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Skies Miltonia @ Yishun Just TOP

Cecil Lee

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Architects should always remember this "Even if you don't stay there, think of the potential family that would be staying there!"

On 19 Mar 2016, at 2:05 AM, M____ L_____ wrote an e-mail:-

Hi Cecil,


I should have read your analysis or column long ago or before purchase Skies Miltonia. Before purchase, there isn't any direction given on the block __ and it seems face north but not west. However; after collecting key, I realized that my bed room face (head direction) the west sun, and it's extreme hot , so as kitchen. In such a case, how to change the fengshui ? What can I do?

The balcony and dining room are facing the road...

Now that I learnt should have seek advice before purchase property but not after.

I appreciate if you can do some help .

Sent from my iPhone=


Dear M____ ,

Sorry to learn about your plight.

Honestly, as what you mentioned is external (the sun rays) there is unfortunately nothing one can control, here. Given that there are no neighbouring high-rise to block partially the heat towards your unit.

The other day, I visited a client who bought two units in your development. He made sure that the units he bought was not affected directly by the afternoon sun.

Currently, this few weeks there is a heatwave; so hopefully, it would not get worse than it is now.

Looking at your writing; you are indeed a positive person; and learn from this.

I was impressed with another condo in Bukit Panjang; and the architect built a wall feature to allow creepers to grow; some kind of a "heat-sink" or barrier between the direct sunlight and the unseen wall of eg master bedroom.

Personally, in the past I had like you learned a "painful" lesson when the home was also a SW / westerly facing. Here, unfortunately, this is an external issue i.e. Beyond control.


Warmest Regards,

Cecil Lee

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

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