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Small master bedroom feng shui


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Dear Master,

We have a small master room and are lost where to place our bed. Please see attached floor plan. Could kindly advise which is the best wall our queen size bed head should lean against.? I am head of the house borned in 26 Jan 65.

We think is either - on the black shaded wall left side (aircon on top and toilet door is a bit diagonally opposite) OR black shaded wall right side (but share the same wall with kitchen toilet)...  That black shaded wall width is only 3.5ft wide.. do we have to build a partition to make it 5 ft wide and also "flush in line" with the black shaded wall so to let the whole 5 ft bed head lean against it.?

Your kind advice is highly appreciated. We will engage your service to go on site later on.


Edited by hong726
forgot date of birth
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1. Please see sample illustration.

2. Need a compass marking or North marking. As the date of birth needs the compass direction to find a feasible bed-head direction. And even who sleeps where as shown.

46 minutes ago, hong726 said:

Dear Master,

We have a small master room and are lost where to place our bed. Please see attached floor plan. Could kindly advise which is the best wall our queen size bed head should lean against.? I am head of the house borned in 26 Jan 65.

We think is either - on the black shaded wall left side (aircon on top and toilet door is a bit diagonally opposite) OR black shaded wall right side (but share the same wall with kitchen toilet)...  That black shaded wall width is only 3.5ft wide.. do we have to build a partition to make it 5 ft wide and also "flush in line" with the black shaded wall so to let the whole 5 ft bed head lean against it.?

Your kind advice is highly appreciated. We will engage your service to go on site later on.




Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Frankly, under Feng Shui, North can still have a wide range.

Many factors are involved:
1. Both partner's ba zi
2. Flying star numbers in the master bedroom or in some instances, one sector may be "safer" or within a good auspicious sector.

Since, in the future, are may be taking up a Feng Shui review; best to get it right



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Thank you Master.

As a layman, I do not understand your 1st illustration and I know there are few factors involved. However...due to tight schedule, I need to find out which wall I should lean my bedhead in the master room based on my birth date, front door facing, floor plan and your map findings.

Your kind advice appreciated.

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We work on the basis of facts taking into consideration the various scientific concepts. And not trial and error.

For eg. as I mentioned earlier; North is a large range. It has a 45 degrees range.

It is not a matter of saying "front door face north"

Hope you understand: once confirmed but not as advantages = not easy to change directions so easily.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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