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Complexities of Grand Duke


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Dear cecil,
I read somewhere that the Grand Duke theory is applicable inside as well as outside the house. Is this true.
Also read that One should avoid digging at the Grand Duke position also opposite the Grand Duke position. Is it true.
For inside the house one should avoid sleeping or sitting in the direction of Grand Duke and opposite the GD position. Is it true.
One should not keep any moving thing like fans or TV or plants in these two direction. Is it true.
One should not activate mountain star in these direction. Is it true. Thanks.
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Dear Anon,
1. First of all, one viewpoint of the Grand Duke Theory is that the Grand Duke is actually based on the movement of the Planet Jupiter.
2. As Jupiter is the largest planet circling, thus Chinese astronomers believe that it has an influence (e.g. magnetic influence) on other planets depending on its location.
3. Thus, one view is that the Grand Duke is based on Chinese Astrology readings.
Please see below:-

On 3/9/00 2:41:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear cecil,
I read somewhere that the
Grand Duke theory is
applicable inside as well as
outside the house. Is this

Yes, I recalled a real life example of a user in this forum. I believe it was one of the older messages.
She mentioned that workers dug earth outside the room which she was sleeping. And she had problems after that.

Also read that One should
avoid digging at the Grand
Duke position also opposite
the Grand Duke position. Is it

Yes, based on the 3 killings, usually the opoosite side needs to `watch out.'

For inside the house one
should avoid sleeping or
sitting in the direction of
Grand Duke and opposite the GD
position. Is it true.

Theortically, this is `correct.' But usually, this is the least priority or in my opinion, if we were to look at the use of the Grand Duke Theory, it is best to be concerned with `digging' portion.
This concept of not opposing the Grand Duke i.e. I believe, would be better off being applied in a macro environment e.g. during a war where you try to have the Grand Duke `supporting' you rather than confronting him.

One should not keep any moving
thing like fans or TV or
plants in these two direction.
Is it true.

In my opinion, I do use the Grand Duke Theory for this.

One should not activate
mountain star in these
direction. Is it true. Thanks.

One concept is that one should not block the Grand Duke. It is considered disrestpectful to block him.
Currently, there is a controvesy as some some practitioners do not believe in the Grand Duke Theory.
You may have to decide for yourself, based on the various inputs or to keep it under consideration.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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