myfs_155690 Posted September 28, 2012 Share Posted September 28, 2012 Hi, I would like to ask how is the general fengshui for the latest Riversails condo in Sengkang? It is opposite side of Riversounds which I recall Mstr Lee mentioned is not good. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted September 30, 2012 Staff Share Posted September 30, 2012 1. Riversails, east, morning sun and reflection from Sungei Serangoon (reservior) 2. Frankly, very few people or even Feng Shui practitioners will consider this.3. Sun rays even if it is morning sun is actually part and particle of Shapes and Forms Feng Shui. For example, even in the early morning, do go for a swim.. and one can easily get darken skin due to ultra violet light.4. In this case, morning sun, reflection and uv light... Quote On 9/30/2012 6:47:22 PM, Anonymous wrote:In my opinion:1. RiversoundResidence:1.1. In my opinion, thisdevelopment has two "fast moving" watercourses in the form of two potentialbusy roads or highway type of road i.e.Buangkok Drive that connects to thehighly used aerial road = KPE and theother is Sengkang East Drive.1.2.Sengkang East Drive is another "mega"highway that links the every growingHUGE population up north at Punggol.1.3.It has an "estate road". But, because ofPara 1.1 and 1.2; this is why roads arelike water courses... ain't fantasticfor this plot of land.2. For Riversails;fortunately, there is only one MajorRoad i.e. at the tip of Upper SerangoonRoad which is relatively not aspotentially busy.. as there is analternative road = Hougang Ave 7 forother residents below this tip (Upperserangoon) as fewer people would headnorth; instead, they would most likelyhead south wards to wards Paya Lebaretc...3. There will be an estate road:Upper Serangoon Crest (U/c) that will beserving this development and it's nextdoor neighbour. Like any otherdevelopment; there will always be goodand not so good units in thisdevelopment.4. For Riversails; flats canbe ranked in a bell-curve. There areexcellent stacks and the rock bottomstacks and the rest are in the middle ofsuch a bell-curve.5. Riversails Stacks 2and 18 for example would depend on howthe future neighbouring plot organisetheir layout of their blocks. Hopefully,these blocks are parallel to especiallythese two stacks.6. Riversails Stacks14, 16 and 18 that is parallel to SungeiPinang and facing this river; needs tobe further evaluated as the flow ofwater from left to right of the frontageis based on the water-dragon classics.7.Riversails Blocks 6, 8, 10 and 12Thisapplies to:7.1. Stacks that faceEAST7.2. High floors7.3. The abovestacks facing EAST have to be careful ofthe reflection on the water of SungeiSerangoon. 7.4. For example, dependingon the season and time of morning; thesun would reflect light onto the body ofwater at Sungei Serangoon. And in manyinstances, the calm water in this riverwill act like a mirror; and the fullunobstructed morning sun will reflectsunlight directly into certain stacks ofblocks 6, 8, 10 and 12 that is directlyeast facing.8. For afternoon sun, thepond at punggol park will most likely bea concern for those who purchase unitsat Riversail's neighbouring plot (to theright of this condo).On 9/28/20125:09:36 PM, Cai Yan wrote:Hi, Iwould like to ask how isthe generalfengshui for thelatest Riversailscondo inSengkang? It is oppositesideof Riversounds which I recallMstr Lee mentioned is notgood. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted September 30, 2012 Staff Share Posted September 30, 2012 This is a simple illustration showing a frozen time of day (in the morning) where the sun on a non cloudly day may shine onto the pool of water in Sungei Serangoon. Quote On 9/30/2012 6:58:28 PM, Anonymous wrote:1. Riversails, east, morning sun andreflection from Sungei Serangoon(reservior) 2. Frankly, very few peopleor even Feng Shui practitioners willconsider this.3. Sun rays even if it ismorning sun is actually part andparticle of Shapes and Forms Feng Shui.For example, even in the early morning,do go for a swim.. and one can easilyget darken skin due to ultra violetlight.4. In this case, morning sun,reflection and uv light... On 9/30/20126:47:22 PM, Cecil Lee wrote:In myopinion:1. RiversoundResidence:1.1.In my opinion, thisdevelopment hastwo "fast moving" watercourses inthe form of two potentialbusy roadsor highway type of road i.e.Buangkok Drive that connects to thehighly used aerial road = KPE andtheother is Sengkang EastDrive.1.2.Sengkang East Drive isanother "mega"highway that linksthe every growingHUGE population upnorth at Punggol.1.3.It has an"estate road". But, because ofPara1.1 and 1.2; this is why roads arelike water courses... ain'tfantasticfor this plot of land.2.For Riversails;fortunately, thereis only one MajorRoad i.e. at thetip of Upper SerangoonRoad which isrelatively not aspotentially there is analternative road =Hougang Ave 7 forother residentsbelow this tip (Upperserangoon) asfewer people would