terencelew Posted July 2, 2000 Share Posted July 2, 2000 Hi, (1) I would like to know how do we put all we learnt togeter, so far, from my understandng4 pillars --> tell your true element, ten dieties , pillar of luck and advise what element to enhance flying star --> 20yr, yearly, monthly, mountain/water star about 9grid of house, which segment to activate or supressed during certain period.8 house--> 4 good/4 worse directionbut I do not see any close relationship between 4 pillars and the flying star. The only thing is I am strong Metal and perhaps a suitable house will be a "fire" or water house to control my strong fire. (2) One of my keep concern is what action can be taken (after 4 pillar/flying star etc) to increase wealth? Any tips for that or how to go about doing it?Fastfood fengshui say the SE corner is wealth corner and to activate with small wood (potted plant) but I think there is more to it than just SE corner.(3)Fastfood fengshui tends to recommend many action items (that bring hopes) with 8aspiration, eg: puting coin in metal box in NW, small plant in SE, redlight in south etc.But I do not see much action item after the 4pillar (rev8), flying star report. the only things I gether from these reports are:(1) I am "strong Metal" , go for more fire eg: red clothe...etc(2) flying star, use certain element to balance 1 or 2 segment. Am I missing something?What I can think of (1) my wealth elemetn is wood (Metal destroy wood), perhaps to establish wealth is to have more things that is wood? eg: more plants (but which direction to put the wood element?)I am looking for more action item to improve my life and luck. thanks.Rgds,terence Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
jing.fung Posted July 3, 2000 Share Posted July 3, 2000 If Cecil or Robert replies, you may want to take their opinion over this one I'm giving you, as they know their stuff.1) Well, the first thing you must understand is that each theory is connected to one of the following,Heaven Luck.Earth Luck.Man Luck.Heaven Luck is what you are born with. This can not be changed. (Pillars of Destiny, Purple Star Astrology, Metallic Abacus mathematics, etc...)Earth Luck is controllable and in our hands. It can not override what you have been born with (ie Heaven Luck), but it can help during difficult periods of life. Or increase the good luck during the better parts of life (Here comes in Flying Star, Eight House/Aspirations, etc...)Man Luck is simply yourself. Of the three listed, this is definitely in YOUR hands. Though no theory is connected with this "Luck". Man Luck is thus, if you do not have the will to do something, it simply will not happen. You have got to make the change. You want to get together with someone? You've got to ask that person out yourself. Want to get rich? Work, spend wisely and plan ahead!As I have explained, Four Pillars, determines when your luck is good, bad and neutral. Flying Star determines what can be done to help smooth out the path of bad luck during the bad luck periods as shown in your Pillars report. (or enhance it as I've said.) That is the only relation between the two I know of. (Pillars being what you are born with, while Flying Star helps out during life)2) As I have explained in the answer to 1), Feng Shui of any kind is an Earth Luck and can not override a person's Heaven Luck. If your Pillars report says you have lots of Wealth Deity's then making money will be easier for you. Feng Shui will help that further, but it can not give you what you do not have. eg A person has been born with no Wealth deity's, Feng Shui can NOT make this person into a Millionaire. Feng Shui does not work like that. Though if this person works harder at work and spends wisely (Man Luck along with Earth Luck) this person can have an acceptable level of money and live with it.Any tips to help you can not be given as each house has it's own Wealth Corner (or Corners ie 2 corners) Cecil may help you here.What ever you do, DO NOT USE THE FASTFOOD FENG SHUI TECHNIQUES.(Apologies for shouting) I can not stress how important this is. You do not know how many times I've told people to take down items that were harming them instead of helping them when I went round to their homes.3) Well, maybe Cecil or Robert can help here. As I don't have your house layout and pillar details. All I can say is, if you are indeed a strong metal person, then try and find work related with wood. (Carpenter?) Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 3, 2000 Staff Share Posted July 3, 2000 Dear Kam,I am glad that you had taken so much effort to explain very clearly the distinction of the various types of LUCK.1. I fully agree with what you have written and it is a good lesson for all of us that LUCK comes in various forms.2. This is why, a holistic approach to `LUCK' should in my opinion be considered.3. The easiest again to reference this to examinations. As all of us had taken them before.4.In my opinion, it is not ideal if we are to take an examination where we are suppose to answer 4 compulsory essay questions but in the end answer 3 out of 4 questions.5. We should therefore, try to `enhance' all the different LUCK plus what Kam has pointed out, MAN LUCK is equally important.6. Trying to maximize all the luck is good. But it should be done in an economical way.7. For example, if we find a good house with excellent Shapes and Form. Assuming that this house sored 78 percent out of 100 marks for Shapes and Form, by doing something more, if we can achieve or bring this to 82 marks easily this is good. Above this, the marginal costs gets higher and higher just to achieve a further 85 percent/marks.8. Thus what I like to say is that we should try to firstly:- Maximize all our LUCK as effortless as possible. By doing it right the first time or making changes.- Rather than focusing e.g. at one corner of the house e.g. to "boost?" a few more marks to increase the EARTH LUCK, we should instead, see if we can achieve an overall rating in all areas.Thus, as identified by Kam, if we can improve in a holistic way, our Heaven, Earth and Man Luck, we are better off.Here, everyone will ask the question how to?With the wealth of information on Feng Shui (which is considered our earth luck), we can try to make sure that our house is in harmony. Ideally, the house should have good Shapes and Form, Flying Star analysis can help to neutralise any bad sectors. Pillars of Destiny (which maps our Heaven luck) can be used to look at the wider picture and used as a cross reference when implementing cures or enhancements to the home and personal self.Generally, most FS practitioners would say that by understanding our Heaven Luck, we can try to `change' or advert problems a percentage of it.Frankly, it takes lots of years of study and experience to combine and implement all these and for those who are new, cannot be expected to do it all on their own.As mentioned by Kam, I must stress that, Fast Food Feng Shui, can do more harm than one could ever imagine.To be frank, my motivation to continue with this site is to create an awarness of Fast Food Feng Shui. Frankly, I have better things to do than to continue with Feng Shui. For example, for my personal self, when buying a new home, I would spent some time to look for a relatively good house. It need not be `excellent' but (of course this is a bonus) and from there, if there are any threats to the house, still have to cure it. Even good or excellent houses are vulnerable to this. Once this is done and bad sectors are neutralised, Feng Shui becomes transparent and I would then concentrate with getting on with my life.Warmest Regards,Cecil Quote On 7/3/00 10:44:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:If Cecil or Robert replies,you may want to take theiropinion over this one I'mgiving you, as they know theirstuff.1) Well, the first thing youmust understand is that eachtheory is connected to one ofthe following,Heaven Luck.Earth Luck.Man Luck.Heaven Luck is what you areborn with. This can not bechanged. (Pillars of Destiny,Purple Star Astrology,Metallic Abacus mathematics,etc...)Earth Luck is controllable andin our hands. It can notoverride what you have beenborn with (ie Heaven Luck),but it can help duringdifficult periods of life. Orincrease the good luck duringthe better parts of life (Herecomes in Flying Star, EightHouse/Aspirations, etc...)Man Luck is simply yourself.Of the three listed, this isdefinitely in YOUR hands.Though no theory is connectedwith this "Luck". Man Luck isthus, if you do not have thewill to do something, itsimply will not happen. Youhave got to make the change.You want to get together withsomeone? You've got to askthat person out yourself. Wantto get rich? Work, spendwisely and plan ahead!As I have explained, FourPillars, determines when yourluck is good, bad and neutral.Flying Star determines whatcan be done to help smooth outthe path of bad luck duringthe bad luck periods as shownin your Pillars report. (orenhance it as I've said.) Thatis the only relation betweenthe two I know of. (Pillarsbeing what you are born with,while Flying Star helps outduring life)2) As I have