Staff Cecil Lee Posted June 1, 2016 Staff Share Posted June 1, 2016 Eco Sanctuary @ Chestnut avenue is targeted to TOP in a few months time. It comprises three blocks. The facing directions of stacks under Block 65 are either N3 or S3 facing units. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted June 1, 2016 Staff Share Posted June 1, 2016 1. A sample Feng Shui chart incorporating Compass School Feng Shui : Flying Stars + Eight House and Ba Zi Feng Shui. 2. The plus factor for a S3 facing unit such as this is that the combined double auspicious #8 stars are at the frontage of the house. Thus for this stack #15; it benefits from a water position in the form of the swimming pool right in-front of the frontage / balcony. 3. Thus stacks such as 18, 19, 20 & 21 have these two good stars wasted at the rear of the flat which often is the kitchen/yard area. 4. As NW sector has bad #2 with #5 stars; and since this is the location of the dining table. It is advisable to avoid purchasing a marble or granite dining table top for this house. 5. As it can affect the male breadwinner's career. Given that this sector is also NW = male head of the house and overall "heaven luck" of the house. 6. In addition, there is no need for a partition between the main door and the balcony as the French doors when folded should be sufficient still to act as a "partition". Quote On 6/1/2016 12:18:08 PM, Anonymous wrote:Eco Sanctuary @ Chestnutavenue is targeted to TOP in afew months time.It comprisesthree blocks. The facingdirections of stacks underBlock 65 are either N3 or S3facing units. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted June 1, 2016 Staff Share Posted June 1, 2016 1. Part 3: Eco Sanctuary @ Chestnut avenue and Sha Qi or poison arrows from neighbouring sharp corners of blocks. 2. In many developments; usually the neighbouring sharp corners are from the same development's block-stack sharp corner. 3. Please see illustration. 4. One will notice that Tree House condo's sharp corner of block 68 has a sharp corner aimed approximately at most likely Eco Sanctuary's Block 61 stack #2 or #1. Best that it is completed before making a judgement call. 5. Tree House Block 66 also has a sharp corner that potentially is aimed towards Block 63 of Eco Sanctuary stack #9.. 6. Did you also notice Eco Sanctuary Block 65 stack 15 has a sharp corner aimed towards a stack in Tree House. Anyway, this is another matter all together .. since this topic is about Eco Sanctuary not Tree House condo. Quote On 6/1/2016 12:38:55 PM, Anonymous wrote:1. A sample Feng Shui chartincorporating Compass School Feng Shui :Flying Stars + Eight House and Ba ZiFeng Shui.2. The plus factor for a S3facing unit such as this is that thecombined double auspicious #8 stars areat the frontage of the house. Thus forthis stack #15; it benefits from a waterposition in the form of the swimmingpool right in-front of the frontage /balcony. 3. Thus stacks such as 18, 19,20 & 21 have these two good starswasted at the rear of the flat whichoften is the kitchen/yard area.4. As NWsector has bad #2 with #5 stars; andsince this is the location of the diningtable. It is advisable to avoidpurchasing a marble or granite diningtable top for this house. 5. As it canaffect the male breadwinner's career.Given that this sector is also NW = malehead of the house and overall "heavenluck" of the house.6. In addition, thereis no need for a partition between themain door and the balcony as the Frenchdoors when folded should be sufficientstill to act as a "partition".On6/1/2016 12:18:08 PM, Cecil Leewrote:Eco Sanctuary @Chestnutavenue is targeted to TOP inafew months time.Itcomprisesthree blocks. Thefacingdirections of stacksunderBlock 65 are either N3 orS3facing units. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted June 1, 2016 Staff Share Posted June 1, 2016 These three photos show potential poison arrows. Note these photos are not of Eco sanctuary. But simply illustrations from an already completed apartment looking out towards potential poison arrows. (If any). Quote On 6/1/2016 1:26:10 PM, Anonymous wrote:1. Part 3: Eco Sanctuary @ Chestnutavenue and Sha Qi or poison arrows fromneighbouring sharp corners of blocks.2.In many developments; usually theneighbouring sharp corners are from thesame development's block-stack sharpcorner.3. Please see illustration.4. Onewill notice that Tree House condo'ssharp corner of block 68 has a sharpcorner aimed approximately at mostlikely Eco Sanctuary's Block 61 stack #2or #1. Best that it is completed beforemaking a judgement call.5. Tree HouseBlock 66 also has a sharp corner thatpotentially is aimed towards Block 63 ofEco Sanctuary stack #9.. 6. Did you alsonotice Eco Sanctuary Block 65 stack 15has a sharp corner aimed towards a stackin Tree House. Anyway, this is anothermatter all together .. since this topicis about Eco Sanctuary not Tree Housecondo.On 6/1/2016 12:38:55 PM, Cecil Leewrote:1. A sample Feng Shuichartincorporating Compass SchoolFeng Shui :Flying Stars + EightHouse and Ba ZiFeng Shui.2. The plusfactor for a S3facing unit such asthis is that thecombined doubleauspicious #8 stars areat thefrontage of the house. Thus forthisstack #15; it benefits from awaterposition in the form of theswimmingpool right in-front of thefrontage /balcony. 