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Bath room / powder room


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All the houses my husband and I have looked at to purchase has a powder room in the center of the house on the first floor. Besides not buying this house, is there anything we can do improve the Feng Shui of houses like these?
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Dear Jomay,
In the heading you used Bath room/powder room.
Perhaps, can you elaborate more:
1. How close is the bathroom to the centrepoint? (Where is the toilet bowl)
2. Are there any pumbing in the powder room?
Or what is the layout like.
If you can, do use the conference: Conference for Attaching Layout and attach a .gif or .bmp or .jpg
3. It is hard for me to comment without knowing the full picture.
4. I must stress that where possible, the Shapes and Form in terms of the site, the house layout and the interior position of the furniture is equally important.
5. It is also `essential' to try to use the Eight House Template and visualise the intangible force at each sector of the house. In particular, what intangible force is at the main door (breadwinner) and especially the bedroom.
6. For me, after checking on Para 4 and Para 5, if I am buying a new house, I would like to `go' for a house with Flying Star double 7's (plus a good base star e.g. Star 1).
We love to do this, especially finding new houses for ourselves by bringing a notebook computer and generating a Good House Chart.
8. In my country, houses get snap up so fast and even in finding a house, it is like in business, one must have `competitive advantage' to locate and secure a new house.
Warmest Regards,

On 3/2/00 9:52:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
All the houses my husband and
I have looked at to purchase
has a powder room in the
center of the house on the
first floor. Besides not
buying this house, is there
anything we can do improve the
Feng Shui of houses like

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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