Staff Cecil Lee Posted September 29, 2013 Staff Share Posted September 29, 2013 Tree House condo has just TOP. It has an unusual cage like pavilion... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted September 29, 2013 Staff Share Posted September 29, 2013 Many designers often predict what colours would be popular for the following year.Same here in Singapore.One step further is that developers follow a trend in naming their condominiums.In the 1990's, many condominiums start with THE e.g. THE Bayshore etc...In 2010, many condominiums use Residence e.g. Kovan ResidenceBy coincidence, I happen to visit newly TOP condos that have the word TREE in them: Tree House @ Chestnut avenue / Petir Road and 100 Trees @ West Coast (formerly Hong Leong).I can assure you that I had counted the trees at 100 trees and the inventory are as follows: this condo as at middle Sept 2013 has: 101 trees and 100 small plants (bushes).... Hope that the trees don't fall below 100 trees. Else dread to think that it should be changed to "99 Trees condo". Quote On 9/29/2013 7:20:19 AM, Anonymous wrote:Tree House condo has just TOP.It has an unusual cage likepavilion... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted September 29, 2013 Staff Share Posted September 29, 2013 Yet to be launched Executive Condo at Punggol called: Waterwoods.Another sheer coincidence that Trees produce wood? Erh.. might as well also call it WaterTREEs condo...So far this development seems all so "square". The site is squarish; all blocks are built along an outline of a square. And this development has units that are purely Flying Stars: N2, S2, E2 and W2. A simple design, yet fully functional with lots of clear space between each stack.One of the better "safe, safer, safest" Shapes and Forms design around. Immediately, this gets 100% marks under this area, alone. Quote On 9/29/2013 7:34:49 AM, Anonymous wrote:Many designers often predict whatcolours would be popular for thefollowing year.Same here inSingapore.One step further is thatdevelopers follow a trend in namingtheir condominiums.In the 1990's, manycondominiums start with THE e.g. THEBayshore etc...In 2010, manycondominiums use Residence e.g. KovanResidenceBy coincidence, I happen tovisit newly TOP condos that have theword TREE in them: Tree House @ Chestnutavenue / Petir Road and 100 Trees @ WestCoast (formerly Hong Leong).I can assureyou that I had counted the trees at 100trees and the inventory are as follows:this condo as at middle Sept 2013 has:101 trees and 100 small plants(bushes).... Hope that the trees don'tfall below 100 trees. Else dread tothink that it should be changed to "99Trees condo".On 9/29/2013 7:20:19 AM,Cecil Lee wrote:Tree House condohas just TOP.It has an unusual cagelikepavilion... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 9, 2013 Staff Share Posted October 9, 2013 Tree House condo; uses creepers to act as a "heat sink" to mitigate to dissipate heat from the external wall; facing the afternoon sun. As often, this wall shares the master-bedroom wall.A+ marks for this "green" effort! Quote On 9/29/2013 9:36:31 AM, Anonymous wrote:Yet to be launched Executive Condo atPunggol called: Waterwoods.Another sheercoincidence that Trees produce wood?Erh.. might as well also call itWaterTREEs condo...So far thisdevelopment seems all so "square". Thesite is squarish; all blocks are builtalong an outline of a square. And thisdevelopment has units that are purelyFlying Stars: N2, S2, E2 and W2. Asimple design, yet fully functional withlots of clear space between eachstack.One of the better "safe, safer,safest" Shapes and Forms design around.Immediately, this gets 100% marks underthis area, alone.On 9/29/2013 7:34:49AM, Cecil Lee wrote:Many designersoften predict whatcolours would bepopular for thefollowing year.Samehere inSingapore.One step furtheris thatdevelopers follow a trend innamingtheir condominiums.In the1990's, manycondominiums start withTHE e.g. THEBayshore etc...In 2010,manycondominiums use Residence e.g.KovanResidenceBy coincidence, Ihappen tovisit newly TOP condosthat have theword TREE in them:Tree House @ Chestnutavenue / PetirRoad and 100 Trees @ WestCoast(formerly Hong Leong).I can assureyou that I had counted the trees at100trees and the inventory are asfollows:this condo as at middleSept 2013 has:101 trees and 100small plants(bushes).... Hope thatthe trees don'tfall below 100trees. Else dread tothink that itshould be changed to "99Treescondo".On 9/29/2013 7:20:19 AM,Cecil Lee wrote:Tree Housecondohas just TOP.It has anunusual cagelikepavilion... