Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 20, 2020 Author Staff Share Posted March 20, 2020 Case Study 21: Is there a potential poison arrow from a neighbouring stack/unit? 1. If one knows what to look out for, one can easily identify potential poison arrow(s) from the sharp corner of another neighbouring block or unit. 2. [See below] For example, in bold RED is a potential sharp corner:- 3. Good news is that a keen eye can detect such a Sha Qi from the Sales Brochure itself. 3.1. So long as the sharp corner is not aimed towards an opening such as a balcony sliding panel or windows; this is not a threat. 3.2. If in doubt, choose another unit. As this can only be ascertained accurately upon T.O.P. of the unit. 4. Another type of Sha Qi can be found under this link:- Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 20, 2020 Author Staff Share Posted March 20, 2020 Case Study 22A: Should I be concerned if a Chinese Temple (present or future) be near-by or facing a potential stack/unit? Higher probability of uninvited spirits into the unit? [Extract from review of HDB Melody Spring Yishun BTO with a potential temple beside it's plot.] LEGEND: Yellow = Depending on floor level, these units directly facing the Chinese Temple Red = Units located at the region of NE of the temple. Can be come an unexpected portal for the netherworld. As NE is generally considered as the devil's "front door". Green = In close proximity of the future Chinese temple. Last resort or last consideration after the Yellows and reds are eliminated. Unit's in RED affected by Devil's front gate (Generally unlucky). Placement of altar may inadvertently become a portal for spirits to enter and exit. One consolation is that if the temple is aligned from Frontage West to East, then lesser extend of the above issue. But we never know yet whether the temple will be aligned at an SW to NE alignment. If so, this is extremely bad luck for those units within the NE zone. Especially units ranging from 1st storey to 4th storey high. Let not the temple be aligned according to this purple outline... else can bring calamity to those downstream within NE zone... Bad news also is that no matter how, if the temple raises from ash.. it will most likely face certain stacks within the just T.O.P. HDB Blossom Spring. Both Chinese Feng Shui and Indian Vastu principles ... share this same thoughts... Some temples purposely align to a NE-SW or SW-NE depending on their intended purpose. The famous Lian Shan Shuang Lin Monastery at Toa Payoh is aligned at a North Easterly direction. (However, this is not based on Flying Stars alignment. The temple is aligned precisely or exactly at a 10 degrees to 190 degrees for a specific purpose.) In the past, I received several SOS separately from some residents at block 255 and also 253.... By right, the temple could have been aligned North to South similar to block 194. But because of this temple; many HDB blocks has no choice also aligned to the temple’s profile. The above Lian Shan Shuang Lin Monastery plus the Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery (Sin Ming - also known as Bright Hill) are never aligned exactly true North to South. But again; if one compares the two outlines of these templese, these two temples are tilted towards a North-Easterly direction. Again, for a specific reason. In Indonesian or Malay origin.. the word to describe this situation is "Mampus" = sure to die... Case Study 22B: Should I be concerned with a near-by church? Or an elderly home? [Extract:] Case Study: Flo Residence @ Punggol Field Walk: 1. Frankly, although the stacks / units are reasonably priced; 2. I feel that this development equally has not so good Shapes And Forms Feng Shui. 3. The worst stack is #19 of Block 9. As it is in close proximity with it's neighbouring HDB Block 169A of Punggol Nautilus (169A Punggol Field). Please see illustration. 4. Furthermore, this development has a rectangular missing corner that is ear-marked for a proposed church. 4.1. In the near future, especially Block 3 and Block 5 pool facing stacks would daily be reminded of "going to church" as most certainly the church's spine in the form of a cross would be obvious on it's roof. However as the church is not built yer, hopefully, this is not aimed at a unit in this development. 5. It's surroundings also not that fantastic as it is surrounded or close to Sheng Jia Temple; the Bright Hill Evergreen Home (uncompleted). 6. I understand that in the future, this area is ear-marked to have a mosque etc... in the near vicinity. Case Study 22C: Should I be concerned buying a home near a mosque [Extract from:] 1. In a multi-racial society of Singapore, it is pretty common to have mosques close-by. 2. As land bank in Singapore gets scarce, in recent years the government tried to find as many "left-over" plots of land to squeeze into housing. 2.1. For example, private developers also even bid on enbloc land to build Paya Lebar Residences (PLR) which TOP in 2003 (formerly known as Vistaya View). Like this site, PLR is just a short-walk to the MRT & lots of amendities. & Our Tampines HUB. 2.2. Not only is it beside Masjid Wak Tanjong Mosque, it is also beside a Madrasah Wak Tanjong Al-Islamiah. 3. HDB Tampines GreenSpring is also built on "left-over" plot of land. 3.1. Thus it is not unusual for the Darul Ghufran Mosque to be along the major Tampines Avenue 5 Road. And Tampines GreenSpring to kind-of wrap itself around the mosque. 