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Plantation Acres @ Tengah HDB BTO launched in May 2019 + Part 6: Is there an issue purchasing a home facing a school?

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Plantation Acres Sales Brochure: Site Plan and Floor Plans




Expected Lease Commencement Date is Year 2022* Delayed

Part 1: HDB Sales Brochure Information Resources

Plantation Acres

Plantation Acres  will be sited along Plantation Crescent. This development comprises 9 residential blocks ranging from 7 to 14 storeys. You can choose from 1,193 units of 2-room Flexi, 3-, 4-, and 5-room flats.

The name ‘Plantation Acres’ is inspired by the green spaces within the development.

About Plantation District

Key amenities such as a Community Club, Neighbourhood Centre, and a shopping street will line the Plantation Farmway, making it a vibrant spot for residents to gather. There will be opportunities for facilities such as organic markets and farm-to-table dining.

22052019_BTO Image 2_Plantation Acres.pnglayoutideas_tg_d1c4_2(1).pnglayoutideas_tg_d1c4_2(2).pnglayoutideas_tg_d1c4_3.png

layoutideas_tg_d1c4_4.pnglayoutideas_tg_d1c4_5.pngsiteplan_tg_d1c4.pngtownmap_tg_d1c4_d2c2 (1).png


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 2: Potential poison arrow(s) from sharp corners of neighbouring blocks

1. Please note that this is just a sampling. And not an exhaustive lists of potential poison arrows. (There are lots more of such poison arrows.)

2. The attached is illustrative only...


3. It is inevitable that blocks that are angled 90 degrees in close proximity mighl have potential poison arrows aimed toward another neighbouring stack/unit.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 3: Common Rubbish Bins / Bin Lobby and HDB Plantation Acres

533680420_PLANTATIONACRESANDCOMMONBINS.thumb.png.226877e2e4421f72d8db9377cbd88b7d.pngLess than ideal to purchase a unit under the following conditions:-

Main door has a view into the common bin lobby = 500, 572, 658, 664, 684
Main door close to the common bin lobby = 502, 624, 660, 662, 698
Main door next to the common bin lobby = 522, 572


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 4: Numerology and HDB Plantation Acres: Block 114B Unit #666? Can Buy?

292321014_PLANTATIONACRESandnumerology.thumb.png.0cd07f425add170d625a954b7e867c5b.png1. Do take note that house Block and Unit numbers has nothing to do with the science of Feng Shui.

2. House numbers has more to do with personal or group preferences.

3. For example this development has Block 114B and unit number #666.

3.1. Some Chinese especially don't like the number "114". As to the Cantonese dialect group, it sounds like "Sure, sure to die". Sometimes this can be rubbed into other Chinese and to some they don't like this 114 be it Block 114A or 114B.

3.2. To some be it Christians or others... may not like "666".

4. Again such numbers are highly subjective.

5. In fact, there are some who even find such numbers lucky for them. Here "One man's meat and another's poison applies".

6. Sometimes, it has more to do with FUTURE resale value.

6.1. I had once a non-Chinese who had purchased Block 4, unit #04-04 in a EC in Rivervale, Sengkang.

7. Thus, it is always wise to take this as one of the considerations why selecting an apartment be it at HDB Plantation Acres or other developments.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 5: Site Reserved for Electrical Sub-Stations (ESS)

50598867_TENGAHPLANTAIONACRESANDESS.thumb.png.c9570968cb4b08df63d3389c30e5a633.png1. Unique to HDB Planation Acres is a large plot of a nearby neighbour dedicated specifically only for many ESS!

2. Although there are no known effects from living near to an ESS, nevertheless, this has more to do with a stigma attached to it. And often it is so difficult to brush this stigma-off.

3. Of course, many would agree that there is no issue. But personally once one is given a choice and also have to place our money to buy a home; I am sure, many of us would think: twice, trice! about doing so.

4. In addition, this may in the future affect one's resale value or even ability to sell such a unit!

5. Although an ESS is often no more than 2 storeys high and the roof line is always flat.

5.1. However, many of the flats within HDB Plantation Acres faces this ESS plot of land. 

5.2 And one would assume that it can be both an unusual sight as well as remind a potential future buyer of this contention. 

6. Thus why give oneself the hassle of such a concern (if any).


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 6: Is there an issue purchasing a home facing a school?

