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Colours for 2013


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1. In my opinion, this is pure common sense.

2. For example, the sentences that you wrote already given the clues OR red flags:

You wrote: I know that white is my best favourable colour based on 8 characters. However in recent reports it is said that people of MY BIRTH YEAR should wear black in 2013. How can I achieve the best colour for me in the new year?

3. I know a recent Women's publication and their web advertisement which I saw running in google ads linked to this forum gives a guide to what to wear.

4. These are some considerations:

4.1. The article is generalised for a typical animal sign. And it is based on one's year of birth only.

4.2. For example, I remember that as I am a rat, the colour wheel says that I should avoid RED.

4.2.1 Under the very basic astrology: a rat belongs to the water element. And it's worst pairing is a horse (Fire = red).

4.2.2 This is how that colour wheel works. It is based on basic Chinese Astrology. But, packaged so colourful and exciting that "IT SELLS"!

5. Even in several recent messages that such things or rather Chinese Astrology or call it Chinese Horoscope or Chinese Animal Signs (whatever) is just a model that is easy to produce and may look wonderful but is akin to taking X-ray photos.

6. While what does Eight or Eight Characters or Ba Zi or 4 pillars means? Each pillar represents either Year, Month, Day and Time of birth.

7. "Garbage-in Garbage-out". Not exactly a good example, here. But, under the 8 characters, especially your YEAR, MONTH, DAY and optional TIME of birth are LOOKED at and their interactions to result in your personal best colours. There is a difference being a Strong or Weak (element) person.

8. Another way of looking at it is that: the YEAR colour wheel's "answer" to one's colour scheme has to be general and I always say that it is like practising KINDERGARTEN level work.

9. This is no different from the past where: especially in the 1970's and even early 1980's: if one were told that North = water, South = fire, and if one lacks wood element : install more wood into one's home. During that time; the "victim" will not know the wiser and think "WOW" my geomancer is the greatest person on this earth = sage.

10. In the late 1980's to early 1990's some people take advantage of Feng Shui popularity and write popular books but these are too general to be of any use.
For example, it started with Lin Yun and his fixed template model.

10.1. The book may start by :

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: North = Career
Chapert 3: SW = Romance etc...

10.2. Frankly, in my opinion, these books that anyone with a flair for writing can simply come up with such a book. But, do they meet the quality or specialisation for an individual?

10.3. Again, if this is the early days where people have little knowledge of Feng Shui; WOW sounds great! As easy to apply.

10.4. This is why, in the 1960's to 1980's the most popular meta-physics books are Chinese Astrology. Like the YEAR best colour wheel of the magazine. During 1970's Chinese Astrology books are a dime a dozen. It will start with an Intro, The Pig, The Rat, The Ox etc....

10.5. But nowadays, many realise that these Chinese Astrology Books are too general as it is based purely on one's YEAR of birth!

11. For example, there are many and even economists and researchers have even deemed the most recent Singapore's white paper on population increase to 6.9M as propaganda instead of a well researched document.
11.1 Thus, the colour wheel and best colours for each animal signs is just that a nice little "propaganda" packaged in an exciting way.

Reference (How to determine one's element and strength): http://www.geomancy.net/reports/free-report/freerpt-element.htm

On 1/31/2013 11:35:44 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Master Cecil,I know that
white is my best favourable
colour based on 8 characters.
However in recent reports it
is said that people of my
birth year should wear black
in 2013. Howcan I
achieve the best colour for me
in the new year? Thanks

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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