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Entrance Door underneath Balcony


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Dear Mr Lee;
I am about to build my double storey house and would like to have you advice concerning the entrance door which will be underneath the balcony as shown on the attached layout.
Is this considered inauspicious entrance door?
Thank you in advance for your enlightenment.

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These are some considerations:

1. Before the final approval given to construct a new home;

1.1. Ground Floor compared to the 2nd storey layout

1.1.1 Try to superimpose the 2nd storey layout plan to the ground floor.

1.1.2 And for the Ground Floor level; look out especially for toilets at the 2nd storey.

1.1.3 Here, it is considered inauspicious to have the toilet especially the WC pipe(s) on the 2nd storey; above the main entrance door; and/or kitchen especially directly above the stove.

1.1.4 And any other living areas such as directly above the sofa or a bedroom. Also try to avoid the wc directly above the dining table.

2. 2nd Storey superimposed onto the ground floor layout

2. Most important consideration is to avoid a bed directly above the ground floor stove.

3. In your case, there is no major concerns for a balcony directly above the main door.

3.1. In fact, many, many homes even have a porch directly above the main door. And some homes, the 2nd floor (above) the porch is turned into a large balcony area.

3.2. Based on common sense, it makes excellent sense in your case; where the balcony is not too long, but good enough to provide a roof or shelter in the even of heavy rain / wind.

On 6/18/2012 9:54:28 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Mr Lee;I am about
to build my double storey
house and would like to have
you advice concerning the
entrance door which will be
underneath the balcony as
shown on the attached
layout.Is this considered
inauspicious entrance
door?Thank you in advance for

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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