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Can one predict the exact day and time of the earthquak


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Dear robert and cecil,
Recently I read the prediction for the different cities of the world and I was amazed since each and every prediction was on the dot. They had predicted the outbreak of mosquitos, floods and earthquakes etc. My questions was if the world events are predicted so correctly. Why the exact time and day is not predicted since with the use of super computers even tedious calculations are possible. Since it can save so many lives. So why the exact time and day of earthquake is not predicted? Thanks.

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Dear Anon,
Usually, the Feng Shui Masters use the I-Ching for prediction. As Feng Shui has limited scope and not a predictive tool.
In order to do a computer program, the programmer must be as good or better at feeding it the inputs i.e. garbage in garbage out.
Warmest Regards,

On 12/9/99 10:58:03 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear robert and cecil,
Recently I read the prediction
for the different cities of
the world and I was amazed
since each and every
prediction was on the dot.
They had predicted the
outbreak of mosquitos, floods
and earthquakes etc. My
questions was if the world
events are predicted so
correctly. Why the exact time
and day is not predicted since
with the use of super
computers even tedious
calculations are possible.
Since it can save so many
lives. So why the exact time
and day of earthquake is not
predicted? Thanks.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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