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Placement of study table


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I am a university student about to be 30, this is my 6th year of a degree, I am a single mother of 4. My studies have been difficult and very exhausting, I am taking longer than others. I am intelligent, I have difficulties concentrating at home, for various reasons (children), stress, sleepy and time management. I just moved into a brand new apartment building, on the 14th floor, I am paying very special attention to the North and North East. I have a wood desk I got given to me today it will be delivered whenever I am ready, however I am almost scared I will place it the most negative of the three options I have...Although I do not know which position is the most negative or even if one is best or perhaps they will each have different positive and negatives associated. Ok so I enter my suite  and face east, there is a kitchen/dining/ living room combo to my left (north). half (kitchen/dining) of this large room is 8ft ceiling, the northeast position enjoys 10 ft ceilings and the east wall has 2 large windows which have amazing skies and overlook the downtown. My tv faces north on the south wall, beside it closer to the window is a 3.5 ft wood framed mirror I positioned I believe a bit too high at about 4.5 ft off the floor. It faces the north wall and reflects a wood framed picture of my daughter in her kindergarten graduation gown. it also reflects the windows nicely, but is not direct;y facing the windows which are on the east wall. Now here is the dilema...my desk has three potential placements... directly under the mirror, and perhaps lowering to allow accommodating a full body reflection upon sitting,  this would have me facing the mirror and south with north to my back and east to my left, .... or place the desk at the northern directly wall under the picture of my daughter, with east to me right and the mirror directly behind me reflecting my back and myself studying... or should I place at the windows facing east with the mirror (south) to my right and the picture(north) to my left and be staring out the window.....????? I was thinking this was the best option...do I lower the mirror to see the entire body as I sit? and then I am unsure by the which window  as they are not balanced and one is larger, so if I position the desk under one window I will be closer to either the south or the north, and positioning it in between and the desk and I would be more on the south side than the north and seems unbalanced. I dont know too many variables and too much riding on the best placement!!! attached is a floor plan... Good luck... hope you can guide me 


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On 25/09/2016 at 2:56 PM, starr-l said:

I am a university student about to be 30, this is my 6th year of a degree, I am a single mother of 4. My studies have been difficult and very exhausting, I am taking longer than others. I am intelligent, I have difficulties concentrating at home, for various reasons (children), stress, sleepy and time management. I just moved into a brand new apartment building, on the 14th floor, I am paying very special attention to the North and North East. I have a wood desk I got given to me today it will be delivered whenever I am ready, however I am almost scared I will place it the most negative of the three options I have...Although I do not know which position is the most negative or even if one is best or perhaps they will each have different positive and negatives associated. Ok so I enter my suite  and face east, there is a kitchen/dining/ living room combo to my left (north). half (kitchen/dining) of this large room is 8ft ceiling, the northeast position enjoys 10 ft ceilings and the east wall has 2 large windows which have amazing skies and overlook the downtown. My tv faces north on the south wall, beside it closer to the window is a 3.5 ft wood framed mirror I positioned I believe a bit too high at about 4.5 ft off the floor. It faces the north wall and reflects a wood framed picture of my daughter in her kindergarten graduation gown. it also reflects the windows nicely, but is not direct;y facing the windows which are on the east wall. Now here is the dilema...my desk has three potential placements... directly under the mirror, and perhaps lowering to allow accommodating a full body reflection upon sitting,  this would have me facing the mirror and south with north to my back and east to my left, .... or place the desk at the northern directly wall under the picture of my daughter, with east to me right and the mirror directly behind me reflecting my back and myself studying... or should I place at the windows facing east with the mirror (south) to my right and the picture(north) to my left and be staring out the window.....????? I was thinking this was the best option...do I lower the mirror to see the entire body as I sit? and then I am unsure by the which window  as they are not balanced and one is larger, so if I position the desk under one window I will be closer to either the south or the north, and positioning it in between and the desk and I would be more on the south side than the north and seems unbalanced. I dont know too many variables and too much riding on the best placement!!! attached is a floor plan... Good luck... hope you can guide me 


1. Do you know whether you are an east or west group.

2. Under this concept; try to see if one can study facing one's favourable directions.

3. Frankly, since above are unknown; go with your feel: a location that is not distracting to you; most of all feel comfortable to sit down. Here, you can always in the future shift table positions (if necessarily)

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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21 minutes ago, Cecil Lee said:

1. Do you know whether you are an east or west group.

2. Under this concept; try to see if one can study facing one's favourable directions.

3. Frankly, since above are unknown; go with your feel: a location that is not distracting to you; most of all feel comfortable to sit down. Here, you can always in the future shift table positions (if necessarily)

Please see attachment. Assuming the study table will go into the master bedroom?

Based on Shapes and Forms and also common sense:

The best location for the study table could be:

Marking B or if the bed shifted closer to the toilet door area then marking D is another possible location.

Marking C is a good choice. But most likely if one is using a queen sized bed and looking at the attached layout plan, not practical or may not fit / or tight fit due to the size of the bedroom.

Alternative is marking A. But I doubt if your table can go into this area without protruding towards the toilet door.

Suite-C3_shapes and forms.jpg

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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