headnorth;instead, they would most likelyheadsouth wards to wards Paya Lebaretc...3. There will be an estateroad:Upper Serangoon Crest (U/c)that will beserving thisdevelopment and it's nextdoorneighbour. Like any otherdevelopment; there will always begoodand not so good units in thisdevelopment.4. For Riversails; flatscanbe ranked in a bell-curve. Thereareexcellent stacks and the rockbottomstacks and the rest are inthe middle ofsuch a bell-curve.5.Riversails Stacks 2and 18 forexample would depend on howthefuture neighbouring plot organisetheir layout of their blocks.Hopefully,these blocks are parallelto especiallythese two stacks.6.Riversails Stacks14, 16 and 18 thatis parallel to SungeiPinang andfacing this river; needs tobefurther evaluated as the flow ofwater from left to right of thefrontageis based on thewater-dragon classics.7.RiversailsBlocks 6, 8, 10 and 12Thisappliesto:7.1. Stacks that faceEAST7.2.High floors7.3. The abovestacksfacing EAST have to be careful ofthe reflection on the water ofSungeiSerangoon. 7.4. For example,dependingon the season and time ofmorning; thesun would reflect lightonto the body ofwater at SungeiSerangoon. And in manyinstances,the calm water in this riverwillact like a mirror; and the fullunobstructed morning sun willreflectsunlight directly intocertain stacks ofblocks 6, 8, 10and 12 that is directlyeastfacing.8. For afternoon sun, thepond at punggol park will mostlikely bea concern for those whopurchase unitsat Riversail'sneighbouring plot (to theright ofthis condo).On 9/28/20125:09:36 PM,Cai Yan wrote:Hi, Iwould liketo ask how isthe generalfengshui for thelatestRiversailscondo inSengkang? Itis oppositesideof Riversoundswhich I recallMstr Leementioned is notgood. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted September 30, 2012 Staff Share Posted September 30, 2012 Try this:For those who are taking an MRT train from Yishun / Khatib towards the city and pass the stretch as highlighted in purple:Standing and facing east; on a sunny morning (roughly around 8.30am or thereabouts)... One should be seeing the morning sun reflected onto the calm water following you from the begining of the purple line to where the water line disappears... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted September 30, 2012 Staff Share Posted September 30, 2012 1. Let me elaborate further.2. Many years back when The Rivervale condo (see attachment) TOP. 3. I was holding a Luopan and doing a first visit. Naturally, during the first visit, I had to go towards the living room area to scan the environment.4. It is many years back, so I cannot remember fully, which season it is as every 6th monthly the rays of the sun changes due to our tilt in the earth axis.5. I was standing in one of the units either in Block 1 or 3 in the PURPLE circled stacks overlooking the Sungei Pinang. 5.2 By the way, Sungei Pinang was not the "issue" but rather, till today, I can still vividly remember the full force of the sun rays reflecting onto the pool at Punggol Park which I marked as a purple "X".6. The glare was so great that it "nearly blinded" me as I had to check the Luopan readings but had difficulty doing so.7. For those who stay or have passed thru Yishun. If one has a chance to take an MRT train heading towards the city in the morning, and standing facing the North side i.e. the Yishun Reservoir can also see the glare of reflected sunlight onto the calm water and following one go on the water line.8. Often for landed properties; often, it is adviced not to use slanted glass at the facade as often the sunlight can also reflect onto this piece of glass and bring "glare" into the windows of a bedroom...9. Feng Shui is a live subject and such "glare" can also be considered as belonging this part of Feng Shui science...and believe me, it is for real..10. There are many other situations where two blocks housing are close-by. And sometimes when we stand in the living room or balcony or even a bedroom of a specific stack in a block, how many of you will get uncomfortable with the glare coming off the wall of a neighbouring block? Thus, in this simple example; one don't need to be near to a water position to get "white pollution" from sunlight glare...P.S. Frankly, I am as puzzled as you to see reflected glare at The Rivervale as it (the stacks)are notexactly in a DIRECT East-West alignment. Thus, I am not claiming that it is a daily occurence. But for those stacks directly facing east e.g. in Riversails: the good news is that it occurs momentary in the morning... the bad news is that this might occur on a sunny day all year round! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted September 30, 2012 Staff Share Posted September 30, 2012 In my opinion:1. Riversound Residence:1.1. In my opinion, this development has two "fast moving" water courses in the form of two potential busy roads or highway type of road i.e. Buangkok Drive that connects to the highly used aerial road = KPE and the other is Sengkang East Drive.1.2. Sengkang East Drive is another "mega" highway that links the every growing HUGE population up north at Punggol.1.3. It has an "estate road". But, because of Para 1.1 and 1.2; this is why roads are like water courses... ain't fantastic for this plot of land.1.4. As mentioned above, Riversound will have two major "water courses" and Buangkok Drive will progressively become a more "aggressive" river with more and more load. Too aggressive a flow is not favourable so close to the length of one side of the development.1.5. Please see attachment. Where in the future, Yio Chu Kang road will branch off carrying traffic when the entire stretch of Buangkok Drive is completed i.e. Marking in RED A to B.2. For Riversails; fortunately, there is only one Major Road i.e. at the tip of Upper Serangoon Road which is relatively not as potentially busy.. as there is an alternative road = Hougang Ave 7 for other residents below this tip (Upper serangoon) as fewer people would head north; instead, they would most likely head south wards to wards Paya Lebar etc...3. There will be an estate road: Upper Serangoon Crest (U/c) that will be serving this development and it's next door neighbour. Like any other development; there will always be good and not so good units in this development.4. For Riversails; flats can be ranked in a bell-curve. There are excellent stacks and the rock bottom stacks and the rest are in the middle of such a bell-curve.5. Riversails Stacks 2 and 18 for example would depend on how the future neighbouring plot organise their layout of their blocks. Hopefully, these blocks are parallel to especially these two stacks.6. Riversails Stacks 14, 16 and 18 that is parallel to Sungei Pinang and facing this river; needs to be further evaluated as the flow of water from left to right of the frontage is based on the water-dragon classics.7. Riversails Blocks 6, 8, 10 and 12This applies to:7.1. Stacks that face EAST7.2. High floors7.3. The above stacks facing EAST have to be careful of the reflection on the water of Sungei Serangoon. 7.4. For example, depending on the season and time of morning; the sun would reflect light onto the body of water at Sungei Serangoon. And in many instances, the calm water in this river will act like a mirror; and the full unobstructed morning sun will reflect sunlight directly into certain stacks of blocks 6, 8, 10 and 12 that is directly east facing.8. For afternoon sun, the pond at punggol park will most likely be a concern for those who purchase units at Riversail's neighbouring plot (to the right of this condo). Quote On 9/28/2012 5:09:36 PM, Anonymous wrote:Hi, I would like to ask how isthe general fengshui for thelatest Riversails condo inSengkang? It is opposite sideof Riversounds which I recallMstr Lee mentioned is notgood. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 11, 2012 Staff Share Posted October 11, 2012 These are further considerations:1. In my opinion, the developer are pretty smart. They seem to release all the not so good stacks, first. 2. And are holding back "better stacks".3. Recently, after the VVIP lauch, they also released Block 14 with various stacks in it. 3.1. Frankly, this is not Feng Shui but although the stacks starts with # -3x; in the future, some are concerned that number "14" to the Cantonese means SURE TO DIE... may thus affect it's resale value.3.2. Thanks to the government's cooling measure... (the earlier 3% stamp duty stuff is pussy cat as most developers reimburse it)3.3. But with this new MAS measure that effective halts investing.4. In my opinion, in the next 6 months... there can be a price correction of about 10%.5. Contrary to the Business Times... after the cooling measures.. Riversails only managed to sell a poultry 20 units during last weekend... And Skies Miltonia.. also ain't fare that well..6. Happy times to come for the genuine buyer... due to foreseeable price drop even with the influx of Foreign Talent (FT)...7. Even the ECO @ Tanah Merah is now giving away "free stuffs". Mind you.. this was unheard of for developments in the popular East wheree there are few and far new large developments around...Anyway.. this ain't Feng Shui.... 8. Please see attachment. The stacks highlighted are affected by the flow of water from the Sungei Pinang River / Canal Quote On 9/30/2012 8:57:05 PM, Anonymous wrote:In my opinion:1. RiversoundResidence:1.1. In my opinion, thisdevelopment has two "fast moving" watercourses in the form of two potentialbusy roads or highway type of road i.e.Buangkok Drive that connects to thehighly used aerial road = KPE and theother is Sengkang East Drive.1.2.Sengkang East Drive is another "mega"highway that links the every growingHUGE population up north at Punggol.1.3.It has an "estate road". But, because ofPara 1.1 and 1.2; this is why roads arelike water courses... ain't fantasticfor this plot of land.1.4. As mentionedabove, Riversound will have two major"water