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HDB Ghim Moh Ascent BTO launched in May 2022

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Ghim Moh Ascent Sales Brochure: Site Plan and Floor Plan


Ghim Moh Ascent (May 2022 Build-To-Order)

The Sales Brochure: ghim-moh-ascent.pdf


Bounded by Ghim Moh Road, Ghim Moh Close, and the Rail Corridor, Ghim Moh Ascent  is located near Buona Vista MRT station. This development comprises 4 residential blocks. Two blocks are 40 storeys high and the other two blocks have varying heights ranging from 8 to 31 storeys. The name ‘Ghim Moh Ascent’ references the development’s location and the staggered height of the blocks. You can choose from 867 units of 3- and 4-room flats. Ghim Moh Ascent is offered under the new Prime Location Public Housing (PLH) model. Find out more about the PLH model.

02_perspective.thumb.jpg.50d1ad2086931717896361fb4451507e.jpgGhim Moh Ascent is located within the Health District @ Queenstown. Residents of Ghim Moh Ascent will be able to access a range of initiatives that will be implemented to enhance their physical, social, and mental well-being. For example, Ghim Moh Ascent will feature a range of recreational facilities closely located to one another to foster family and inter-generational bonding. These include playgrounds for children, fitness stations for adults and elderly, and a hardcourt. The roof gardens on the 9th storey of some residential blocks and atop the MSCP also make for ideal spots for residents to interact with one another, or to unwind and relax. Additionally, Ghim Moh Ascent has been planned with good connectivity to the Rail Corridor and the Ulu Pandan Canal and Park Connector, where residents can be closer to nature and enjoy a variety of activities to boost their health. Other sports amenities in the town include the Queenstown Swimming Complex & Stadium.

A childcare centre and residents’ network centre will also be located within Ghim Moh Ascent. Please refer to the site plan located at the top of this page, for the facilities provided in the development. Facilities in this development will be accessible by the public.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 1: How lucky is the Stack/unit under Period 9 Flying Star Feng Shui?

In general, Lucky under Flying Stars under Period 9:
S1: [Frontage has the auspicious double #9's]
SW1: [Frontage has the auspicious double #9's]

Less Lucky:
N1: [Double 9's wasted at the rear]
NE1: [Double 9's wasted at the rear]
E1: [Double 9's wasted at the rear]

Note: This review does not take into consideration
a.  how suitable the unit is the main breadwinner &
b. interior unit layout plan.


Note: But does not take into consideration How suitable the unit is the main breadwinner and interior unit layout plan.

How do you Feng Shui your home? Use your front door? Who are the Conservatives & the Modernist?


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 2: Any units affected by the inauspicious Fire @ Heaven's Gate?

This is just a quick sampling of two  affected by the kitchen at NW. 

Sample shows Stack #125, #135 & #149 may affected by Fire@Heaven's Gate and how much impact depends on where the stove is located within their respective kitchen area.


Please note that this list may not be exhaustive. There could be more units affected by this.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 3: Should I be concerned with my unit's living room &/or other rooms facing the side of an overhead bridge?

Potential Sha Qi as shown by the red arrow(s):


Best to avoid low floors especially 2nd to 3th storeys high. Preferred try to be at least 4th - 5th storeys or higher.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 4: A decent job in the placement of the two Precinct Pavilions (PP) & Electrical Sub Stations (ESS)

Looks like this development is designed by "an old hand".
Where one of the two trade-marks are the placement of the PP and the other is the Electrical Sub Station (ESS)
However, best to get higher floor units at Stacks especially shown in light green #101, #137 and #139

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 5: Expect to endure construction noise and dusts at the neighbouring site reserved for future high-rise development.

For HDB Ghim Moh Ascent the expected construction is an estimated 60 months! or 5 Years!
Most likely when the construction starts.. it could be this similar time-frame.


Just imagine if one purchased a car today, in 5 years, it's COE has just 1/2 life left. LOL

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 6: Stacks/units and the Exit Stairwell

1. Generally there should not be an issue with the front doors of two stacks/units sandwiched by an Exit Stairwell.
2. In fact, this give more privacy as the two front doors have a further distance from each other.


