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looking for some guidance


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Ive included a layout of my place.


Looking for some guidance to improve the flow.  Been here for a while and have felt entirely out of place ever since.


The beam above is an issue i think and i cant get around it. No matter how i place the bed it's still an issue.


Any thoughts please.



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1. Proposed bed arrangement:

1.1. Provided the bedside table(s) are not fixed to the wall. Even if it is fixed.... still can be removed - right?

1.2. Perhaps considering removing the bedside table as shown. And if still want to keep it. Could consider putting it away or at location marked as "A".

1.3. If the bed is for two: determine who is the "boss" of the home: You or her. If you are the "boss" tell wife: please sleep at the side with the missing bedside table. But if she is the boss; too bad..

2. If you are sleeping alone on the bed: since it looks like a King or Queen sized bed: I am sure that your width of the body is not much longer than 15 feet plus = width of the Queen sized bed.

2.1 If so, this bed is so big; I am sure that one should not have a problem avoiding sleeping below the beam right? Thus, if one is not sleeping below it... it is no longer a concern.

3. The Desk position looks acceptable given that the couch is so huge and out of place if both are swopped.

bed below beam.png

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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An alternative is Option 2:

"Between the devil and the deep blue sea" legs below beam is not as bad.

"Here at most a career as a marathon runner is out... anyway.. there are tons of other careers ... out there" LOL

Assumption: Even if the bedside table(s) are too big.. if this is long-term.. consider investing into smaller bed-side table(s). I am sure those Ikea ones won't cost a bomb. Or only use one bedside table. "This time round.. if your boss calls you at night.. say sorry.. I left my phone in the toilet.. - I work 9 to 5"


bed below beam1.gif

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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