courses" and Buangkok Drive willprogressively become a more "aggressive"river with more and more load. Tooaggressive a flow is not favourable soclose to the length of one side of thedevelopment.1.5. Please see attachment.Where in the future, Yio Chu Kang roadwill branch off carrying traffic whenthe entire stretch of Buangkok Drive iscompleted i.e. Marking in RED A to B.2.For Riversails; fortunately, there isonly one Major Road i.e. at the tip ofUpper Serangoon Road which is relativelynot as potentially busy.. as there is analternative road = Hougang Ave 7 forother residents below this tip (Upperserangoon) as fewer people would headnorth; instead, they would most likelyhead south wards to wards Paya Lebaretc...3. There will be an estate road:Upper Serangoon Crest (U/c) that will beserving this development and it's nextdoor neighbour. Like any otherdevelopment; there will always be goodand not so good units in thisdevelopment.4. For Riversails; flats canbe ranked in a bell-curve. There areexcellent stacks and the rock bottomstacks and the rest are in the middle ofsuch a bell-curve.5. Riversails Stacks 2and 18 for example would depend on howthe future neighbouring plot organisetheir layout of their blocks. Hopefully,these blocks are parallel to especiallythese two stacks.6. Riversails Stacks14, 16 and 18 that is parallel to SungeiPinang and facing this river; needs tobe further evaluated as the flow ofwater from left to right of the frontageis based on the water-dragon classics.7.Riversails Blocks 6, 8, 10 and 12Thisapplies to:7.1. Stacks that faceEAST7.2. High floors7.3. The abovestacks facing EAST have to be careful ofthe reflection on the water of SungeiSerangoon. 7.4. For example, dependingon the season and time of morning; thesun would reflect light onto the body ofwater at Sungei Serangoon. And in manyinstances, the calm water in this riverwill act like a mirror; and the fullunobstructed morning sun will reflectsunlight directly into certain stacks ofblocks 6, 8, 10 and 12 that is directlyeast facing.8. For afternoon sun, thepond at punggol park will most likely bea concern for those who purchase unitsat Riversail's neighbouring plot (to theright of this condo).On 9/28/20125:09:36 PM, Cai Yan wrote:Hi, Iwould like to ask how isthe generalfengshui for thelatest Riversailscondo inSengkang? It is oppositesideof Riversounds which I recallMstr Lee mentioned is notgood. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_156063 Posted November 8, 2012 Share Posted November 8, 2012 Can I check with you for Riversails condo, if need to compare stack 12,15, 31 & 34 fengshui, which stack will have better fengshui? All 4 stacks faces the Upper Serangoon Road, but only Stack 34 have unblock river view. Other 3 stacks are facing the upcoming BTO flats. Appreciate your opinion on houses facing the road. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted December 8, 2016 Staff Share Posted December 8, 2016 Riversails recently TOP. Some photos: Views of the can from Block 18. No wonder it took longer to built as the interior walls are solid and not dry walls?? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 9, 2019 Staff Share Posted November 9, 2019 On 9.11.2019 Visited next door neighbour... HDB Hougang Parkview Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 9, 2019 Staff Share Posted November 9, 2019 Feng Shui is scientific and one does not need to purchase commercial Feng Shui products. Ask: “Must I buy from YOU?” Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted April 24, 2021 Staff Share Posted April 24, 2021 Source above: "We continue to advise and request that investigations of external factors take place at Riversails, including stability of power supply and electrical infrastructure of the affected buildings and sites," it said. The manufacturer will also be removing another 398 units of the fridge installed in four other condominiums. The affected properties are Katong Regency, Skygreen, Winsland Serviced Suites by Lanson Place, and Wisteria. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 11, 2022 Staff Share Posted October 11, 2022 The Canal Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted December 14, 2023 Staff Share Posted December 14, 2023 On 15 December 2023 In the past, it was permitted for developers to provide shoe cabinets outside each unit’s front door. However, due to the concerns of combustion or fire hazards, developers are no longer allowed to automatically provide such shoe cabinets. However, some residents took it on their own to do so. And usually the government just turn a blind eye to this. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted May 12, 2024 Staff Share Posted May 12, 2024 Revisited on Sunday, 12 May 2024 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted May 12, 2024 Staff Share Posted May 12, 2024 More photos… Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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