3. A blessing in disguise is that the stairwell foundation gives that/or add external strength to each of these stacks. Much like stacks/units "wrapped" around the core of lift wells.

3.1. It is also never the case of the front door has a view of the stairs (leading downwards). In fact, also base on Civil Defense requirements, all such doors must be closed at all times. This is especially to prevent a fire / smoke from spreading both ways.. from a unit to the stairwell and vice-versa.

4. Several years ago, a client took up the By Ranking Exercise. She asked me to give lower ranking or rather try to avoid units (front door) next to an Exit staircase.

4.1. Her reason was because she was a single parent with a daughter. And her fear was that someone might be hiding inside this stairwell.

4.2. And when she or daughter opens the door, the "bad person" may rush into her unit.

4.3. Okay, this may not be a concern for most of us.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Case Study 7A:  A Stigma associated with both the front door and living room wall shared with the Common Bin lobby (CBL)

On an individual level, needs lots of co-operation from one's neighbours.
Luckily there are just three other neighours within Block 48B.

Often when time for Minimum Occupation Period (M.O.P.) some potential buyers may either don't like this and/or try to low-ball.


[One real or imaginary dislike is the though of fine ants marching to and fro the CBL especially towards the front door and into the unit - YUCKS!]


Case Study 7B: Common Bin Lobby (CBL) shared with #141's kitchen wall

Frankly, less obvious or not noticeable from #141's front door.
Other than less privacy as front door can be seen at the lift lobby with a total of 5 lifts!


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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By Ranking of 4 Bedrooms at Ghim Moh Ascent



+ = There are frontages suitable for East Group persons.
* = There are also Frontages suitable for West Group persons.
Frankly, how suitable for each partner is not the main consideration.

1.  Frontage of the unit is affected by by the afternoon sun especially on sunny days. 

2. Expect afternoon sun soaking into the master bedroom wall. Hopefully in the evening, this heat does not ooze out of the master bedroom wall into the bedroom. 

3.  Stack/unit in proximity of the Common Bin Lobby (CBL). For Stack xxx the front door might be able to see into the CBL and the bins if railings is provided to part of this CBL.

4.  Best to get a higher unit e.g. at 9th storeys or higher to clear the Multi-Storey Car Park (MSCP). 

5.  May expect construction noise for approximately perhaps 3 to 3.5 years at the neighbouring site reserved for future Public Housing construction.

6.  Kitchen is in the inauspicious Fire @ Heaven's Gate. This can affect male breadwinner's career and also family members overall luck. The impact (if any) also depends on where the stove is located in these units. 

7. High floors preferred (at least) 5th storeys and higher to avoid looking into the Precinct Pavilion (PP) - fortunately the PP is a distance away and at an angle mainly from Master bedroom and bedroom 2. As activies especially funerals and funeral activies such as prayers can happen anytime. Even during occasions like Chinese New Year. In addition, higher up units may also be able to hear the sounds of religious ceremonies and or from Malay weddings (if any). Therefore, if possible aim for at least 6th storeys or above.

8. High floors preferred to avoid traffic noise especially during peak hours of the day along North Buona Vista Road. For Stacks [these stacks] higher floors preferred especially if one has sensitive ears that can hear traffic noise along this road. Stack xxx is able to see into the service yard of Stack xxx. And also in the morning expect glare to bounce off the side walls of Stack xxx also.

9. Higher floors preferred to avoid the ambigious "Future Amenities/Facilities at 1st Storey."

10.  Avoid 2nd, 3rd storeys and also if possible 4th storey to avoid Sha Qi or Poison arrow from the Overhead bridge.

11. Avoid 2nd and 3rd storeys to avoid vehicle headlights shining into the Living room / all bedroom windows in the evening especially for vehicles turning into the estate from Ghim Moh Close (a future road). Luckily, majority of vehicles would be using Ghim Moh Road. And this access is mainly for "pick-ups" or "loading and unloading." 
12. In the afternoon expect glare from the side wall of Stack/unit 115. For Stack 145 can also see into the service yard of Stack xxx.

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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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