myfs_148934 Posted February 3, 2012 Share Posted February 3, 2012 Dear Cecil,Happy New Year of the Dragon and Gong Xi Fa Chai!According to flying star chart, there are stars 2 & 5 in south east sector of my house (front facing 90 deg east). That's why the bathroom 1 (see attachment) is located.The attached bathroom 1 has a door and also the walk in wardrobe area has a sliding door. Is this good enough to capture the bad stars? Is bedroom 1 out of the boundary of this bad sector?The bedroom door is next to the safety panel of the high open ceiling and the stair. Perhaps I will put a partition screen next to stair.Hope to hear your advice to clear my concerns.Thank you. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted February 3, 2012 Staff Share Posted February 3, 2012 Gong Xi Fa Cai!These are some considerations:1. Feng Shui is a holistic approach. 2. When looking at qi, in one of this year's forum message, I had advised a user how to look at qi.3. I believe, I mentioned in a previous forum message to look out of qi coming into the home. 4. Thus, you should also be checking to see if there are any openings, how large etc... sharing the external toilet wall.5. In my opinion, based on your rough sketch, it is reasonable to assume that the stars may be locked up in the toilet especially one plots a pie chart and see where is the actual cardinal point and that sector; and wether there are any openings if possible.6. Thus, if this is the 2nd storey, in the real world; lock up is not like a bio-harzard level 3 or more type of facility; this is utopian.7. Furthermore, please remember ONE thing! Especially for a landed property: qi is strongest at ground level.8. Frankly, you are just like staring into the sky; but critical is also the ground level sort of thing.9. If you have done as reasonable as you can at the 2nd level; then within boundaries, you have done your very best at the level or at that sector. 10. A home is meant to be stayed in. Don't go to the extreme. On this same topic; there are some insane Geomancers out there; where I had encountered telling their clients; worse still : Don't use that bloody toilet!.. Go think about it... 11. At the end of the day is: You stay there, WE don't... Quote On 2/3/2012 4:00:45 PM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Cecil,Happy New Year ofthe Dragon and Gong Xi FaChai!According to flying starchart, there are stars 2& 5 in south eastsector of my house (frontfacing 90 deg east). That'swhy the bathroom 1 (seeattachment) islocated.Theattached bathroom 1 has a doorand also the walk in wardrobearea has a sliding door. Isthis good enough to capturethe bad stars? Isbedroom 1 out of the boundaryof this bad sector?The bedroomdoor is next to the safetypanel of the high open ceilingand the stair. Perhaps I willput a partition screen next tostair.Hope to hear your adviceto clear my concerns.Thankyou. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted February 3, 2012 Staff Share Posted February 3, 2012 I have just moved this very useful entire thread, here:- one has the time, can check out this "worked real life example".Here, I have elaborated the benefit of plotting a pie-chart. And gave examples of how to determine how qi could be interpreted.In your case, frankly, you merely say this or that, but from the attached example, why use pie chart and why plot out the cardinal points etc...For some searching this thread using the Google search, wait a while until google's robot re-update this link in their database. As Google treats all resources under this forum as useful. Thus, it is more relevant to post info that is useful and beneficial to all. Not like the last most recent message posted by a newbie... again, no one else cares another person's particulars. Quote On 2/3/2012 10:26:01 PM, Anonymous wrote:Gong Xi Fa Cai!These are someconsiderations:1. Feng Shui is aholistic approach. 2. When looking atqi, in one of this year's forum message,I had advised a user how to look atqi.3. I believe, I mentioned in aprevious forum message to look out of qicoming into the home. 4. Thus, youshould also be checking to see if thereare any openings, how large etc...sharing the external toilet wall.5. Inmy opinion, based on your rough sketch,it is reasonable to assume that thestars may be locked up in the toiletespecially one plots a pie chart and seewhere is the actual cardinal point andthat sector; and wether there are anyopenings if possible.6. Thus, if this isthe 2nd storey, in the real world; lockup is not like a bio-harzard level 3 ormore type of facility; this isutopian.7. Furthermore, please rememberONE thing! Especially for a landedproperty: qi is strongest at groundlevel.8. Frankly, you are just likestaring into the sky; but critical isalso the ground level sort of thing.9.If you have done as reasonable as youcan at the 2nd level; then withinboundaries, you have done your very bestat the level or at that sector. 