if I knock down that storeroom wall will bad stars be released?I think it has #3 & #5 bad stars? If it has, does that mean there's nothing I can do to stop the negative effect of the storeroom in that sector?(4) Store room next to the main door is also not good right, what if I knock down the part of the store room wall nearest to the main door, as shown in the picture?Such questions best to plot a flying star chart to check what stars are at that location. For example, if the storeroom had currently locked bad stars e.g. #5 or #2 or combinations of them and knocking the wall down and releasing especially such stars may be detrimental. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 27, 2011 Staff Share Posted July 27, 2011 Just took a look at the store room:1. It is tiny2. It is generally in an "enclosed" areaThus in my opinion, unless it is at "frontage" areas where there are openings at that sector; then best not to knock it down. But given that it is at the location in the layout; in general; I don't see a major issue, here. Quote On 7/27/2011 9:28:40 PM, Anonymous wrote:Thanks Mr CecilI've attachedthe apartment's flying chartbelow, it's in period 8, if Iknock down that storeroom wallwill bad stars be released?Ithink it has #3 & #5 badstars? If it has, does thatmean there's nothing I can doto stop the negative effect ofthe storeroom in thatsector?(4) Store room next tothe main door is also not goodright, what if I knock downthe part of the store roomwall nearest to the main door,as shown in the picture?Suchquestions best to plot aflying star chart to checkwhat stars are at thatlocation. For example, if thestoreroom had currently lockedbad stars e.g. #5 or #2 orcombinations of them andknocking the wall down andreleasing especially suchstars may be detrimental. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 27, 2011 Staff Share Posted July 27, 2011 Further to what I had mentioned, below in red; this link:- I'll sleep close to the west side while she sleeps close to the South side, as shown in the picture attached below, will this solve the problem?Yes, this is usually the advice given. Quote On 7/27/2011 8:31:47 PM, Anonymous wrote:My comments in red(1) I'll sleep closeto the west side while she sleeps closeto the South side, as shown in thepicture attached below, will this solvethe problem?Yes, this is usually theadvice given.(2) I've listed theposition of a buddha altar in red &it's facing the door, is this positionideal?It is quite normal to have anordinary buddha altar to face a door. Asto the colour red; limited info to goon.(3) Our apartment 1 main door isdirectly facing the other apartment'smain door. I read that luck or good qiwill be sucked away by the otherapartment or vice versa, can I place apair of Qilin outside to solve theproblem?So long as your neighour don'treact adversely e.g. place a convex orconcave bagua mirror facing you as areaction to what you had done is OK.(4)Store room next to the main door is alsonot good right, what if I knock down thepart of the store room wall nearest tothe main door, as shown in thepicture?Such questions best to plot aflying star chart to check what starsare at that location. For example, ifthe storeroom had currently locked badstars e.g. #5 or #2 or combinations ofthem and knocking the wall down andreleasing especially such stars may bedetrimental.On 7/18/2011 1:38:14 AM,paul wangchuk wrote:Hi Mr CecilMyfiancee belongsto the South house(Li), whileI belong to theNorth-Easthouse (Ken).I've attachedthefloor plan of Apartment 1which we like. But we'veopposing favourabledirections.Hers: N - Logevity,NE - Disaster, E - Prosperity,SE - Health, S -Excellent, SW -Irritation, W - Spook, NW -DeathMine: N - Spook, NE -Excellent, E - Irritation, SE-Death, S - Disaster, SW -Prosperity, W - Longevity, NW-Health(1) I'll sleep closeto thewest side while shesleeps close tothe Southside, as shown in thepictureattached below, will thissolve the problem?(2) I'velisted the position of abuddhaaltar in red & it'sfacing thedoor, is thispositionideal?(3)Ourapartment1main door isdirectly facingthe otherapartment's main door. Ireadthat luck or good qi will besucked away by the otherapartment or vice versa, can Iplace a pair of Qilin outsidetosolve the problem?(4) Storeroomnext to the main door isalso notgood right, what if Iknock down thepart of thestore room wall nearestto themain door, as shown in thepicture?Best regardsWangchuk Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 27, 2011 Staff Share Posted July 27, 2011 In this worked SAMPLE illustration:1. Take a look at Bedroom 2.2. Since "Mum's" eight house chart shows Heath while "Dad's" chart shows "irritation" at SOUTH sector; 3. Thus in the illustration; it is preferred that if "mum and dad" occupies bedroom 2; "Mum" should sleep closer to the bedroom window while "Dad" sleeps closer to the bedroom door side.4. This is one of the key areas the Eight House chart is used; for. Quote On 7/27/2011 10:22:05 PM, Anonymous wrote:Further to what I had mentioned, belowin red; thislink:- I'll sleep close to the west sidewhile she sleeps close to the Southside, as shown in the picture attachedbelow, will this solve the problem?Yes,this is usually the advice given.On7/27/2011 8:31:47 PM, Cecil Lee wrote:My comments in red(1) I'll sleepcloseto the west side while shesleeps closeto the South side, asshown in thepicture attached below,will this solvethe problem?Yes,this is usually theadvice given.(2)I've listed theposition of a buddhaaltar in red &it's facing thedoor, is this positionideal?It isquite normal to have anordinarybuddha altar to face a door. Astothe colour red; limited info to goon.(3) Our apartment 1 main door isdirectly facing the otherapartment'smain door. I read thatluck or good qiwill be sucked awayby the otherapartment or viceversa, can I place apair of Qilinoutside to solve theproblem?So longas your neighour don'treactadversely e.g. place a convex orconcave bagua mirror facing you as areaction to what you had done isOK.(4)Store room next to the maindoor is alsonot good right, what ifI knock down thepart of the storeroom wall nearest tothe main door,as shown in thepicture?Suchquestions best to plot aflying starchart to check what starsare atthat location. For example, ifthestoreroom had currently locked badstars e.g. #5 or #2 or combinationsofthem and knocking the wall downandreleasing especially such starsmay bedetrimental.On 7/18/20111:38:14 AM,paul wangchuk wrote:Hi Mr CecilMyfiancee belongsto the South house(Li), whileI belong to theNorth-Easthouse (Ken).I've attachedthefloor plan of Apartment 1which we like. But we'veopposing favourabledirections.Hers: N - Logevity,NE - Disaster, E - Prosperity,SE - Health, S -Excellent, SW -Irritation, W - Spook, NW -DeathMine: N - Spook, NE -Excellent, E - Irritation, SE-Death, S - Disaster, SW -Prosperity, W - Longevity, NW-Health(1) I'll sleep closeto thewest side while shesleeps close tothe Southside, as shown in thepictureattached below, will thissolve the problem?(2) I'velisted the position of abuddhaaltar in red & it'sfacing thedoor, is thispositionideal?(3)Ourapartment1main door isdirectly facingthe otherapartment's main door. Ireadthat luck or good qi will besucked away by the otherapartment or vice versa, can Iplace a pair of Qilin outsidetosolve the problem?(4) Storeroomnext to the main door isalso notgood right, what if Iknock down thepart of thestore room wall nearestto themain door, as shown in thepicture?Best regardsWangchuk Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 23, 2024 Staff Share Posted July 23, 2024 Get Expert Help from Master Cecil Lee for your Altar Placement Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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