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What are plus points of the figure 8 condominium complex


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Dear Anon,
1. Personally, I feel that the main drawback of a figure eight condominium complex is the shape of the apartments. It tends to circular and not that ideal under `Shapes and Form' Feng Shui. (Especially if the rooms are curved.)
2. It also makes it difficult to place furniture on the side of the curving wall. On has then to try and `correct' the shape by getting custom made furniture.
3. Basically, it is the main synificance of the number 8 that `sounds' attractive. Otherwise, it is like any other developments.
4. One plus point or a demerit depends on the frontage of the house. If the frontage faces outwards, than all the apartments will have in a way water positions behind their house or at the centrepoint of the building development.
Warmest Regards,

On 12/17/99 5:41:38 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear cecil,
Can you briefly tell us the
plus points of the figure 8
condominium complex since one
cant tell much from the black
and white picture. Where is
the entrance to the complex.
Where is the parking lot,
swimming pool etc. Thanks.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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