3.2. As far back as the 1970's Singapore mosques were allowed to broadcast prayers at specific time of the day. And if I can recall, at least three (3) or more times a day. 4. Fortunately, nowadays, mosques remain silent. A plus for tranquility. Other than especially on Fridays where one can expect near-by road-side and carparks full of vehicles during this timing. 5. From a Shapes and Forms Feng Shui, best to avoid a unit directly facing the Crest on top of a typical mosque dome. As this can be considered a Sha Qi. Much like another home could have been facing the spine of a Catholic/Christian church Cross. 6. It is difficult to shake-off someone else perceived stigma. 6.1 Thus even if one is neutral or try to "live-and-let-live" with a unit facing or next to a mosque. 6.2 However, when it comes to re-sale say 5 years or later. This can seriously affect the re-sale value of one's unit. 6.3 Here, there is no way to ally someone else preference if they simply don't want to buy the unit. 6.4 Often, we might even expect low-ball offers... in such unfortunate situations. 6.5 Of course, if today, the price of such flats is a hefty discount.. please do your own sums. As price or cost of purchase of any home is not a Feng Shui thing. 6.6 Common sense is that in an open market, often, buyers already have some expectations.. such as paying more for unblocked views...... pool views ... if any... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 20, 2020 Author Staff Share Posted March 20, 2020 Interlude: We need your help! You have a copy of the e-brochure of a new development that you are interested. But found no reviews, yet? Can you Help Us? Send me a copy of the e-brochure: Note: Priority is given to developments with > 350 residential units or more. Thank you for your kind understanding. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 20, 2020 Author Staff Share Posted March 20, 2020 Case Study 23A: Is the North marking on the Sales Brochure site plan accurate? Can I rely on it? 1. Even if you just want to check the afternoon sun, it is good that the site plan is accurate. 1.1. For those who dwell into Feng Shu, knows that it is essential to have a highly accurate compass reading. Sometimes just 0.5 degrees can mean a totally different Feng Shui analysis! 1.3 Extracts from this article: 2. Condo: View at Kismis: Looks like the Sales Brochure site map does not match exactly to the one-map street directory. 3. [Above] Please ignore that the Sales Brochure plan is not matched extactly to the plot of land. 4. When I superimpose the correct orientation of the sales brochure to, one can see clearly the mis-match of Lorong Kismis with each other. 4.1. For example: The X and Y axis of Lorong Kismis on the Sales Brochure does not match P and Q outline on 2.2. If the Sales Brochure North marking on the site plan is accurate, X and Y should match P and Q exactly. 3. This means or implies that the North marking on the Sales Brochure is not exactly correct. Given that onemap uses the survey map... a better indicator of the compass direction. 4. Do take note that the actual block outlines will not appear on until actual T.O.P. or thereabouts. 5. Another map to consider takng the compass readings is the use of maps as this site will add in the block outlines as soon as the site plan is readily available. 6. Condo: Hillvista Extract from Started building around 3 years ago. Expected TOP is around October 2010 or thereabouts. Consists of a row of three "blocks" fused together into one single block. With units or stacks either facing Flying Star North 3 or South 3 direction. Under this current Feng Shui qi; facing South 3 or S3 is preferred over N3. The siteplan or sitemap's NORTH compass direction does NOT MATCH it's individual layout plan's NORTH compass marking. In the siteplan; the NORTH seems to be at Flying Star N1 or S1. While under it's individual layout plan NORTH marking; the compass reading is either N3 or S3. So far, I can recall that there were few mistakes made especially on the siteplan. And in my lifetime; I can recall only 2 or 3 other cases where the siteplan NORTH marking is "off" or incorrect. Case Study 23B: Do you always use the main door in Feng Shui? Learn more:- Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 20, 2020 Author Staff Share Posted March 20, 2020 Case Study 24: Sites reserved for Schools? (Location: HDB Fernvale Vines) 1. Above: Directly south of Fernvale Vines plot of land, is a site reserved for a school. 2. Below: While to the north of this site is another site reserved for another school. 3. Should I be concerned? 3.1. Yes, if one's unit directly faces a construction site especially since blocks 464A and 464B south facing stacks are next door neighbours to this reserved site. 3.2. Noise pollution and dusts throughout the construction of the school(s). Often this lasts 2 to 2 1/2 years or more. 3.3. Luckily not many, but there are a group of Feng Shui practitioners and even common persons who felt that staying facing a school is not ideal. 3.3.1 Their main concern is that after school hours, there is no activity within the compound of a school. If so, in the evenings.. they consider a school as having a YIN environment. 3.3.2 Technically speaking this is true. But, generally, the morning and afternoon activities of so many young persons is like a burst of Yang Qi during the daylight hours. Reference: Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 20, 2020 Author Staff Share Posted March 20, 2020 Case Study 25: Main entrance doors face each other? Bedroom doors? Extract from: Question: Hello Master, thanks for sharing your analysis of this BTO project. Upon studying the resources, I noticed: There are stacks with front doors either facing the staircase or are located next to the staircase; Some stacks have their front doors directly facing their neighbours' front doors, such as 584 and 586, 580 and 582 as well as 530 and 532, among others. What are the fengshui considerations when selecting stacks with these features? Are there any cause for concerns? Also, re #2, I've heard this could lead to quarrels between the two affected families, is this true? Thanks! 