Staff Cecil Lee Posted December 7, 2014 Staff Share Posted December 7, 2014 Did I hear correctly? Amore?Amore in Italian is "LOVE"...Thus are we having a new EC in SGP called "LOVE EC" sorry, I mean Amore EC...BLOCK 67A IS CORRECTLY SPACEDFROM BLOCK 63. RESULTING IN EACHOTHER'S SHARP CORNERS BECOMINGNON-THREATENING.Please see attachment. The Amore EC has blocks lined in a typical "squarish" U-shaped design.From the illustration, Block 67A seems to be "correctly" spaced from Block 63. As a result some of the sharp corners from Block 67A seems to be non-threatening to it's neighbouring Block 63:Thus Stack #21's corner is non-threateningto neighbouring Block #2Thus Stack #21's corner is non-threateningto neighbouring Block #2. And stack #24'sneutralise #03. Except for those arrows in PURPLE. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 6, 2015 Staff Share Posted October 6, 2015 The SW1 facing stacks/units:-SW1 (202.5-217.4) - South-West Main Door Facing (210)20-Year ChartSouth-West (Earth)5Earth8Earth5EarthLian Zhen Xing, Misfortune, SicknessYear 20159FireJanFebMarAprMayJun4Wood3Wood2Earth1Water9Fire8EarthJulAugSepOctNovDec7Metal6Metal5Earth(4)Wood3Wood2Earth Duplicate Mountain Star NOTE: Month's should be taken as the Chinese Lunar Month) Breadwinner's SuitabilityCurrent Sector DescriptionGenerally this location is your Lian Zhen Xing, Misfortune, Sickness (5) area. This means that if you sent too much time at this location, most likely you will fall seriously ill unless there are a combination of two lucky stars in this location. (!-- cur_result1 -- Quote Eight-One Combination Explanation[5] & [8] - Inauspicious. (!-- cur_result3 --Five Element Analysis (Mountain vs Water)Analysing: Strong Earth (5) vs Weak Earth (8)Strong Earth (5) (Inauspicious Star) represents Lian Zhen Xing, Misfortune, Sickness. Weak Earth (8) (Auspicious Star) represents Zuo Fu Xing, Current Prosperity. Relationship AnalysisEarth (5) has the same element as Earth (8). Earth star is inauspicious, and there is no elements to control or neutralize it. Thus, this is considered an inauspicious combination. Proposed SolutionMake use of Metal (white/gold) to exhaust and weaken Earth (!-- cur_result2 --(!-- Five Element Analysis (20-Year Star vs Year Star) Analysing: Strong Earth (5) vs Weak Fire (9)Strong Earth (5) (Inauspicious Star) represents Lian Zhen Xing, Misfortune, Sickness. Weak Fire (9) (Average Star) represents You Bi Xing, Coming Prosperity. Relationship AnalysisEarth (5) helps to exhausts Fire (9). Fire element is weaken by Earth, which in turn makes Earth stronger. Earth star is inauspicious, and there is no elements to control or neturalize it. Thus, this is considered an inauspicious combination. Proposed SolutionMake use of Metal (white/gold) to exhaust and weaken Earth--(!-- cur_result4 --Combination of 10 Mountain Star FormationCombination of 10 in this sector improves the luck in this sectorAnd the NW1 facing stacks/units:-NW1 (292.5-307.4) - North-West Main Door Facing (300)20-Year ChartNorth-West (Metal)8Earth1Water9FireYou Bi Xing, Coming ProsperityYear 20154WoodJanFebMarAprMayJun8Earth7Metal6Metal5Earth4Wood3WoodJulAugSepOctNovDec2Earth1Water9Fire(8)Earth7Metal6Metal Comb. Ten Water Star NOTE: Month's should be taken as the Chinese Lunar Month) Breadwinner's SuitabilityLongevityCurrent Sector DescriptionGenerally this location is your You Bi Xing, Coming Prosperity (9) area. considered auspicious. (!-- cur_result1 --Eight-One Combination Explanation[8] & [1] - Sickness. (!-- cur_result3 --Five Element Analysis (Mountain vs Water)Analysing: Weak Earth (8) vs Weak Water (1)Weak Earth (8) (Auspicious Star) represents Zuo Fu Xing, Current Prosperity. Weak Water (1) (Auspicious Star) represents Tan Lang Xing, Career and Income. Relationship AnalysisCongratulations! Earth (8) destroys Water (1). Water element is destroyed or weaken by Earth. Thus, this is considered an auspicious combination. (!-- cur_result2 --(!-- Five Element Analysis (20-Year Star vs Year Star) Analysing: Weak Fire (9) vs Weak Wood (4)Weak Fire (9) (Average Star) represents You Bi Xing, Coming Prosperity. Weak Wood (4) (Average Star) represents Wen Qu Xing, Education, Romance. Relationship AnalysisCongratulations! Fire (9) helps to exhausts Wood (4). Wood element is weaken by Fire, which in turn makes Fire stronger. Thus, this is considered an auspicious combination. --(!