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How to interpret the Flying Star Analysis

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CAn you hlp to advise how to interpret the flying star analysis,
My east corner has the following 20yr & yrly as
base star : 5 earth
mountain star: 7 Metal
water star : 3 wood
yearly star : 7 metal
For element analysis (20yr star vs year star) Proposed solution is "make use of wood to destroy and control earth"
For element analysis 9mountain star vs water star) the proposed solution is "Make use of Metal to destroy and control Wood"
the 2 proposed solution for the same corner are contradicting and thus should we be controlling the earth or wood in this case? and is wood good or bad?
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Dear Tervino,
Please see below:-

CAn you hlp to advise how to interpret the flying star analysis,
My east corner has the following 20yr & yrly as
base star : 5 earth
mountain star: 7 Metal
water star : 3 wood
yearly star : 7 metal
For element analysis (20yr star vs year star) Proposed solution is "make
use of wood to destroy and control earth"
For element analysis 9mountain star vs water star) the proposed solution
is "Make use of Metal to destroy and control Wood"
the 2 proposed solution for the same corner are contradicting and thus
should we be controlling the earth or wood in this case? and is wood good or

In this case, both 5 earth and 3 wood are bad. So you need to control the two The system analyses two elements at any one time to make sure that it captures the essence of each problem.
To control 3 wood, Metal is a good cure. 5 earth can also be controlled by Wood
element. So in this case, 3 Wood happens to control 5 earth already.
However, 5 Earth is left uncontrolled.
Metal which is available in 7 Metal (mountain Star) and yearly star 7, will
help you balance the sector, as Metal also exhaust earth and destroy wood,
thus is the solution for this sector. In your case, this sector has now
balanced itself. So no further cure is really necessary.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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