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HDB Yio Chu Kang Beacon BTO launched in November 2019 + Should I be concerned if my unit faces a school?

Cecil Lee

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Sales Brochure: Site Plan and Floor Plans


Part 1: HDB Sales Information

2-room Flexi, 3-, and 4-room flats

Yio Chu Kang Beacon will be located along Ang Mo Kio Avenue 9. It will feature 3 residential blocks ranging from heights of 11 to 18 storeys. The blocks' varying heights and placement of roof gardens in some blocks will create a unique skyline when viewed from the main road.

Yio Chu Kang Beacon is surrounded by existing educational institutes, such as Presbyterian High School and Anderson Primary School. These schools inspired the development's name, which symbolises the 'beacons of light and knowledge'.

Families with young children can enjoy the convenience of the childcare centre within the development, and the playgrounds and courtyard that double up as outdoor learning spaces for the children. There will also be recreational and communal spaces for residents to interact and relax amidst lush greenery.

Choose your home from 454 units of 2-room Flexi, 3-, and 4-room units. Please refer to the site plan for the facilities provided in Yio Chu Kang Beacon. Facilities in this development will be open to public.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 3: Is there any issue if my unit is located near a school? There are two schools in close proximity to this development.


1. HDB Yio Chu Kang Beacon is situated adjacent to Presbyterian High School and Anderson Primary School, with the former being the closest neighbor along Ang Mo Kio Avenue 9.

1.1. The primary focus is on Presbyterian High School due to its shared boundary wall with HDB Yio Chu Kang Beacon, making it the nearest educational institution to the residential complex.

1.2. Specifically, for units facing Anderson Primary School, the main concern lies in potential negative energy, or poison arrows, emanating from the roof-lines of the school. However, the only other notable issue to anticipate is some traffic noise in the vicinity.

2. According to the principles of Shapes and Forms Feng Shui, if the roof-line of a school points directly towards the opening of a unit, such as a window, it is considered a Sha Qi or poison arrow.

2.1. Given that both schools have not been constructed yet, it is advisable to err on the side of caution by opting for a unit located on the 6th storey or higher. This precautionary measure aims to prevent direct alignment with the school roof-lines and potential negative energy, as well as to avoid facing the brick walls or openings of either educational institution.

3. "White noise" or Noise pollution.

3.1. Noise may occur between the beginning of the school day and during school hours, particularly during school assembly (if applicable) and recess time.

3.2. If one prefers a quieter environment, it is advisable to avoid units located near these schools.

4. Is there a stigma attached to a home/unit facing a school?

4.1. A small portion of the population is aware that schools are considered "Yin".

4.2. The argument is that schools are often empty after 5pm, making them considered Yin until around 6.30am.

4.3. This perception may create a stigma, especially for homeowners who believe this argument or when it comes time to sell the unit; potential buyers may share the same concern.

4.4. Despite the numerous schools in Singapore and many HDB flats facing schools, it is rare to hear that it is unlucky to have a house facing a school building.

4.5. This is a matter of personal opinion.

4.6. Some people find it acceptable if their unit is on a high floor and has an unobstructed view once it is higher than the school's roof-line.

5. For some, it is considered a blessing if the school is prestigious or has a good reputation, such as Tao Nan.

6. Fortunately, many modern schools do not have a clock tower. If they do, it is best to avoid having the face of the school's clock aimed towards one's unit windows.

6.1. Some school fields nowadays can be used for multiple purposes.

7. During morning hours and after school hours do expect some traffic congestion, along Ang Mo Kio Ave 9.

More - Not from this site

8. Let’s hope the school(s) are not designed like this:-


With it’s sharp corner aimed towards a block/unit; as shown on this example:-


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 4: Is there a concern if my unit faces the Ang Mo Kio Thye Kwan Hospital (AMKTK)?

1449800213_YIOCHUKANGBEACONTHYEHUAKWANHOSPITAL.thumb.png.3f8fc928bef977bb6238f3aa8ba9b348.png1.  Frankly, only one stack #320 of Block 651A looks at the fringe or entry/exit of the hospital.

2.  Thus the Ang Mo Kio Thye Kwan Hospital is not a major consideration or issue for this development.

P.S. It is not like this stack #320 faces a morgue or anything like that.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 5:  Is there a concern with two temples which are a distance away from HDB Yio Chu Kang Beacon?

1284834488_YioChuKangBeaconandnearbytemples.png.6585d7ec321c221aa0f3d9010b807533.png1. Chu Sheng Temple and Swee Kow Kuan Temple are the two temples located in close proximity to each other.

2. The presence of part of the Presbyterian High School building and Yio Chu Kang CC + HSB Blocks 625 and 627 Ang Mo Kio Street 61 serves as a protective barrier for these two temples.

3. Hence, the two temples highlighted in RED are not a cause for concern as they are situated to the North of Yio Chu Kang Beacon, unaffected by the concept of Devil's Gate: Devil's Main door at NE and Devil's Back door at SW.

3.1. For a more in-depth exploration of the Devil's gate, please consult the resource "A Case Study of the future temple next to Melody Spring & Devil's Gate / Backdoor? Altar an issue?".


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 6A: You may want to consider the proximity of your unit to the common rubbish bin lobby and/or rubbish chutes.


1. It is advisable to steer clear of choosing stack #316.

2. Furthermore, it is recommended to avoid #381 as well.

3. If feasible, it would be wise to steer clear of #320, even though it poses the least amount of concern. 

Part 6B: It is suggested to avoid the lower floors of stacks #312, #314, #316, and #318 that face the DC, despite the fact that the DC's entrance is on the opposite side.

1. In all honesty, stack #310 should not pose any issues in the aforementioned scenario. However, lower floors may be impacted by proximity to the MSCP and potentially the lamp post on its rooftop.