-- cur_result4 --Combination of 10 Water Star FormationCombination of 10 in this sector improves the luck in this sector Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 6, 2015 Staff Share Posted October 6, 2015 Feng Shui of Amore EC in Punggol This development has stacks/units facing either Flying Stars Period 8: 1. NE12. SW13. NW14. SE1 (the only stack suitable to the East group person) NE1 (22.5-37.4) - North-East Main Door Facing (30) 20-Year Chart North-East (Earth) 2Earth 8Earth 2Earth Ju Men Xing, Sickness Year 2015 6Metal Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 1Water 9Fire 8Earth 7Metal 6Metal 5Earth Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 4Wood 3Wood 2Earth (1)Water 9Fire 8Earth Duplicate Mountain Star Comb. Ten Water Star NOTE: Month's should be taken as the Chinese Lunar Month) Breadwinner's Suitability Prosperity Current Sector Description Generally this location is your Ju Men Xing, Sickness (2) area. This means that if you spent too much time at this location, most likely you will fall sick unless there is an auspicious star in this location. (!-- cur_result1 -- Quote Eight-One Combination Explanation [2] & [8] - Not an auspicious period. (!-- cur_result3 --Five Element Analysis (Mountain vs Water) Analysing: Strong Earth (2) vs Weak Earth (8) Strong Earth (2) (Inauspicious Star) represents Ju Men Xing, Sickness. Weak Earth (8) (Auspicious Star) represents Zuo Fu Xing, Current Prosperity. Relationship Analysis Earth (2) has the same element as Earth (8). Earth star is inauspicious, and there is no elements to control or neutralize it. Thus, this is considered an inauspicious combination. Proposed SolutionMake use of Metal (white/gold) to exhaust and weaken Earth (!-- cur_result2 --(!-- Five Element Analysis (20-Year Star vs Year Star) Analysing: Strong Earth (2) vs Strong Metal (6) Strong Earth (2) (Inauspicious Star) represents Ju Men Xing, Sickness. Strong Metal (6) (Auspicious Star) represents Wu Qu Xing, Luck from Heaven. Relationship Analysis Earth (2) helps to produce Metal (6). Metal element is being strengthened by Earth. Earth in turn becomes weaken after producing Metal. Earth star is inauspicious, and there is no elements to control or neturalize it. Thus, this is considered an inauspicious combination. Proposed SolutionMake use of Metal (white/gold) to exhaust and weaken Earth --(!-- cur_result4 --Combination of 10 Water Star Formation Combination of 10 in this sector improves the luck in this sector SE1 (112.5-127.4) - South-East Main Door Facing (120) South-East (Wood) 8Earth 6Metal 7Metal Po Jun Xing, Burglary, Violence, Fading Prosperity Year 2015 2Earth Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 6Metal 5Earth 4Wood 3Wood 2Earth 1Water Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 9Fire 8Earth 7Metal (6)Metal 5Earth 4Wood NOTE: Month's should be taken as the Chinese Lunar Month) Breadwinner's Suitability Spook Current Sector Description Generally this location is your Po Jun Xing, Burglary, Violence, Fading Prosperity (7) area. (!-- cur_result1 --Eight-One Combination Explanation [8] & [6] - Prosperity, good wealth. (!-- cur_result3 --Five Element Analysis (Mountain vs Water) Analysing: Weak Earth (8) vs Strong Metal (6) Weak Earth (8) (Auspicious Star) represents Zuo Fu Xing, Current Prosperity. Strong Metal (6) (Auspicious Star) represents Wu Qu Xing, Luck from Heaven. Relationship Analysis Congratulations! Earth (8) helps to produce Metal (6). Metal element is being strengthened by Earth. Earth in turn becomes weaken after producing Metal. Thus, this is considered an auspicious combination. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 6, 2015 Staff Share Posted October 6, 2015 Feng Shui of Amore EC in PunggolSignificance of the four Flying Star directions of The Amore EC:-1. NE1 facing has a #2 sickness star. Need to disarm this2. SW1 facing has a #5 misfortune/sickness star. 3. SE1 has the auspicious mountain star #8 = networking and relationship luck sector. It's auspicious water star is located behind the stack/unit or at NW sector.4. NW1 has the auspicious mountain star #8 = networking and relationshp luck sector. It's auspicious water star is located behind the stack/unit or at SE sector. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 6, 2015 Staff Share Posted October 6, 2015 Feng Shui of Amore EC in Punggol: NW1 facing 1. From now to 2023, #8 is the current prosperity wealth stars. 1.1 And from 2024 to 2043, #9 will instead become the current prosperity wealth stars. 2. Feng Shui of the Amore with stacks/units facing NW1:- 2.1. Based on Flying Star Feng Shui; the "stars" looks reasonably good for stacks/units facing NW1. 2.2. The current prosperity mountain star #8 is at the frontage; while the current prosperity water star #8 falls at the rear of the stack/unit. 3. From 2024 onwards, things are different. 