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How to call a perfect Geomancer in korean lang.


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Dear Anon,
This interesting extract is taken from Britannica.com:-
(Korean: "theory of wind, water, and land"), in Korean religion, geomancy, a belief that the natural environment of a particular location can influence the fortune of its inhabitants and descendants. It derives from the Chinese notion of feng-shui ("wind-water"), which developed from observation of chronic catastrophies wrought in China by winds and floods. Also implied is the Chinese concept of yin-yang (two contrary but complementary principles that explain all change) and the doctrine of the five elements that constitute all reality.
According to p'ungsuchirisol, each plot of land possesses two of four attributes: that which has wang ("prosperous") and son ("right"), for example, is fit for graves, houses, and important buildings; that which has shoe ("decay") and yok ("reversion") is propitious for temples. A good site for buildings and graves is marked by a majestic mountain linked to smaller mountains trailing off into the distance. The site also should be flanked on the left by a mountain shaped like the Blue Dragon (protector of good fortune) and on the right by one shaped like the White Tiger (expeller of evil). Finally, a mountain behind the site should face another distant mountain. A hill that resembles a cow lying down to eat fodder will secure a life free from worry about food and lodging. A site resembling a hen sitting on eggs will be the birthplace of great men.
Three types of sites are to be avoided: a place close to a road with heavy traffic, a town whose ditches overflow during the rainy season, and a spot where dragon- and tiger-shaped mountains come together.
Yi Song-gye, founder of the Yi dynasty (1392-1910), moved the national capital to Seoul because the site was said by a monk to fulfill all the requirements of p'ungsuchirisol.
Above: Source and Credit: Enclopaedia Britannica
As to how would one call a perfect balanced Geomancer in korean language, apologies, I do not know korean so, unable to answer the question.
As Korea and Japan is close-by to China, it is inevitable that Feng Shui spread to these countries in one form or other. For Japan, it is `9-Star Ki'.
Warmest Regards,

On 3/1/00 5:10:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hello ,
I wanted to know your opinion
on how you would call a
perfect balanced Geomancer in
korean language . How would
you title such a person .
Thank you :)

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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