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 9, 2013 Staff Share Posted October 9, 2013 In my opinion, one thing the architects forgot was that the ledges in Tree house development can allow birds + birds dropping a-plenty to be deposited onto the ledges above and below each window(s).In a bird-flu world of today, this is mighty careless.Oh, yeah! a client recently purchased an older condo @ Ris Grandeur as he complained to me that he hates his recent condo which has all dry-walls. Guess what... this development's interior walls including toilets are of dry-wall material. Only walls that are solid are those sharing with external or neighbouring unit.... Quote On 10/9/2013 9:22:58 AM, Anonymous wrote:Tree House condo; uses creepers to actas a "heat sink" to mitigate todissipate heat from the external wall;facing the afternoon sun. As often, thiswall shares the master-bedroom wall.A+marks for this "green" effort!On9/29/2013 9:36:31 AM, Cecil Lee wrote:Yet to be launched Executive CondoatPunggol called:Waterwoods.Another sheercoincidencethat Trees produce wood?Erh.. mightas well also call itWaterTREEscondo...So far thisdevelopmentseems all so "square". Thesite issquarish; all blocks are builtalongan outline of a square. And thisdevelopment has units that arepurelyFlying Stars: N2, S2, E2 andW2. Asimple design, yet fullyfunctional withlots of clear spacebetween eachstack.One of the better"safe, safer,safest" Shapes andForms design around.Immediately,this gets 100% marks underthisarea, alone.On 9/29/2013 7:34:49AM,Cecil Lee wrote:Many designersoften predict whatcolours wouldbepopular for thefollowingyear.Samehere inSingapore.Onestep furtheris thatdevelopersfollow a trend innamingtheircondominiums.In the1990's, manycondominiums start withTHE e.g.THEBayshore etc...In 2010,manycondominiums use Residence e.g.KovanResidenceBy coincidence, Ihappen tovisit newly TOP condosthat have theword TREE in them:Tree House @ Chestnutavenue /PetirRoad and 100 Trees @ WestCoast(formerly Hong Leong).Ican assureyou that I hadcounted the trees at100treesand the inventory are asfollows:this condo as at middleSept2013 has:101 trees and 100small plants(bushes).... Hopethatthe trees don'tfall below100trees. Else dread tothinkthat itshould be changed to "99Treescondo".On 9/29/20137:20:19 AM,Cecil Lee wrote:Tree Housecondohas justTOP.It has anunusual cagelikepavilion... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 25, 2013 Staff Share Posted October 25, 2013 I knew when the development called 100 trees condo (at West Coast)T.O.P. It really has lots of trees. Not that I counted them. But I guess, the development must have that many number of trees. But, I was trying to figure out why they call it Tree house? Perhaps, I stumbled on it the other day. When I say the Sky view tower and I zoomed in to the following photos. One of the photos shows a distinct large beam. We shall call it a "tree trunk" with several branches .... OIC! Holy smoke! this must be the reason why it is called the TREE HOUSE!" Quote On 10/25/2013 11:49:40 AM, Anonymous wrote: The "bird-nest" type of design for Tree House condo's pavilions are safe-designs. Since it is rounded; there are no protrusions in the form of poison arrow(s) from the "spikes" of the trellises.On 10/9/2013 10:48:04 AM, Cecil Lee wrote: In my opinion, one thing the architects forgot was that the ledges in Tree house development can allow birds + birds dropping a-plenty to be deposited onto the ledges above and below each window(s).In a bird-flu world of today, this is mighty careless.Oh, yeah! a client recently purchased an older condo @ Ris Grandeur as he complained to me that he hates his recent condo which has all dry-walls. Guess what... this development's interior walls including toilets are of dry-wall material. Only walls that are solid are those sharing with external or neighbouring unit....On 10/9/2013 9:22:58 AM, Cecil Lee wrote: Tree House condo; uses creepers to act as a "heat sink" to mitigate to dissipate heat from the external wall; facing the afternoon sun. As often, this wall shares the master-bedroom wall.A+ marks for this "green" effort!On 9/29/2013 9:36:31 AM, Cecil Lee wrote: Yet to be launched Executive Condo at Punggol called: Waterwoods.Another sheer coincidence that Trees produce wood? Erh.. might as well also call it WaterTREEs condo...So far this development seems all so "square". The site is squarish; all blocks are built