3.1. Unfortunately, one of the most important stars: the water star #9 from 2024 onwards falls in the centrepoint of the home. 3.2. From past experience; the male breadwinner would have to be concerned about his career as around especially a few years earlier: 2022 ... be careful of retrenchment or poor career luck. 3.3. After 2024 onwards; this NW1 flat would be considered to have small or no luck as the water weatlh #9 falls at the centrepoint of the home. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 6, 2015 Staff Share Posted October 6, 2015 Feng Shui of Amore EC in Punggol: Type CJ / CJt CJg Not ideal for the stove to be sharing the same wall as the shower piping and WC. Quote On 10/6/2015 11:44:43 AM, Anonymous wrote: Feng Shui of Amore EC in Punggol: NW1 facing1. From now to 2023, #8 is the current prosperity wealth stars.1.1 And from 2024 to 2043, #9 will instead become the current prosperity wealth stars.2. Feng Shui of the Amore with stacks/units facing NW1:-2.1. Based on Flying Star Feng Shui; the "stars" looks reasonably good for stacks/units facing NW1.2.2. The current prosperity mountain star #8 is at the frontage; while the current prosperity water star #8 falls at the rear of the stack/unit. 3. From 2024 onwards, things are different. 3.1. Unfortunately, one of the most important stars: the water star #9 from 2024 onwards falls in the centrepoint of the home.3.2. From past experience; the male breadwinner would have to be concerned about his career as around especially a few years earlier: 2022 ... be careful of retrenchment or poor career luck.3.3. After 2024 onwards; this NW1 flat would be considered to have small or no luck as the water weatlh #9 falls at the centrepoint of the home. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 6, 2017 Author Staff Share Posted January 6, 2017 The Amore just T.O.P. Did you manage to glimpse several love twin seats ? ? Maybe like one of our MPs says... possible for ......?? Or not... hmmmm... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 9, 2017 Author Staff Share Posted March 9, 2017 The Amore Punggol Central facing: River Isles, Greendale Secondary School Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 10, 2022 Author Staff Share Posted March 10, 2022 Need Help? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted June 6, 2024 Author Staff Share Posted June 6, 2024 AS WE ENTER PERIOD 9 FLYING STAR FENG SHUI FROM 2024 TILL 2043 WHICH UNITS ARE LUCKY? Part 1: How is the luck of the Internal Feng Shui of this unit? Part 2: External Feng Shui luck? Part 3: How suitable is the unit - Frontage, Kitchen & Main Bedroom? PART 1 = 35% Depends on the Internal Layout & Sectors - How Lucky? T.O.P. in 2016 There are four facing directions for this development: NE1, SW1, NW1 & SE1 Good, Better, Best! NONE, IN THIS DEVELOPMENT Unfortunately, look elsewhere... for ONE +++++++++++++ The Rest! NE1 = Less lucky under Period 9. It also depends on the layout plan. +++++++++++++ SE1 = Depends on the unit's layout plan. +++++++++++++ NW1 = Less lucky under Period 9. But also depends on layout. As Current Prosperity Career and Overall Luck is trapped or wasted at the centrepoint of the unit. +++++++++++++ SW1 = Take extra care of health issues from 2024 onwards. * BEST TO CURE IT * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ But also need to review/consider the individual Internal Layout Plan & this is just part of the many considerations in a home purchase. However the above does not take into consideration things like: Kitchen/Stove at Inauspicious Fire @ Heaven's Gate or Poison arrow aimed towards the unit, proximity to common bin etc.. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++ ++++ PART 2 = 35% Location, location, location? Sha Qi? Poison Arrow? Watch Your Front, Sides & Back! POOR SCORE? THESE ARE SOME CONCERNS: Sha Qi or Poison arrow(s) from Sharp Corner(s) 天斩煞 (tiān zhǎn shà) = Tian Zhan Sha etc... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++ ++++ PART 3 = 30% How Suitable to breadwinner? Please note that has yet to take into consideration: 1. How suitable is the unit to the main breadwinner & 2. External Shapes and Forms of the unit TOTAL SCORE = 35 + 35 + 30 = 100% Get Expert Help: ++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++ How do you Feng Shui your home? Use your front door? Who are the Conservatives & the Modernist? Applies to Homes that previously T.O.P. between Years 2004 to 2023... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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