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House Hunting / Can or Cannot Buy: On-site, Off-site - Brand New / Re-sale

Cecil Lee

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Off-site Brand New:

Off-site Can or cannot buy Re-sale:

On-site Can or cannot buy Re-sale:

D.I.Y. House hunting kit:

Comprehensive Feng Shui Review of a Resale home:

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 WHATSAPPx.gif.933b1f171b62310142ae17b5501fc685.gif Cecil Lee, +65 9785-3171 / support@geomancy.net


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 1: Sample Off-site Can or Cannot Buy review of a potential unit in Chiltern Park Condo

1. Yes, it it essential also to study the external of the unit.

2. This unit's Master Bedroom has a nasty #5 = misfortune/sickness with #2 = sickness at SW. Fortunately.. this is a solid wall of the master bedroom.

3. In fact, this review takes a 360 degrees look at the unit.


If you do have some photos, ask permission and take some shots:

864546286_sampleccbuychilternpark.thumb.jpg.b977a1b8f51a24c853689d01aacf336f.jpgSample audit 2 - Chiltern Park.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 3: Who says Can or Cannot Buy Reviews are only restricted to ECs or Condos. This one is a review of two stacks/units at a HDB balance of flats potential purchase.

1. No two reviews are identical. Thus no two comments are often the same.

2. Can or cannot buy reviews are tedious but always done with Passion!



Passion drives us. Let us Help You!


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 8: Another comprehensive review of a Can or Cannot Buy stack/unit at Florence Residences

1. Sometimes, if there is only one stack/unit reviewed; one cannot say for sure whether the next stack/unit is better or worse than this stack/unit.

2. Thus, one has to be realistic and say whether it is Okay to buy or not. As it is not a clear-cut case to reject the purchase.

3. For example under above Case Study 5, the stack/unit at Vue 8 is confirmed not recommended to purchase.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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