2. The Electrical Sub-Station (ESS) of the older estate and Yio Chu Kang Beacon are not significant worries, as they are situated at a considerable distance.

2.1. Please note: There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that residing near an ESS can have adverse effects on one's health.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 7: Should I be concerned that the plot slopes from X to Y?

1. In my opinion, it is a gentle gradient thus not a major issue under Shapes and Forms Feng Shui.


2. Before the establishment of Fernvale / Seletar Mall, a significant number of individuals in the Seletar area frequented a wet market and various other amenities at a former HDB estate located within a circle.


3. Following the closure of the wet market, numerous residents in the Seletar estate opted to visit the alternative market at Yio Chu Kang View or Ang Mo Kio 628 Market along with the surrounding shops.

4. It is highly probable that prospective residents at Yio Chu Kang Beacon will also choose to visit this market. There are two entrances to the car park, one at Ang Mo Kio Ave 4. During peak hours, both entrances are typically full, so consider yourself fortunate if you can avoid driving to the market and shops.

5. Many individuals often take the route from Ang Mo Kio Ave 9 towards Ang Mo Kio Street 61 through the main entrance of Yio Chu Kang Beacon. 

P.S. Apologies for the digression.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 8A: Credit goes to the organizer of this development for strategically placing the Precinct Pavilion (PP) away from the view of any stacks/units.


1. As far as I can remember, this is the sole HDB development this year without any units directly facing a Precinct Pavilion.

2. If you're new here and wondering why it's not ideal?

3. Funeral wakes cannot be pre-planned, so the use of such a pavilion during festive occasions cannot be controlled. Touch-wood! For the Chinese, it is hoped that there is no wake occurring in a pavilion if one's unit is, for example, on the 2nd storey directly facing INTO a pavilion.

4. For this development, stack #358 is the only one closest to the PP. And only low floors may have a view into the PP. However, if one purchases a low floor, such as the 2nd to 5th storey, one may hear religious chants or even religious music played there.

5. On happy occasions, especially a Malay wedding, expect some music, announcements, or even the smell of curries, etc...

6. Low floors of Stack #356 may or may not hear the activities at the PP.

Part 8A: Electrical Sub-Station (ESS). Again, the planners did an excellent job in placing the development's ESS on both sides of the IN/OUT.

1. Once more, the ESS in this development is strategically positioned on both sides of the IN/OUT, with no other structures nearby.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Part 9A: Where possible avoid low floors especially 2nd or 3rd storeys of Block 651A stack #302.

1722295620_YIOCHUKANGBEACONANDSHAQI.thumb.png.16fec4ae005165acce2b0277dd830f06.png1. This is because low storeys of #302 can be affect by Sha Qi from vehicles turning into the development.

2. Okay, one might say, there are not many vehicles that turn in following the RED arrow....

3. (Below) Please don't be too prematurely  happy... as there will certainly be lots of vehicles during certain times of the day that turn towards the PURPLE arrow towards HDB Yio Chu Kang Beacon MSCP....



Part 9B: Traffic flow along a development's service road is expected to be slow moving. Thus generally, should not cause any imbalance or sha qi towards Block 651A stack #312.

1. In the unlikely even that there are a few F1 drivers living in this development, be kiasu and totally avoid #02-312.

2. Anything above this level should have no cause for concern.

3. Although I highlighted stack #314, this stack/unit totally has no worries.

4. Another consideration is often a stigma attached to a unit facing a road. To some just any road!

4.1. As stack #312 is considered as facing a road; in the near future if one wants to sell such a unit; may see potential buyers concerned with this! May make it a tough sale or even "low-ball offers".


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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E0C455AA-0CD5-439D-8BA1-ABAA90E7B726.jpeg.7d2ce90d0faeb73e2e016f00d47c95ca.jpegFeng Shui enjoys a bad reputation today!

As many associate Feng Shui (FS) with the need to buy expensive but useless commercial products sold in the name of FS.

Many FS masters take advantage of this. It is like an addiction!

Selling products are indeed a very lucrative thing.

?Know that not all Feng Shui Masters are into selling useless commercial products in the name of Feng Shui.  

When the buying Stops! The selling, Can!

Geomancy.net has always distanced ourselves from the above!


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Subsidiary Case Study: Potential Sha Shi or Poison Arrows from School towards a home’s opening 

Not related to above site (Location: Sengkang Green Primary School with HDB Fernvale Vista)

These School RC roofs can be a potential Sha Qi or poison arrow if aimed towards a unit’s operating such as the windows of the living room or bedrooms


Sengkang Green Primary 


Block 441C Fernvale Vista


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

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Part 1: How is the luck of the Interior Feng Shui of this unit?
Part 2: External Feng Shui luck? + Overall score/luck.
Part 3: How suitable is the unit - Frontage, Kitchen & Main Bedroom?

Depends on the Internal Layout & Sectors - How Lucky?


Also need to review the Internal Layout Plan

Location, location, location?

Sha Qi? Poison Arrow? 

Watch Your Front, Sides & Back!


How Suitable to breadwinner?


Please note that has yet to take into consideration:
1. How suitable is the unit to the main breadwinner &
2. External Shapes and Forms of the unit


Get Expert Help:


How do you Feng Shui your home? Use your front door? Who are the Conservatives & the Modernist?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Ang Mo Kio Presbyterian High School’s Sports Hall roofline can be a potential Sha Qi



An example depiction of a Sha Qi or negative energy directed at a unit's window can be seen in this illustration.

school roof line as poison arrow.png

1. Treating this as the living room window(s) can be particularly challenging, especially if drawing the curtains constantly is not an option.

2. Another potential issue arises when a poison arrow is directed towards a window(s) in the form of a triangle, depending on the design of the roof apex or tip.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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