explained in theanswer to 1), Feng Shui of anykind is an Earth Luck and cannot override a person's HeavenLuck. If your Pillars reportsays you have lots of WealthDeity's then making money willbe easier for you. Feng Shuiwill help that further, but itcan not give you what you donot have. eg A person has beenborn with no Wealth deity's,Feng Shui can NOT make thisperson into a Millionaire.Feng Shui does not work likethat. Though if this personworks harder at work andspends wisely (Man Luck alongwith Earth Luck) this personcan have an acceptable levelof money and live with it.Any tips to help you can notbe given as each house hasit's own Wealth Corner (orCorners ie 2 corners) Cecilmay help you here.What ever you do, DO NOT USETHE FASTFOOD FENG SHUITECHNIQUES.(Apologies forshouting) I can not stress howimportant this is. You do notknow how many times I've toldpeople to take down items thatwere harming them instead ofhelping them when I went roundto their homes.3) Well, maybe Cecil or Robertcan help here. As I don't haveyour house layout and pillardetails. All I can say is, ifyou are indeed a strong metalperson, then try and find workrelated with wood.(Carpenter?) Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
terencelew Posted July 4, 2000 Share Posted July 4, 2000 Hi Cecil, Kam,Thanks for the detail illustration which hlp to put forward the big picture embracing all theories. This is very important to many beginners like myself to gain a basic understanding on the overall FS concept. What next will be to go into detail of each theory.In my experience, after reading some books on fastfood FS, we get very excited because it promises many things (wealth, romance, frame etc) if we put this & that in various coners. We rush out to the mall and buy all we can (gold coin, dragon, fishtank etc) and place them accordingly and may sometime hurt oneself without analysis one's true element etc.. 1 question: I do not see a close link bet 4 pillars and the flying star. Flying star look at corners of a house at certain month/yr and whether we need to balance or leverage from it but it does not take into consideration that person's pillar, can you advise how I can marry these 2 theories?Thanks Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 4, 2000 Staff Share Posted July 4, 2000 Dear Terence, I believe, we can draw a `parallel' with the "driving experience". Here, for example: A. Shapes and Form Feng Shui 1. Shapes and Form School of Feng Shui is like the roads and highways. Where, there are good roads and bad roads (i.e. Good Feng Shui and bad Feng Shui). Good `roads' are those that have been resurfaced frequently, and well lighted, no sudden bends. Bad `roads' are like winding roads or roads that have frequent accidents. B. Pillars of Destiny 2. Pillars of Destiny can be considered like advance warning signs or a good road map. For example, if the road is winding and there are frequent accidents occuring on this road, (Pillars of Destiny) is like making sure that there are adequate warning signs. 3. In the above example, we have noticed that there is the infrastructure i.e. roads and signages or proper directional signs (Pillars of Destiny). 4. The above are just infrastructures. Because of built up land, some roads may be good to drive on while others because of buildings has to be winding etc... Thus this forms good and bad `shapes and forms'. C. Pillars of Destiny Wealth deities 5. Pillars of Destiny wealth deities is like the vehicle we drive. For example, a person who has excellent wealth deities is like a person driving a luxurious car. While a person not so blessed drives a scooter or even does not own a car. 6. As Kam, has mentioned `MAN luck' in this situation is like the driver of the car or scooter. His driving skills depends on road conditions (i.e. Flying Star Feng Shui) and his `condition'. Flying Star Feng Shui 7. As Flying Star takes into consideration time dimensions, you will notice that we are always not certain if the weather is cloudy or there is heavy rain. If there is heavy rain, we have to becareful and thus take precautions. Here `precautions' are like neutralising bad sectors e.g. bad earth element or sickness star. 8. Flying star thus take into consideration (the conditions at the time) and if there is an imbalance, try to neutralise it). For example in the above `driving' experience, if there is an oil spill on the bend, precautions must be taken to negotiate the bend. Alternatively, it should be cleaned. 