myfs_155246 Posted June 29, 2012 Share Posted June 29, 2012 I'm pretty new to Feng Shui, so please bear with me. I have read a lot of conflicting info so hopefully I have some of the basic information correct.Our home was built in the early 1970's (so that would make it a 6) with a frontage of 75? EastThe living room is located pretty much in the North with a Mountain Star 3 and Water Star 8 (base of 2). From what I have read the WS 8 is where I would want to place a water feature (aquarium) however I have read that it should not be in a sector with a MS 3.Would it be better to place the aquarium in the dining room which has a North and an East wall (MS 1, WS 6 and Base 4) .. Or is the living room the preferred location? (There is a wood burning stove also located in the dining room along the Western wall of the room. I am not sure just which sector it falls into though.. and also don't know if it matters when not in use)I am planning on generating a floor plan on the computer later on today or tomorrow if that would help any.We are also considering a small koi pond outside the front door. But I am uncertain if it would be better off placed to the left of the door (East frontage) or along the side a bit where it would be located more in the North East or North. And advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_155246 Posted June 29, 2012 Share Posted June 29, 2012 Quote On 6/29/2012 12:16:56 AM, Anonymous wrote:I'm pretty new to Feng Shui,so please bear with me. I haveread a lot of conflicting infoso hopefully I have some ofthe basic informationcorrect.Our home was built inthe early 1970's (so thatwould make it a 6) with afrontage of 75? EastThe livingroom is located pretty much inthe North with a Mountain Star3 and Water Star 8 (base of2). From what I have read theWS 8 is where I would want toplace a water feature(aquarium) however I have readthat it should not be in asector with a MS 3.Would it bebetter to place the aquariumin the dining room which has aNorth and an East wall (MS 1,WS 6 and Base 4) .. Or is theliving room the preferredlocation? (There is a woodburning stove also located inthe dining room along theWestern wall of the room. I amnot sure just which sector itfalls into though.. and alsodon't know if it matters whennot in use)I am planning ongenerating a floor plan on thecomputer later on today ortomorrow if that would helpany.We are also considering asmall koi pond outside thefront door. But I am uncertainif it would be better offplaced to the left of the door(East frontage) or along theside a bit where it would belocated more in the North Eastor North. And advice you cangive me would be greatlyappreciated!And more conflicting info! I just read where changing the home (renovations) as well as change of ownership changes the house period?if that's true, the house was built in the early 70's (period 6)Sometimeafter that they added a new roof and an additional room. I believe thatwas in 1984, however I am not 100% sure. (Period 7)We bought thehouse in 2005, added slate tile to the living room in 2010 and areadding ceramic tile to the kitchen floor this summer. (Period 8)?So has the house changed from a Period 6 house to a Period 8 house?if so, would that give the dining room the best place for an aquarium (MS8, WS8, Base 6)?I'm still not sure of the placement for a koi pond and if the house period change would affect it or not. The period change would also give the bathroom in the South MS5, WS2, Base 3 and I have no idea what kind of cure to use there! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted June 29, 2012 Staff Share Posted June 29, 2012 These are some considerations:-1. In my opinion; about the Art and Science of Feng Shui.1.1. Many know the science of Feng Shui is about using the tools available e.g. Eight House Chart (4 Good/Bad directions); Flying Star and individual Ba Zi.1.2. Of course, the weakness of the above system(s) are that some may get it wrong especially under Ba Zi. But in this case, it is less of a relevance.2. The Art of Feng Shui is more trickly. It soley depends on one's interpretation and can vary as in from ebony to ivory (black to white or hot or cold).2.1. Thus, as there are many cooks, there are many Indian chiefs that can give conflicting advice.2.2. In my opinion, what matters most is the idea that of the "majority" or what one feels what the majority thinks is so or has literally applied or done so.3. External of the House/Home3.1. What makes an external of a house different from the interior? 3.2. Definitely there are no four walls or suppose to be a compound where most likely rain or air or light can shine. (Again it depends on neighbouring structures or no structures if any). Anyway this is not the main issue, here.4. Shapes and Form vs Flying Star4.1. From a Feng Shui point of view: the key essence is " Form prevails over substance " or rather bear this in mind "THE FORMS DETERMINE THE STARS, THE STARS DETERMINE THE FATE OF THE PEOPLE LIVING IN A HOME."4.2. The above statement implies that Shapes and Forms prevail over Flying Star.4.3. For example, even if you have the best Flying stars e.g. at the frontage but there is either no frontage or the frontage is taken up by huge trees that shade the compound or block the qi and does not create some space for qi. Search for "Bright Hall" effect.5. Why is this relevant to your case?5.1. You talked about having MS#3 WS#8 at the frontage.5.2. With or without determing the stars (Flying Stars) do you know that as high as 60 to 70 percent of the time you will get it RIGHT then wrong; even if you do not check out the stars; placing a water feature at the frontage is based on Shapes and Forms.5.3. And the statment under Para 4.1 suggests; Shapes and Forms comes first. Whatever stars that you had plotted come 2nd especially in an open area. WHY?5.4. Having a water position e.g. at the frontage simply means that you are actively employing the concept of clear space. 