3. Thus stackssuch as 18, 19,20 & 21 havethese two good starswasted at therear of the flat whichoften is thekitchen/yard area.4. As NWsector hasbad #2 with #5 stars; andsince thisis the location of the diningtable.It is advisable to avoidpurchasing amarble or granite diningtable topfor this house. 5. As it canaffectthe male breadwinner's career.Giventhat this sector is also NW =malehead of the house and overall"heavenluck" of the house.6. Inaddition, thereis no need for apartition between themain door andthe balcony as the Frenchdoors whenfolded should be sufficientstill toact as a "partition".On6/1/201612:18:08 PM, Cecil Leewrote:EcoSanctuary @Chestnutavenue istargeted to TOP inafew monthstime.Itcomprisesthree blocks.Thefacingdirections ofstacksunderBlock 65 are eitherN3 orS3facing units. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted June 1, 2016 Staff Share Posted June 1, 2016 1. Part 5: Eco Sanctuary Condo and Block 61 2. Block 61 Eco Sanctuary is the only True North-South facing block out of the three blocks at Eco Sanctuary. 3. However, both the North and South stacks don't really face any water position. 3.1 North stacks face 0/360 degrees or Flying stars = N2. 3.2 South stacks face 180 degrees or Flying stars = S2. 4. N2. Stacks/Units has the double auspicious #8's wasted at the "back" of the unit. Thus not as favourable as the S2 stacks under Flying Star Feng Shui. The saving grace that it is facing the Bukit Panjang Garden = greenery or clear space especially for higher floors. 5. S2. Stacks are the best stacks for a East group person. As both frontage enjoys the double auspicious #8 wealth stars. For this block 61, there is really no water position for these south facing stacks/unit. Only "clear space" This clear space is of course not as good as having a water position; but at least; it is considered as "virtual water". The Chestnut avenue road is considered only as an access road to all three condos. Thus, not a busy or noisy road. 6. Attached, please find a sample illustration of a Flying Star Period 8, S2 chart. 7. In the attachment: it is advantages for the [8] & [8] which symbolises : Prosperity, good wealth at the frontage of the home. Vs a N2 facing where this good stars are wasted at the "rear" which is usually the kitchen/yard area. 8. The only concern for a S2 facing chart is that so often, the kitchen may be located at NW sector. Which in Feng Shui is called: "Fire at Heaven's Gate". And this can affect the male breadwinner's career luck. 9. Thus for a South facing (S2) best to select a unit where the kitchen is either at North or North-east sector is preferred. Quote On 6/1/2016 1:51:11 PM, Anonymous wrote:These three photos show potential poisonarrows.Note these photos are not of Ecosanctuary. But simply illustrations froman already completed apartment lookingout towards potential poison arrows. (Ifany).On 6/1/2016 1:26:10 PM, Cecil Leewrote:1. Part 3: Eco Sanctuary @Chestnutavenue and Sha Qi or poisonarrows fromneighbouring sharpcorners of blocks.2.In manydevelopments; usuallytheneighbouring sharp corners arefrom thesame development'sblock-stack sharpcorner.3. Pleasesee illustration.4. Onewill noticethat Tree House condo'ssharp cornerof block 68 has a sharpcorner aimedapproximately at mostlikely EcoSanctuary's Block 61 stack #2or #1.Best that it is completedbeforemaking a judgement call.5.Tree HouseBlock 66 also has a sharpcorner thatpotentially is aimedtowards Block 63 ofEco Sanctuarystack #9.. 6. Did you alsonotice EcoSanctuary Block 65 stack 15has asharp corner aimed towards a stackinTree House. Anyway, this isanothermatter all together .. sincethis topicis about Eco Sanctuary notTree Housecondo.On 6/1/2016 12:38:55PM, Cecil Leewrote:1. A sampleFeng ShuichartincorporatingCompass SchoolFeng Shui :FlyingStars + EightHouse and Ba ZiFengShui.2. The plusfactor for aS3facing unit such asthis isthat thecombineddoubleauspicious #8 stars areatthefrontage of the house. Thusforthisstack #15; it benefitsfrom awaterposition in the formof theswimmingpool rightin-front of thefrontage/balcony. 3. Thus stackssuch as18, 19,20 & 21 havethese twogood starswasted at therear ofthe flat whichoften isthekitchen/yard area.4. AsNWsector hasbad #2 with #5stars; andsince thisis thelocation of the diningtable.Itis advisable to avoidpurchasingamarble or granite diningtabletopfor this house. 5. As itcanaffectthe male breadwinner'scareer.Giventhat this sector isalso NW =malehead of the houseand overall"heavenluck" of thehouse.6. Inaddition, thereis noneed for apartition betweenthemain door andthe balcony asthe Frenchdoors whenfoldedshould be sufficientstill toactas a"partition".On6/1/201612:18:08PM, CecilLeewrote:EcoSanctuary@Chestnutavenue istargetedto TOP inafewmonthstime.Itcomprisesthreeblocks.ThefacingdirectionsofstacksunderBlock 65 areeitherN3 orS3facing units. