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Success in buying a new house


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Dear Cecil or Robert,
Just 2 years ago I bought my first house. I have rented all my life and have always put a lot of energy into fixing things up, especially the yards. It felt so good to finally be working on something I owned. I had promised myself I would own a home by the time I was 50 (things have been difficult in my life even though I have married twice). One year after buying my house I built and opened a restaurant. I will be turning 50 this month. My house has been foreclosed on and my business has closed. I put much more energy than I have ever put into anything before into these two projects. I read several books on the subject of Feng Shui as I was redoing my home and creating my business. Needless to say I've got it all wrong! I am still in my home for now due to a stay because of filing for bankruptcy. I don't know if there is anything you can tell me but I'm feeling there must be something I can do to change things. My husband and I are looking into taking over another space and starting over but I am so scared to make a decision as every one I make seems to be wrong. I probably should check out a shrink but I have no money. I guess I'm hoping for some help in deciding what to do with the space, which is empty. Please reply if you can.

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Dear Nancy,
Currently Robert and myself is quite busy with several projects and at the same time helping a few `difficult cases.'
However, he has developed the Home Audit module where you can perhaps make use of it first. The only homework here is to get a compass and (if possible a protractor) and take readings and input it into the Home Audit module. The advise given is as good as what we can advise.
If you are interested, please sent a private mail to robert-lee@3dmail.com (If you have already created an account under geomancy-online.com, do furnish him the account name so that he can provide you with the credit.)
You can clarify with us, should you need further advise after you had generated the report.
Warmest Regards,

On 12/17/99 11:43:12 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil or Robert,
Just 2 years ago I bought my
first house. I have rented
all my life and have always
put a lot of energy into
fixing things up, especially
the yards. It felt so good to
finally be working on
something I owned. I had
promised myself I would own a
home by the time I was 50
(things have been difficult in
my life even though I have
married twice). One year
after buying my house I built
and opened a restaurant. I
will be turning 50 this month.
My house has been foreclosed
on and my business has closed.
I put much more energy than I
have ever put into anything
before into these two
projects. I read several
books on the subject of Feng
Shui as I was redoing my home
and creating my business.
Needless to say I've got it
all wrong! I am still in my
home for now due to a stay
because of filing for
bankruptcy. I don't know if
there is anything you can tell
me but I'm feeling there must
be something I can do to
change things. My husband and
I are looking into taking over
another space and starting
over but I am so scared to
make a decision as every one I
make seems to be wrong. I
probably should check out a
shrink but I have no money. I
guess I'm hoping for some help
in deciding what to do with
the space, which is empty.
Please reply if you can.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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