10. Ahome is meant to be stayed in. Don't goto the extreme. On this same topic;there are some insane Geomancers outthere; where I had encountered tellingtheir clients; worse still : Don't usethat bloody toilet!.. Go think aboutit... 11. At the end of the day is: Youstay there, WE don't... On 2/3/20124:00:45 PM, Anonymous wrote:DearCecil,Happy New Year ofthe Dragonand Gong Xi FaChai!According toflying starchart, there are stars 2& 5 in south eastsector of my house (frontfacing90 deg east). That'swhy thebathroom 1 (seeattachment) islocated.Theattachedbathroom 1 has a doorand also thewalk in wardrobearea has a slidingdoor. Isthis good enough to capturethe bad stars? Isbedroom1 out of the boundaryof this badsector?The bedroomdoor is next tothe safetypanel of the high openceilingand the stair. Perhaps Iwillput a partition screen next tostair.Hope to hear your adviceto clear my concerns.Thankyou. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_148934 Posted February 4, 2012 Share Posted February 4, 2012 Dear Cecil,If I plot a pie chart, both bathroom and bedroom are in the SE sector (flying stars 2 & 5).What's the remedy to put for the bedroom?In this case, shall I make a big window in the bathroom to have a primary influence of qi to capture the bad stars?Appreciate your advice here. Quote On 2/3/2012 10:39:11 PM, Anonymous wrote:I have just moved this very usefulentire thread,here:- one has the time, can check out this"worked real life example".Here, I haveelaborated the benefit of plotting apie-chart. And gave examples of how todetermine how qi could be interpreted.Inyour case, frankly, you merely say thisor that, but from the attached example,why use pie chart and why plot out thecardinal points etc...For some searchingthis thread using the Google search,wait a while until google's robotre-update this link in their database.As Google treats all resources underthis forum as useful. Thus, it is morerelevant to post info that is useful andbeneficial to all. Not like the lastmost recent message posted by anewbie... again, no one else caresanother person's particulars.On 2/3/201210:26:01 PM, Cecil Lee wrote: >GongXi Fa Cai!These are someconsiderations:1. Feng Shui is aholistic approach. 2. When lookingat >qi, in one of this year's forummessage, >I had advised a user how tolook at >qi.3. I believe, I mentionedin a >previous forum message to lookout of qi >coming into the home. 4.Thus, you >should also be checking tosee if there >are any openings, howlarge etc... >sharing the externaltoilet wall.5. In >my opinion, basedon your rough sketch, >it isreasonable to assume that the >starsmay be locked up in the toiletespecially one plots a pie chart andsee >where is the actual cardinalpoint and >that sector; and wetherthere are any >openings ifpossible.6. Thus, if this is >the 2ndstorey, in the real world; lock >upis not like a bio-harzard level 3 ormore type of facility; this isutopian.7. Furthermore, pleaseremember >ONE thing! Especially for alanded >property: qi is strongest atground >level.8. Frankly, you arejust like >staring into the sky; butcritical is >also the ground levelsort of thing.9. >If you have done asreasonable as you >can at the 2ndlevel; then within >boundaries, youhave done your very best >at thelevel or at that sector. 10. A >homeis meant to be stayed in. Don't goto the extreme. On this same topic;there are some insane Geomancers outthere; where I had encounteredtelling >their clients; worse still :Don't use >that bloody toilet!.. Gothink about >it... 11. At the end ofthe day is: You >stay there, WEdon't... On 2/3/2012 >4:00:45 PM,Anonymous wrote: >DearCecil,Happy New Year of >theDragon >and Gong Xi FaChai!According to >flying starchart, there are stars 2& 5 in south eastsector of my house (frontfacing >90 deg east). That'swhy the >bathroom 1 (seeattachment) islocated.Theattached >bathroom 1 has a doorand also the >walk in wardrobearea has a sliding >door. Isthis good enough to capturethe bad stars? Isbedroom >1 out of the boundaryof this bad >sector?The bedroomdoor is next to >the safetypanel of the high open >ceilingand the stair. Perhaps I >willput a partition screen next tostair.Hope to hear your adviceto clear my concerns.Thankyou. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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