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted June 1, 2016 Staff Share Posted June 1, 2016 1. Part 6: Eco Sanctuary Condo and Block 63 and Flying Star Feng Shui 2. All stacks in Block 63 either face Flying Stars N1 or S1 direction. 3. Stacks 10, 11 & 12 = N1 has the auspicious double 8s at it's frontage. Good if the frontage has a water position. But in this development N1 stacks/units face the Bukit Panjang Garden. Which is considered as clear space and in an unobstructed view situation; this clear space translate to "virtual water". Not real water, but at least, birds can fly freely at this frontage. 3.1 Good if the master bedroom is located at NE sector. As it has good auspicious star combinations of MS#6 + WS#1. 3.2 If a bedroom is located at East is good for a bedroom cum study. 3.3 The rest of other sectors has inauspicious stars. And may need to be disarmed. 4. Stacks 9, 13 and 14. For the south facing or S1 stacks/unis: the combined auspicious wealth stars MS#8 + WS#8 are at the "rear" of the unit. Such a waste as usually this is the kitchen & yard area. 4.1 It will be good if a bedroom is located at East sector: good for studies. 4.2 If the main entrance is located at NE, this will be excellent as there are good combinations of MS#1 with WS#6 in this sector. 4.3 However stack / unit 9 may have a potential poison arrow aimed from Tree House condo's block 66 corner. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted November 10, 2016 Author Staff Share Posted November 10, 2016 Eco Sanctuary Just T.O.P. Stylish petal clubhouse and large outdoor chess set Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 29, 2017 Author Staff Share Posted October 29, 2017 Tree House block 60’s afternoon sun facing wall.. The wall’s creepers highlighted by the red arrow of block 60 facing the afternoon sun has grown nicely. Most importantly, it cools down the walls. Thus preventing heat from oozing into the master bedrooms..kudos to the architects. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 11, 2020 Author Staff Share Posted October 11, 2020 From Key collection till maximum of 2023, luck sectors will change locations especially for Eco Sanctuary on/from 2024 till 2043:- Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 26, 2020 Author Staff Share Posted October 26, 2020 Thumb-nail Sample Report at Eco Santuary Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted June 5, 2021 Author Staff Share Posted June 5, 2021 Are you interested in buying a home at ECO Sanctuary condo? Is my existing house or potential new home still lucky today? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted February 26, 2024 Author Staff Share Posted February 26, 2024 AS WE ENTER PERIOD 9 FLYING STAR FENG SHUI FROM 2024 TILL 2043 WHICH UNITS ARE LUCKY? Part 1: How is the luck of the Internal Feng Shui of this unit? Part 2: External Feng Shui luck? Part 3: How suitable is the unit - Frontage, Kitchen & Main Bedroom? PART 1 = 35% Depends on the Internal Layout & Sectors - How Lucky? T.O.P. 2016 +++ There are SIX (6) facing directions for this development: N1, S1, N2, S2, N3 & S3 (Under Flying Star Feng Shui N2 & N3 with S2 & S3 each share identical charts) Good, Better, Best! N2 & N3 = Better luck under Period 9. From 2024 till 2043. +++ S1 = In general more lucky in Period 9. However this depends on where is the living room & external features of the unit. Extra care if e.g. a bedroom e.g. Master Bedroom is located at SE with Misfortune/sickness. +++ The Rest! N1 = Less lucky under Period 9. As formerly double #8's at it's frontage. Thus not so smooth under Period 9. S2 & S3 = Less lucky under Period 9. As formerly double #8's at it's frontage had now become Past or Gone Luck! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ But also need to review/consider the individual Internal Layout Plan & this is just part of the many considerations in a home purchase. However the above does not take into consideration things like: Kitchen/Stove at Inauspicious Fire @ Heaven's Gate or Poison arrow aimed towards the unit, proximity to common bin etc.. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++ ++++ PART 2 = 35% Location, location, location? Sha Qi? Poison Arrow? Watch Your Front, Sides & Back! POOR SCORE? THESE ARE SOME CONCERNS: Sha Qi or Poison arrow(s) from Sharp Corner(s) 天斩煞 (tiān zhǎn shà) = Tian Zhan Sha etc... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++ ++++ PART 3 = 30% How Suitable to breadwinner? Please note that has yet to take into consideration: 1. How suitable is the unit to the main breadwinner & 2. External Shapes and Forms of the unit TOTAL SCORE = 35 + 35 + 30 = 100% Get Expert Help: ++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++ How do you Feng Shui your home? Use your front door? Who are the Conservatives & the Modernist? Applies to Homes that previously T.O.P. between Years 2004 to 2023... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 1, 2024 Author Staff Share Posted March 1, 2024 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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