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Is it good to ehance a bad sector e.g. with red

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What combination of #'s should I look for to activate a water star in an area of my house or what # combination should I avoid? I am a Gua 2 and my house is a north facing period 6. Also I just painted a red wall at the the end of my hallway which is in the east section of my home. I know that color is represented by fire. Is it a good are a bad area to enhance with the fire element.
Thank you,
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Dear Durelle,
I do not do manual calculations or matching #'s to look at combinations of water to avoid or enhance.
This forum is a `self-help' forum.
I have stated many times that it if one person provides me with general information like:

I am a Gua 2 and my
house is a north facing period
Every day, I receive many of such requests.
I sincerely hope, that you can understand that this forum serves as a `catalyst' and I am more than happy if anyone has any questions or need clarifications.
Thus I feel it is more productive, to be able to help anyone if they provide me with all the facts so that I can give as much advise as possible.
If one is in a real hurry to `practise' Feng Shui should consult practitioners, instead.

Please see below:-

On 5/14/00 9:25:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
What combination of #'s should
I look for to activate a water
star in an area of my house or
what # combination should I
avoid? I am a Gua 2 and my
house is a north facing period
6. Also I just painted a red
wall at the the end of my
hallway which is in the east
section of my home. I know
that color is represented by
fire. Is it a good are a bad
area to enhance with the fire

Since you have already painted the wall, and you personally like it, and through either sixth sense or trial and error Feng Shui, everything is fine, then generally it is OK.
On a Feng Shui perspective:
1. As you mentioned, red or bright colours general make the location more Yang.
2. Flying Star Feng Shui can be used to analyse if the colours clash with the sector e.g. whether it is neutral to the sector or it aids an auspicious or inauspicious sector.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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