myfs_157470 Posted June 15, 2013 Share Posted June 15, 2013 Hello,We have bought a house. It was originally built in 1967-68 (period 6). We have made some serious modifications (including changing the layout of rooms, moving some walls). One part of the building had to be torn down and rebuilt from scratch (including new foundations). Now my question is, if the age of the house is still period 6, or maybe - due to our rebuilding - it has "rejuvenated", and now is the pediod 8? The question is important, because if the house is period 6, we are facing the problem of "inverted mountain and water" in our Moving Star analysis. Thank you. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted June 16, 2013 Staff Share Posted June 16, 2013 There are TWO Common sense methods used, here.ONE 1. Based on History:1.1. If one has already stayed in the "renovated" home for more than 2 years; one can then draw out the flying star chart of say Period 6. And another chart of Period 8. And see which seems to be more accurate - given that one already know it's past and "present" history.1.2. If it a case of just renovated; then have to wait OR see below:.TWO 2. Drawing out both period charts and place them side-by-side:-2. In a real world, in this example, I have a recent client who had bought a "new" apartment under Period 8. The whole block was completed in 2000. Since he bought it "brand new" in 2008 - bare walls and bare cement floors; he did the renovation under Period 8. SEE ATTACHMENTS.3. In this real life situation, instead of guessing which period his home is; 3.1. I have to make more effort in plotting in both Period 7 and Period 8 stars. AND the "trick" or common sense is to try to compare both SETs of stars.3.2 To see if certain sectors share the same stars or if they differ; any remedies would affect the other set of stars.3.3.If one has a good solid grounding in the Five Elements concept; oftenwould try to apply a "cure" suchthat itHELPS but does not create issues for the other set of flying star numbers.4. Frankly, many geomancers would not even think of such a method.4.1. My advice is: to put on one's COMMON SENSE thinking cap and use logicin such a situation.5. Does the above makes sense? Quote On 6/15/2013 3:07:46 AM, Anonymous wrote:Hello,We have bought a house.It was originally built in1967-68 (period 6). We havemade some seriousmodifications (includingchanging the layout of rooms,moving some walls). One partof the building had to be torndown and rebuilt from scratch(including new foundations).Now my question is, if the ageof the house is still period6, or maybe - due to ourrebuilding - it has"rejuvenated", and now is thepediod 8? The question isimportant, because if thehouse is period 6, we arefacing the problem of"inverted mountain and water"in our Moving Star analysis.Thank you. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted June 16, 2013 Staff Share Posted June 16, 2013 Some call this "Advanced Study of Feng Shui" or even "Advanced Technique in Feng Shui".I simply call it: pure and simple COMMON SENSE! Quote On 6/16/2013 8:56:40 AM, Anonymous wrote:There are TWO Common sense methods used,here.ONE 1. Based on History:1.1. If onehas already stayed in the "renovated"home for more than 2 years; one can thendraw out the flying star chart of sayPeriod 6. And another chart of Period 8.And see which seems to be more accurate- given that one already know it's pastand "present" history.1.2. If it a caseof just renovated; then have to wait ORsee below:.TWO 2. Drawing out bothperiod charts and place themside-by-side:-2. In a real world, inthis example, I have a recent client whohad bought a "new" apartment underPeriod 8. The whole block was completedin 2000. Since he bought it "brand new"in 2008 - bare walls and bare cementfloors; he did the renovation underPeriod 8. SEE ATTACHMENTS.3. Inthis real life situation, instead ofguessing which period his home is; 3.1.I have to make more effort in plottingin both Period 7 and Period 8 stars. ANDthe "trick" or common sense is to try tocompare both SETs ofstars.3.2 To see if certainsectors share the same stars or if theydiffer; any remedies would affect theother set of stars.3.3.Ifone has a good solid grounding in theFive Elements concept; oftenwouldtry to apply a "cure" suchthatitHELPS but does not create issuesfor the other set of flying starnumbers.4. Frankly, many geomancerswould not even think of such amethod.4.1. My advice is: to puton one's COMMON SENSE thinking cap anduse logicin such a situation.5.Does the above makes sense? On 6/15/20133:07:46 AM, Marcin Grzesiak wrote:Hello,We have bought a house.Itwas originally built in1967-68(period 6). We havemade someseriousmodifications (includingchanging the layout of rooms,moving some walls). One partofthe building had to be torndown andrebuilt from scratch(including newfoundations).Now my question is, ifthe ageof the house is still period6, or maybe - due to ourrebuilding - it has"rejuvenated", and now is thepediod 8? The question isimportant, because if thehouseis period 6, we arefacing theproblem of"inverted mountain andwater"in our Moving Star analysis.Thank you. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted June 16, 2013 Staff Share Posted June 16, 2013 Simple flow chart showing: Which Period A or B Flying Chart? do I use? Quote On 6/16/2013 9:47:23 AM, Anonymous wrote:Some call this "Advanced Study of FengShui" or even "Advanced Technique inFeng Shui".I simply call it: pure andsimple COMMON SENSE!On 6/16/2013 8:56:40AM, Cecil Lee wrote:There are TWOCommon sense methods used,here.ONE1. Based on History:1.1. If onehasalready stayed in the "renovated"home for more than 2 years; one canthendraw out the flying star chartof sayPeriod 6. And another chartof Period 8.And see which seems tobe more accurate- given that onealready know it's pastand "present"history.1.2. If it a caseof justrenovated; then have to wait ORseebelow:.TWO 2. Drawing out bothperiod charts and place themside-by-side:-2. In a real world, inthis example, I have a recent clientwhohad bought a "new" apartmentunderPeriod 8. The whole block wascompletedin 2000. Since he boughtit "brand new"in 2008 - bare wallsand bare cementfloors; he did therenovation underPeriod 8. SEEATTACHMENTS.3. Inthis real lifesituation, instead ofguessing whichperiod his home is; 3.1.I have tomake more effort in plottingin bothPeriod 7 and Period 8 stars. ANDthe"trick" or common sense is to try tocompare both SETs ofstars.3.2 To see ifcertainsectors share the same starsor if theydiffer; any remedieswould affect theother set ofstars.3.3.Ifone has agood solid grounding in theFiveElements concept; oftenwouldtry to apply a "cure" suchthatitHELPS but does not createissuesfor the other set of flyingstarnumbers.4. Frankly, manygeomancerswould not even think ofsuch amethod.4.1. My adviceis: to puton one's COMMON SENSEthinking cap anduse logicinsuch a situation.5.Does the abovemakes sense? On 6/15/20133:07:46AM, Marcin Grzesiak wrote:Hello,We have bought a house.Itwas originally built in1967-68(period 6). We havemade someseriousmodifications (includingchanging the layout of rooms,moving some walls). One partofthe building had to be torndown andrebuilt from scratch(including newfoundations).Now my question is, ifthe ageof the house is still period6, or maybe - due to ourrebuilding - it has"rejuvenated", and now is thepediod 8? The question isimportant, because if thehouseis period 6, we arefacing theproblem of"inverted mountain andwater"in our Moving Star analysis.Thank you. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted February 18, 2014 Staff Share Posted February 18, 2014 Plotting a few charts... Quote On 6/16/2013 9:36:00 PM, Anonymous wrote: Simple flow chart showing: Which Period A or B Flying Chart? do I use?On 6/16/2013 9:47:23 AM, Cecil Lee wrote: Some call this "Advanced Study of Feng >Shui" or even "Advanced Technique in >Feng Shui".I simply call it: pure and >simple COMMON SENSE!On 6/16/2013 8:56:40 >AM, Cecil Lee wrote: >There are TWO >Common sense methods used, >here.ONE >1. Based on History:1.1. If one >has already stayed in the "renovated" home for more than 2 years; one can >then >draw out the flying star chart >of say >Period 6. And another chart >of Period 8. >And see which seems to >be more accurate - given that one >already know it's past >and "present" history.1.2. If it a case >of just >renovated; then have to wait OR see >below:.TWO 2. Drawing out both >>period charts and place them >>side-by-side:-2. In a real world, in >>this example, I have a recent client >who >had bought a "new" apartment >under >Period 8. The whole block was >completed >in 2000. Since he bought >it "brand new" in 2008 - bare walls >and bare cement >floors; he did the renovation under >Period 8. SEE >ATTACHMENTS.3. In >this real life >situation, instead of guessing which >period his home is; 3.1. >I have to >make more effort in plotting >in both Period 7 and Period 8 stars. AND the >"trick" or common sense is to try to >>compare both SETs of stars.3.2 To see if certain >sectors share the same stars >or if they >differ; any remedies >would affect the >other set of >stars.3.3.If one has a >good solid grounding in the >Five >Elements concept; oftenwould >>try to apply a "cure" suchthat itHELPS but does not create >issues >for the other set of flying >star >numbers.4. Frankly, many >geomancers >would not even think of >such a method.4.1. My advice >is: to put >on one's COMMON SENSE thinking cap and >use logicin >such a situation.5. Does the above >makes sense? On 6/15/2013 >3:07:46 >AM, Marcin Grzesiak wrote: >>>Hello,We have bought a house. >>It >was originally built in >>1967-68 (period 6). We have >>made some >serious >>modifications (including >>>changing the layout of rooms, >>>moving some walls). One part >>of >the building had to be torn >>down and rebuilt from scratch (including new >foundations). Now my question is, if >the age >>of the house is still period 6, or maybe - due to our rebuilding - it has "rejuvenated", and now is the >>>pediod 8? The question is >>>important, because if the house >is period 6, we are facing the >problem of "inverted mountain and water" >>in our Moving Star analysis. >>>Thank you. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 14, 2020 Staff Share Posted March 14, 2020 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 14, 2020 Staff Share Posted March 14, 2020 Related: Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted May 5, 2020 Staff Share Posted May 5, 2020 Related: Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 4, 2023 Staff Share Posted July 4, 2023 Related: Hi, since the project [Riverfront Residences by Oxley] has just completed. Is this project still under Period 8 or Period 9? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 5, 2023 Staff Share Posted July 5, 2023 Extract from Riverfront Residences Thread THE TWENTY YEAR - PERIOD CHANGE: THE "GREY" PERIOD OF FLYING STAR FENG SHUI This is due to planet Jupiter and Saturn aligned to each other every 20 years: Under Flying Star Theory these are the Years: 1964, 1984, 2004, 2024, 2044, 2064 etc General consensus TODAY: 1. If move-in on or before Chinese New Year 2024, majority of Feng Shui Masters (FSMs) often use Period 8. 2. If move-in on or after Year 2024 or on or after CNY 2024 - differing opinions of some FSMs, here. IF A FSM TELLS YOU HE/SHE KNOWS EVERYTHING, DON'T BE FOOLED BY THIS. WHY? These are some considerations: Everyone has a limited life-span 1. In general, many Feng Shui Masters (FSMs) for example who are by now 60+ or older has experienced of only TWO incidences of a Period change. Many FSMs are likely only to live through a maximum of at most TWO or THREE such Period change in their lives. Thus cannot claim that they know all. Or that their method is absolutely correct. 1.1. In the paste, given that the youngest FSMs can only be say 18 years or older. By the time they start their careers and assuming they have a long career, this can only bring them to be within two instances of this period change. 1.2. Since this "GREY" period of every 20 years in Flying Star Feng Shui does not occur regularly. 2. Not too long ago, the average average life-span of a male person was around 60+ years. For females, 68+. 2.1. Only recently, have we seen life-spans especially of male FSMs move-towards 70+ to 80+ years. If so, they could only encounter this period change (if lucky) three times only. 2.2. Thus means that perhaps, in the next decade or two, some FSMs may encounter perhaps THREE such "GREY" periods of Flying Star Feng Shui. 3. Thus today, if any FSMs were to say that they know all and can precisely tell their followers to use a precise "cut-off" date to apply a home based on Period 8 or 9; cannot be relied upon to tell the truth. 3.1. Given that many FSMs do not have the necessary feedback, thus lack experience on this area of Flying Star Feng Shui. Which often occurs just twice in their life-time! 4. In addition, even for a FSM who is now say 60+ years old and even if they had started their Feng Shui careers early can only see at most TWO periods of this "Grey" area in Feng Shui. In the past, we do not have the internet or social media & even if there was limited feed-back, this knowledge is often brought by a deceased FSMs to their grave 4.1. And also, if they do not have precise feed-back from many of their cases, would not really know which Period is more accurate. Hopefully, today and in the future, we will have a more accurate idea of this. If someone does more research into this area 5. Hopefully, with Period 9, coming along, and with the Internet, we can perhaps have more sampling and do greater study into this "grey" period. Don't Wait for It! You can do your part by Plotting TWO Period Charts! 6. No need to wait! Go ahead and plot two charts e.g. Period 8 and 9! And try to maximize the Feng Shui. NOT SURE? WHY NOT DO THIS... Reference: Riverfront Residences FRANKLY, THERE ARE NO RIGHT OR WRONG ANSWERS. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++ +++ Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 5, 2023 Staff Share Posted July 5, 2023 Due to this 20 YEAR FLYING STAR FENG SHUI happening not often, Any human being can only encounter this perhaps 2 or 3 times in their life-time SINGAPORE'S LIFE EXPECTANCY IN 1960 = 64.69 YEARS or in general, a FSM's maximum experience of Period change is at most only 2 to 3 periods. SINGAPORE'S LIFE EXPECTANCY IN 2010 = 81.54 Assuming a FSM starts his Feng Shui career at 20 years old, max is they may only see three period changes only Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 8, 2023 Staff Share Posted July 8, 2023 Related: Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted May 10, 2024 Staff Share Posted May 10, 2024 Common sense is both free and a gift! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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