5.5. The reason for a water position especially a pond is that nothing can built on top of it. Thus allowing for clear space. Or BRIGHT HALL effect.5.6. Of course, if you do not want to have a water position but keep the frontage relatively clear space; this is equally acceptable.5.7. What is worse is e.g. in Singapore especially in the 1960s to 1970s many homes have floor areas of 10,000 sq ft or smaller ones have 3,500 sq ft to 5,000 sq. ft.5.7.1. The above allows many homes to plan such as a mango tree or rambutan tree at the frontage.5.7.2. Especially after 8 or more years, this mango tree would grow tall and with it's huge foot print of foliage, cast a dark shadow on to the ground. Thus this is contrary to the term "BRIGHT HALL". No longer bright hall effect.5.7.3. Thus some say between the "devil and the deep blue sea"; if one has a moving pool of water; ain't this better than what I had mentioned under Para 5.7.1 to 5.7.2.?5.8. Furthermore, often the tree trunk of the large mango tree or rambutan tree could become a poison arrow or sha qi if it is visible from the entrance or an opening such as a window.6. Coming back to your question: thus, even with a MS#3 and of course WS#8; most of the time; even if one places a water position = pool or pond; you will be right 60 to 70 percent of the time even if there is a miserable MS#3 at that sector (external to the home).6.1. I am not going to debate on the concept of having a water position to the right side of the house e.g. standing inside the home looking outwards the concept of "flower of romance" (illicit affairs) etc.. 7. In my opinion, but, in the interior of the home; be more careful with the stars.8. You wrote: "I just read where changing the home (renovations) as well as change of ownership changes the house period?"8.1. Please read up the past message threads in this forum.8.2. I had clearly mentioned that there are two schools of thought:-8.2.1. The conservative view ...... since foundations of the home has not been changed... 8.2.2. And recently some even say change of ownership changes the house period.8.2.3. In my opinion, change of ownership does not change the house period (PERIOD). 8.2.4. Changing the home (renovations). Again, You have those who feel strongly under Para 8.2.1. 8. You mentioned renovations. Again, there are lots of messages even within this forum. Major, minor etc... Quote On 6/29/2012 1:41:52 AM, Anonymous wrote:On 6/29/2012 12:16:56 AM, Anonymouswrote:I'm pretty new to Feng Shui,so please bear with me. I haveread a lot of conflicting infoso hopefully I have some ofthe basic informationcorrect.Our home was built inthe early 1970's (so thatwould make it a 6) with afrontage of 75? EastThe livingroom is located pretty much inthe North with a Mountain Star3 and Water Star 8 (base of2). From what I have read theWS 8 is where I would want toplace a water feature(aquarium) however I have readthat it should not be in asector with a MS 3.Would it bebetter to place the aquariumin the dining room which has aNorth and an East wall (MS 1,WS 6 and Base 4) .. Or is theliving room the preferredlocation? (There is a woodburning stove also located inthe dining room along theWestern wall of the room. I amnot sure just which sector itfalls into though.. and alsodon't know if it matters whennot in use)I am planning ongenerating a floor plan on thecomputer later on today ortomorrow if that would helpany.We are also considering asmall koi pond outside thefront door. But I am uncertainif it would be better offplaced to the left of the door(East frontage) or along theside a bit where it would belocated more in the North Eastor North. And advice you cangive me would be greatlyappreciated!And more conflictinginfo! I just read where changing thehome (renovations) as well as change ofownership changes the house period?ifthat's true, the house was built in theearly 70's (period 6)Sometimeafter that they added a new roof and anadditional room. I believe thatwas in 1984, however I am not 100% sure.(Period 7)We bought thehouse in 2005, added slate tile to theliving room in 2010 and areadding ceramic tile to the kitchen floorthis summer. (Period 8)?So has the housechanged from a Period 6 house to aPeriod 8 house?if so, would that givethe dining room the best place for anaquarium (MS8, WS8, Base 6)?I'm stillnot sure of the placement for a koi pondand if the house period change wouldaffect it or not. The period changewould also give the bathroom in theSouth MS5, WS2, Base 3 and I have noidea what kind of cure to use there! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_155246 Posted June 29, 2012 Share Posted June 29, 2012 Thank you for the fast reply! I do appreciate the time you take to respond to the questions we all ask.I understand that the pond can be placed in either direction outside if I take into account large trees and so forth, which is wonderful news!However I am a bit confused on the location of an aquarium inside the home. With the home facing E1, The living room is off in the North area of the home. That area has the following: MS3, WS8, base 2.From what you have said (please correct me if I am wrong) I can place an aquarium in this location without any worries of activating the MS3 ? If the MS3 is of concern how can I remedy the situation so everything would be more favorable?I do plan to continue using the search function since there is a wealth of information to be found, however I only ask for clarification since my husband wanted to hear your thoughts on the matter.Thank you again for being so patient! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted June 29, 2012 Staff Share Posted June 29, 2012 1. Please do a search for "Fish Tank" to find out what was it's original purpose ... e.g. outside a window... a tree trunk or lamp post.. 2. You wrote: "From what you have said (please correct me if I am wrong) I can place an aquarium in this location without any worries of activating the MS3 ? If the MS3 is of concern how can I remedy the situation so everything would be more favorable?"2.1. Please re-read what I wrote. 2.1.1 All my points refers to: A. Either a pool or pond. (Nothing mentioned about aquarium.)B. Refer to Para 7. which I had written under my first reply. Quote On 6/29/2012 8:15:18 AM, Anonymous wrote:Thank you for the fast reply!I do appreciate the time youtake to respond to thequestions we all ask.Iunderstand that the pond canbe placed in either directionoutside if I take into accountlarge trees and so forth,which is wonderfulnews!However I am a bitconfused on the location of anaquarium inside the home. Withthe home facing E1, The livingroom is off in the North areaof the home. That area has thefollowing: MS3, WS8, base2.From what you have said(please correct me if I amwrong) I can place an aquariumin this location without anyworries of activating the MS3? If the MS3 is of concern howcan I remedy the situation soeverything would be morefavorable?I do plan tocontinue using the searchfunction since there is awealth of information to befound, however I only ask forclarification since my husbandwanted to hear your thoughtson the matter.Thank you againfor being so patient! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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