1. Frankly, in my opinion, #2 is based more on common sense or symbolism. This is the reason:- 1.1. In fact, many, many Condos and EC developments have this situtation. Can one see the similarity of this with a main door facing another neighbour's door. Here, there is more likely some interaction vs another neighbour's door that does not face your unit. Primarily this is based on pure common sense:- 1.2. In this example: it is a bedroom door facing another bedroom door. There are a few cures used by various Feng Shui Masters (FSMs). This is one of them... which consider this to be more practical and less inconspicuous... wait till you see some of the other recommendations by other FSMs.. LOL 1.3. Some other common sense reasons:There 1.3.1 Often if both neighbours leave their doors opened, if a neighbour's unit is pretty noisy, it can be quite irritation if equally you like leaving the door opened especially since this makes the unit breezy. But because of such "noise pollution"; one may thus have no choice but to close the door. Such as one has a baby .. etc... This link shows another technique of a protective curb place at the main door. But this is only possible for older generation HDB flats that are not wheel chair friendly 1.3.2 Sometimes the neighbour may encroach into "your common corridor" eg. extra large shoe cabinet(s) and or placing plants and/or hoarding items. Such items are such an eye-sore and irritation especially if you are the "neat and tidy" type. 1.3.3 Some neighbours threw their shoes and sandals all over and even spill over to your unit. 1.4 Sometimes, alternatively, it could be your neighbour got irritated with you and/or family members leading to bad blood spilling over each other.... ==================================================== 2. You wrote: "There are stacks with front doors either facing the staircase or are located next to the staircase;" 2.1. I have some resources where the main entrance (front doors) of units directly facing a staircase. Especially older generation HDB flats. Use Search feature for e.g. "Main door facing stairs". I have added a link to some of these resources = see below... 2.2. Under symbolism in Feng Shui, it is considered inauspicious for a main entrance to face a staircase that goes down to a lower floor. It symbolises wealth flowing downwards. 2.3. Frankly for new generation HDB flats such as Fernvale Vines; the good news is that "legally" all staircases must have at least half-hour rated fire doors. Plus all staircase doors must be CLOSED AT ALL TIMES! [This comes under: both common sense and SDCF Fire Safety code] 2.3.1. This has to do with common sense! If higher floor occupants need to evacuate.. such exit doors MUST BE able to CLOSE after people enter the stairs = are to prevent any smoke or fire going into the stairwell! 3. For the last reason under Para 2.3. If the stair-case door is always closed; then the concern you mentioned does not apply. But if someone keeps on leaving the door opened.. then this can be reported and in the end, the final verdict is that one can win the case - if so. 3.1 If one does a search in this forum can view several resouces on this subject. One of which is similar to this case: 4. Thank one's luck star that the Fernvale Vines is the newer generation flats else for older block designs..may have to resort to the.... 5. Don't want to place convex ba gua mirror? Possible?... Morale of this information: Please note that majority of Feng Shui considerations are based simply on pure common sense! Thus each time when I approach any subjected matter, I will always ask myself this: "Has common sense have to do with this?" You will be surprised! That not everything has its origin from/in Feng Shui! For example, my toes keep on laughing whenever I find the reasoning that one's bed should have four legs. And the explanation was: " To allow good qi to flow below the bed!" If you do come across a Feng Shui Master that says this.. please ignore the person like the plaque! Frankly, it has to do purely with common sense. With four legs, the area below the bed can easily be cleaned. (Dusty, dust mites etc.. ) If too lazy, one can even sent in a robot to clean that area! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 20, 2020 Author Staff Share Posted March 20, 2020 Interlude: Yang Zhai San Yao orThe Three Major considerations of Feng Shui What are the Three considerations? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 20, 2020 Author Staff Share Posted March 20, 2020 Case Study 26: Should I be concerned if the unit no has a #4 eg. #01-04 or #04-44 or #04-444 etc? 1. If one has already noticed this. Even if one is neutral or finds the number lucky. 2. In the near future, during a re-sale, expect potential buyers to be equally concerned. Or even give this excuse of a low-ball offer. 3. In some HDB flats, for example: HDB Tampines GreenSpring BTO, all unit numbers end with odd numbers. 3.1. For example: #03-133, #05-135 etc... 3.2. Thus there will never be a #04-144, #14-44 etc... As some Chinese consider such numbers inauspicious. 