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Main Door faces SE which is unlucky dir for me


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Hello All,
I had bought a new flat and found that the main dorr faces the SE direction which is assumed to be unlucky direction for me and my wofe both. My Kua number is 2 and my wiffe's 6. We are West direction people.
Please advise in order to minmize the effect od unlucky direction and how we can increase the good flow of energy in our case ?
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1. Feng Shui is a holistic approach and depends on two major concepts:-

1.1 Shapes and Forms Feng Shui

1.2 Compass School Feng Shui

2. In my opinion, you have barely scratched the surface; as you have just looked only at the Eight house concept which is by itself is not complete as this theory and concept belongs to one-half of the Compass School Feng Shui.

3. It is akin to someone visiting a general practitioner and the practitioner felt that the patient's breast has a lump.

4. I am sure the doctor would not automatically jump to the wrong conclusion.

5. I am also sure that the doctor would require this patient to further tests.

6. It is the same as what you had mentioned.

7. It depends! On the results of FURTHER tests or scan(s).

8. If it is found to be true, then :-


On 11/18/2011 2:14:19 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hello All,I had bought a new
flat and found that the main
dorr faces the SE direction
which is assumed to be unlucky
direction for me and my wofe
both. My Kua number is 2 and
my wiffe's 6. We are West
direction people. Please
advise in order to minmize the
effect od unlucky direction
and how we can increase the
good flow of energy in our
case ?RegardsAniket

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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