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Wall Facing Rooms And Lift


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Hi Master Cecil,
1) We have this wall facing my daughter's room (W), my master room (NW) and kitchen (N) from the next block of flat. May I ask about the feng shui effect it has on our house? What cure should I apply in this sense?
2) Our block is currently in the midst of LUP (lift upgrading programme). The lift will be at the left side of my balcony looking out but if I stand in the middle of my house facing my main door, the lift is located at the right side of my apartment. Again what is the feng shui effect on our house and the cure I should apply?
I need your advice on the above 2 issues and I will be definitely be most thankful.
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  • Staff

In my opinion, if you are into DIY, these are some considerations:

1. You said "we have this wall facing my daughter's room."

1.1 I assume that you are referring to an extra block's wall. (As I always mention, often when some one writes texts, they assume that everyone else understands ?)

1.2 If assume it is Para1.1; then if there is a window of daughter's bedroom facing this wall; common sense says that her study table (if any) should not face this "wall" as often light can be reflectec into her room.

2. Your question about what cures etc.. This is very common: understand this term "TRIAGE" or search for this term.

On 6/12/2012 3:40:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Master Cecil,1) We have
this wall facing my daughter's
room (W), my master room (NW)
and kitchen (N) from the next
block of flat. May I ask about
the feng shui effect it has on
our house? What cure should I
apply in this sense?2) Our
block is currently in the
midst of LUP (lift upgrading
programme). The lift will be
at the left side of my balcony
looking out but if I stand in
the middle of my house facing
my main door, the lift is
located at the right side of
my apartment. Again what is
the feng shui effect on our
house and the cure I should
I need your advice on the
above 2 issues and I will be
definitely be most thankful.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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