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Is it advisable to buy a home with such layout?


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Hi Master, i am considering buying a house with the attached layout.

I noticed the main door seems to be facing the master bedroom door which is not good? If the bedroom door is always closed, will that still be a concern?

It has a private lift. While the main door does not face the lift, it is perpendicular to it. Is that a concern? 

Appreciate your kind advice. 


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9 hours ago, sensorybin said:

Hi Master, i am considering buying a house with the attached layout.

I noticed the main door seems to be facing the master bedroom door which is not good? If the bedroom door is always closed, will that still be a concern?

It has a private lift. While the main door does not face the lift, it is perpendicular to it. Is that a concern? 

Appreciate your kind advice. 


It is a concern mostly if one engages a "Conservative" Feng Shui Master who only eats, sleeps on the FRONT door.

Otherwise, if one takes the approach that the frontage of such a home with a private lift is = standing inside the living room looking outwards, then what you wrote on the two questions are basically VOID.

You wrote: "I noticed the main door seems to be facing the master bedroom door which is not good? If the bedroom door is always closed, will that still be a concern?"

This is based on common sense. Where in some layouts, one can even look into the bed and/or see an activity on the bed. What activity? Use your imagination! 

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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How to tell the "frontage" style of a Feng Shui Master (FSM)?


He says it is: Standing inside the front door A looking out towards B = Ultra-conservative.

If He says: Stand inside living room C looking towards D = Modernists.

Really if the FSM says from A to B, then he/she is truly and purely a text-book, old-habit dies hard kind.
Where his/her notion of Qi and Qi flow is clouded in the mind. 
I strongly recommend that you really think twice, thrice about hiring such a FSM. LOL 

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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