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Hi Cecil
From one of the geomancy website , I saw the following tips to improve wealth:
(1) tie 3 coin (prefer to be old chinese coin) with red string and put it in the bank book, order book etc
(2) put new notes in red packet and put under the rice in the rice bin in the house
Do U agree the above tips? Are they true and workable? What other suggestions do U have?
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Dear Anon,
1. The true essence of Feng Shui is to:
- correct any imbalances or sha qi/poison arrows.
- enhance beneifical Qi.
If one looks at the above carefully, there is a distinction between enhancing Qi and `beliefs' Chinese or otherwise.
2. We commonly hear that a rabbit's foot is `lucky' or hanging a horseshoe is `lucky'.
3. Since what you have mentioned do not directly relate to the `terms of reference' under Feng Shui, it is anybody's guess that any if all beliefs will work. Sometimes it is psychological. Which may result in one thinking positive and thus contribute to `luck'.
4. As the action e.g. is not tailored to an individual, one cannot say for sure that it will work for everyone.
As I have given an example, of a person enhancing his/her romance corner. If every suitor does that, is he/she going to finally marry the person they want?
A very simple case if how many of us want to try it out and see if it works for anyone.
5. However, statistically, if 1 person place the coin in his order book and gets a win fall, does it mean that 100,000 persons placing it in their order book will achieve the same results. I believe the odds are against this. To be fair, many people should try and see if it really works for them.
6. Another way of looking at it is, if it is a small object, and if it does not cost much, what is the harm of following every other beliefs.
7. As I mentioned earlier, one should not be `mistaken' that these advices are " Feng Shui " they are not. But rather, beliefs be it a Chinese, or other cultural beliefs.
8. One must remember that Feng Shui is actually both an art and a science at looking at a landscape e.g. at a macro level, planning an entire city to mico level, evaluating a site or land.
9. In the past the closest it get to a home audit was based on the 9 Palaces where the Emperor uses different rooms depending on different period of the year. This is the forerunner of home audits e.g. using the `Ba Gua forumula' or trigram.
One thus has to deferentiate between what is Feng Shui and what is not.
Warmest Regards,

On 2/21/00 1:23:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Cecil
From one of the geomancy
website , I saw the following
tips to improve wealth:
(1) tie 3 coin (prefer to be
old chinese coin) with red
string and put it in the bank
book, order book etc
(2) put new notes in red
packet and put under the rice
in the rice bin in the house
Do U agree the above tips? Are
they true and workable? What
other suggestions do U have?

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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