along an outline of a square. And this development has units that are purely Flying Stars: N2, S2, E2 and W2. A simple design, yet fully functional with lots of clear space between each stack.One of the better "safe, safer, safest" Shapes and Forms design around. Immediately, this gets 100% marks under this area, alone.On 9/29/2013 7:34:49 AM, Cecil Lee wrote: Many designers often predict what colours would be popular for the following year.Same here in Singapore.One step further is that developers follow a trend in naming their condominiums.In the 1990's, many condominiums start with THE e.g. THE Bayshore etc...In 2010, many condominiums use Residence e.g. Kovan ResidenceBy coincidence, I happen to visit newly TOP condos that have the word TREE in them: Tree House @ Chestnut avenue / Petir Road and 100 Trees @ West Coast (formerly Hong Leong).I can assure you that I had counted the trees at 100 trees and the inventory are as follows: this condo as at middle Sept 2013 has: 101 trees and 100 small plants (bushes).... Hope that the trees don't fall below 100 trees. Else dread to think that it should be changed to "99 Trees condo".On 9/29/2013 7:20:19 AM, Cecil Lee wrote: Tree House condo has just TOP. It has an unusual cage like pavilion... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 25, 2013 Staff Share Posted October 25, 2013 The "bird-nest" type of design for Tree House condo's pavilions are safe-designs. Since it is rounded; there are no protrusions in the form of poison arrow(s) from the "spikes" of the trellises. Quote On 10/9/2013 10:48:04 AM, Anonymous wrote:In my opinion, one thing the architectsforgot was that the ledges in Tree housedevelopment can allow birds + birdsdropping a-plenty to be deposited ontothe ledges above and below eachwindow(s).In a bird-flu world of today,this is mighty careless.Oh, yeah! aclient recently purchased an older condo@ Ris Grandeur as he complained to methat he hates his recent condo which hasall dry-walls. Guess what... thisdevelopment's interior walls includingtoilets are of dry-wall material. Onlywalls that are solid are those sharingwith external or neighbouring unit....On10/9/2013 9:22:58 AM, Cecil Lee wrote:Tree House condo; uses creepers toactas a "heat sink" to mitigate todissipate heat from the externalwall;facing the afternoon sun. Asoften, thiswall shares themaster-bedroom wall.A+marks forthis "green" effort!On9/29/20139:36:31 AM, Cecil Lee wrote:Yetto be launched Executive CondoatPunggol called:Waterwoods.Another sheercoincidencethat Trees producewood?Erh.. mightas well alsocall itWaterTREEscondo...Sofar thisdevelopmentseems allso "square". Thesite issquarish; all blocks are builtalongan outline of a square.And thisdevelopment has unitsthat arepurelyFlying Stars:N2, S2, E2 andW2. Asimpledesign, yet fullyfunctional withlots of clear spacebetween eachstack.One of the better"safe,safer,safest" Shapes andFormsdesign around.Immediately,thisgets 100% marks underthisarea,alone.On 9/29/2013 7:34:49AM,Cecil Lee wrote:Many designersoften predict whatcolourswouldbepopular for thefollowingyear.Samehere inSingapore.Onestep furtheris thatdevelopersfollow atrend innamingtheircondominiums.In the1990's, manycondominiums start withTHEe.g.THEBayshore etc...In 2010,manycondominiums useResidence e.g.KovanResidenceBy coincidence, Ihappen tovisit newly TOPcondosthat have thewordTREE in them:Tree House @Chestnutavenue /PetirRoadand 100 Trees @ WestCoast(formerly Hong Leong).Icanassureyou that I hadcounted the trees at100treesand the inventory are asfollows:this condo as atmiddleSept2013 has:101trees and 100small plants(bushes).... Hopethatthetrees don'tfall below100trees. Else dread tothinkthat itshould be changed to "99Treescondo".On 9/29/20137:20:19 AM,Cecil Lee wrote:Tree HousecondohasjustTOP.It has anunusualcagelikepavilion... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 9, 2020 Author Staff Share Posted October 9, 2020 Hi Cecil, i know my consult is over alrdy but i really hope u can still helpe *help me On monday, my condo went to install bird spikes in e red part Outside my main door, on every level I can see it from window in e dry kitchen Looks like really bad poison arrows May I know what u advise as a cure? On every floor, this is view from my dry kitchen Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted April 9, 2021 Author Staff Share Posted April 9, 2021 On 4 April 2021 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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