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Is my car number auspicious?


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Dear Toni,
Currently, number plates are not within the sphere of Feng Shui and it comes
within other Chinese numerology.
However, this can be highly subjective as there will be lots of different
opinions based on `interpreting numbers'.
Under the Flying Star method, Number 5 is considered inauspicious. However,
number 4 or a combination of 4's is considered auspicious under the Flying
Star method.
Overall, as I mentioned above, you may get different views on the above.
Wishing you and your number 5444 good luck!
Warmest Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Listmanager
To: Recipients of 'free-advice' suppressed suppressed>
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 2:08 PM
Subject: numbers

From: "Antonio Foo"
This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
I just bought a car with plate numbers 5444.What does this number
describe.Is this a good combination of numbers. Advice needed.
Thank you.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net-->
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Dear Antonio,
I forgot to mention earlier that a Few FS Masters do consider Number Five auspicious because it represents all Five elements which is at the heart of Feng Shui and other Chinese Astrology and divinity methods.
Let me elaborate. Some Feng Shui Masters recommend hanging Five lights to symbolise all the Five Elements in a particular location.
When we combine 5 with the auspicous 4 and mutiples of 4, from this point of view, the number indeed looks auspicious:)
Overall, some do also consider the colour of the car in relation to your element also.
Warmest Regards,
Cecil Lee

On 3/31/99 2:17:46 PM, Anonymous wrote:
I just bought a car with plate
numbers 5444.What does this
number describe.Is this a good
combination of numbers. Advice
Thank you.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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