4. On the other hand, another number e.g. 13 has more to do with SOME (not all) westerner's view of 13 as an unlikey number. For example: Friday the 13th. 4.3. As these are at least three digit numbers other than the floor levels, there is also no "13". 4.1. Most likely Singapore Airlines adopted this perhaps to cater to the western culture of number 13 as bad luck! And not concerned with seat 4, 14 or 44. 5. Has more to do with: "One's man meat is another's poison". 6. If in doubt, why take a chance! Skip that number! Extract from: Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted April 7, 2020 Author Staff Share Posted April 7, 2020 Case Study 27: Where possible try to avoid a unit with the WC / Sink & Stove at the Centrepoint of the unit. 1. Fortunately, this alone usually does not by itself cause problems. 2. However, it takes three or more major issues to cause problems for those living inside that home. 3. Thus why get into trouble in the first place... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 18, 2020 Author Staff Share Posted October 18, 2020 More.... Beyond the Sales Brochure Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted December 24, 2020 Author Staff Share Posted December 24, 2020 Case Study: Noisy Smoke vents for basement car parks towards 1st storey units 1. Many years ago a client collected his keys from the developer. 2. Found that right below bedroom 3 is a smoke vent.. 3. It makes noises similar to this... IMG_2246.MOV IMG_2244.MOV IMG_2245.MOV Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted December 31, 2020 Author Staff Share Posted December 31, 2020 Case Study: Illegal dumping at Common bin chute at Condos and Private Apartments This is what happens with inconsiderate acts by residents and neighbours... Location: Apartment suites at The Promenade at Pelilat Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donatello Posted March 5, 2021 Share Posted March 5, 2021 Hi master Great articles as always. I see you mention in this topic fire at heaven's gate alot. If I have no choice, and I locate the stove nearer to central or west would it be better? I the stove shared the same wall as the living room. If I had a blue white theme kitchen? If I had the stove on a same wall as a toilet but not to the sink or toilet bowl. Would any of these help or are not good? Many thanks master! I Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 5, 2021 Author Staff Share Posted March 5, 2021 16 hours ago, Donatello said: Hi master Great articles as always. I see you mention in this topic fire at heaven's gate alot. If I have no choice, and I locate the stove nearer to central or west would it be better? >> if you are referring to the Centrepoint of the house, then try to avoid this I the stove shared the same wall as the living room. >>Generally not an issue. More to do with a bed or bed-head sharing the same wall as the stove. If I had a blue white theme kitchen? >> Under the Five elements concept, blue represents the water element. To a degree, this clash with the Fire element = predominantly the STOVE. 16 hours ago, Donatello said: If I had the stove on a same wall as a toilet but not to the sink or toilet bowl. >>Not perfect... but still can. Provided no waste pipe is directly above the stove Please see reply under “>>” above. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 2, 2021 Author Staff Share Posted July 2, 2021 Common sense of avoiding a unit beside a common bin Location: Somewhere at a common lobby of Watertown mixed development residential block Why am I so unlucky to buy a unit that is in close proximity to the common bin? And who dripped their refuse! Own up else….. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 24, 2022 Author Staff Share Posted March 24, 2022 Isn't this too late? Hi mstr lee. Can I check if dustbin(all neigbors wil throw here) next to my back door. Any issues? Can solve? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 29, 2022 Author Staff Share Posted July 29, 2022 Unit beside or facing the Common Bin Lobby? Good to avoid purchasing such a unit. Source & Credit: [Comment by a user] done inform town council already .. Officer spoke to all residents...yet this keep happening again n again [Man Man] its also the responsibility of the neighbours/residents to keep it clean too. Trust me this happens in EVERY HDB block. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 28, 2023 Author Staff Share Posted January 28, 2023 Living near-by to the HDB Multi-Storey Car Park Coin-operated Water Dispenser. Any concern? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted September 21, 2023 Author Staff Share Posted September 21, 2023 Source & Credit: We do not like to open our door to the neighbours toilet since they keep it wide open all the time. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted February 13, 2024 Author Staff Share Posted February 13, 2024 Source & Credit: Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted February 18, 2024 Author Staff Share Posted February 18, 2024 Hi Cecil, can I ask you a general question. Is it not good if a house faces a substation? Scientifically, there is no know effects of magnetic field concerns to the human body - from proximity to a substation. More of a taboo - belief that this is no good, that’s all Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 26, 2024 Author Staff Share Posted March 26, 2024 Hi, I have booked a BTO unit and fail to realise the main door face chute with a wall encase. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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