1210515385_PLANTATIONACRESANDSCHOOLS.thumb.png.e1c89a34e33aa9189f3c2d080a7c8314.png1. There are two proposed sites reserved for schools sharing a common border with HDB Plantation Acres.

2. Based on Shapes and Forms Feng Shui, if the roof-line of the school slices towards a unit's opening such as a window; then this is a Sha Qi or poison arrow(s).

2.1. Since the two schools have yet been built, best to be on the cautious side and best to purchase a unit higher than say 6th storey and above. Both to avoid facing the school roof-line as well as to avoid facing the brick/openings of either one of these two schools.

3. "White noise" or Noise pollution.

3.1. Between start of school and during school hours do expect some noise especially during school assembly (if any) and recess time.

3.2. If one does not like such things than, best to avoid a low unit facing these schools.

4. Is there a stigma attached to a home/unit facing a school?

4.1. There is a small percentage of the population who has read that Schools are considered "Yin".

4.2. As the argument is that after school hours especially usually after 5pm onwards the school is often empty. Thus considered YIN till say until around 6.30am onwards.

4.3. Thus, this might be a "stigma" especially if some home owners begin to believe this argument or when it is time for resale of the unit; the potential buyer may also share this same concern.

4.4. Although, so far, there are so many schools in Singapore and many HDB flats also face schools. How often do we get to hear that it is very unlucky to have a house facing a school building.

4.5. Thus, this is subjective.

4.6. In fact, some found it okay given that their unit is of a high floor and thus unblocked view(s) once their unit is higher than the school's roof-line.

5. Others is of course, to some a blessing if it is an "Atas" or a school with good genes such as Tao Nan etc..

6. Fortunately many modern schools do not have a clock tower. If so, best to avoid having the face of a school's clock aimed towards one's unit opening such as the windows.

Some school fields can nowadays be of dual use...


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 7: Site Reserved for Common Green, "Direct" afternoon sun & future MRT station1256491130_FUTUREMRTSTATION.thumb.png.d8583b4d042290c61624e687c0f7ebc0.png

1. There is a whole stretch of site reserved for common green. This site borders between HDB Plantation Acres and a reserved site for future high-rise development.

2. Should I get a stack/unit such as: 506, 508, 510,  684, 686 and 688 facing this proposed future common green?

2.1. However, the stacks/units mentioned above are affected by direct afternoon sun. Note: If one is luckly or low floors; the afternoon sun may be shielded by the future high-rise development on the plot mentioned under Para. 1 above.

3. Future MRT does not matter greatly given that it is undergound and is short walking distance within any of the Blocks within HDB Plantation Acres. 

3.1. The close proximity of the future MRT station - if the price is right and potential future resale gain may or may not be attractive to some potential buyers. Hmm...... Kempas Residences at Boon Keng of course.. is more central.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 9: What happens if I have an affinity only to ODD Unit numbers like 111, 113, 115?

173973848_EVENUNITNUMBERSATPLANTATIONACRES.png.0be5f88a89e7012c6b98cc91432db8bd.pngSorry then you may have to look else where like HDB Garden Vale.

HDB Plantation Acres only allows a unit that has an EVEN unit number! LOL

HDB Spokesman says: "If you don't like unit numbers such as 544 etc... then who ask you to choose such a unit in the first place?"

P.S. Stack numbering in May 2019 BTO launch:-

Garden Vale = ODD
Kempas Residences = ODD
Woodlands Champion Green = ODD

Only this development =  Plantation Acres = EVEN

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

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Why we had never recommend sprinkling salt especially all over the house?

With the exception that if you want, may consider only the toilets.

Found this notice at several lift lobbies of your next door development - HDB Plantation Grange Blks 133A & 133B… recently T.O.P. 


Notice to residents at HDB Plantation Grange during it’s T.O.P.  In September 2023:

Salts Sprinkled on Floorings

We observed that some residents have sprinkled saits on the foors as part door opening ceremony.

When salts are left unattended over time, it will melt and damage the floor tiles or vinyl floors. We would like to advise residents to quickly remove the salts from the floorings at the earliest opportunity.

If you require any clarification, please visit Building Service Centre at BIk 133C or call us at + 65 xxxxxxx. Thank you.

Source: Notice board at Blocks 333A and 333B HDB Plantation Grange


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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