9. I mentioned above that following, Kam's example, there are people who are endowed with luck such as being able to drive a luxury car. While others may only be able to afford a scooter or motorcycle. Those that drive luxury cars, may have ABS brakes, front and side air-bags and other safety features. In a collision or serious accident, their survial rate is higher. Warmest Regards, Cecil Quote On 7/4/00 4:45:00 AM, Anonymous wrote: Hi Cecil, Kam, Thanks for the detail illustration which hlp to put forward the big picture embracing all theories. This is very important to many beginners like myself to gain a basic understanding on the overall FS concept. What next will be to go into detail of each theory. In my experience, after reading some books on fastfood FS, we get very excited because it promises many things (wealth, romance, frame etc) if we put this & that in various coners. We rush out to the mall and buy all we can (gold coin, dragon, fishtank etc) and place them accordingly and may sometime hurt oneself without analysis one's true element etc.. 1 question: I do not see a close link bet 4 pillars and the flying star. Flying star look at corners of a house at certain month/yr and whether we need to balance or leverage from it but it does not take into consideration that person's pillar, can you advise how I can marry these 2 theories? Thanks Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted September 5, 2018 Staff Share Posted September 5, 2018 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted August 17, 2019 Staff Share Posted August 17, 2019 Ba Zi for all... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 13, 2024 Staff Share Posted July 13, 2024 On 7/5/2000 at 6:45 AM, Cecil Lee said: Dear Terence, I believe, we can draw a `parallel' with the "driving experience". Here, for example: A. Shapes and Form Feng Shui 1. Shapes and Form School of Feng Shui is like the roads and highways. Where, there are good roads and bad roads (i.e. Good Feng Shui and bad Feng Shui). Good `roads' are those that have been resurfaced frequently, and well lighted, no sudden bends. Bad `roads' are like winding roads or roads that have frequent accidents. B. Pillars of Destiny 2. Pillars of Destiny can be considered like advance warning signs or a good road map. For example, if the road is winding and there are frequent accidents occuring on this road, (Pillars of Destiny) is like making sure that there are adequate warning signs. 3. In the above example, we have noticed that there is the infrastructure i.e. roads and signages or proper directional signs (Pillars of Destiny). 4. The above are just infrastructures. Because of built up land, some roads may be good to drive on while others because of buildings has to be winding etc... Thus this forms good and bad `shapes and forms'. C. Pillars of Destiny Wealth deities 5. Pillars of Destiny wealth deities is like the vehicle we drive. For example, a person who has excellent wealth deities is like a person driving a luxurious car. While a person not so blessed drives a scooter or even does not own a car. 6. As Kam, has mentioned `MAN luck' in this situation is like the driver of the car or scooter. His driving skills depends on road conditions (i.e. Flying Star Feng Shui) and his `condition'. Flying Star Feng Shui 7. As Flying Star takes into consideration time dimensions, you will notice that we are always not certain if the weather is cloudy or there is heavy rain. If there is heavy rain, we have to becareful and thus take precautions. Here `precautions' are like neutralising bad sectors e.g. bad earth element or sickness star. 8. Flying star thus take into consideration (the conditions at the time) and if there is an imbalance, try to neutralise it). For example in the above `driving' experience, if there is an oil spill on the bend, precautions must be taken to negotiate the bend. Alternatively, it should be cleaned. 9. I mentioned above that following, Kam's example, there are people who are endowed with luck such as being able to drive a luxury car. While others may only be able to afford a scooter or motorcycle. Those that drive luxury cars, may have ABS brakes, front and side air-bags and other safety features. In a collision or serious accident, their survial rate is higher. Warmest Regards, Cecil A. Comparison with Cooking 1. I believe we can make a comparison with the "driving experience" just like cooking a meal. In cooking, there are recipes to follow and specific ingredients to use, similar to how driving requires following rules and using the right tools. B. Relationship Dynamics 2. Drawing a parallel with the "driving experience" can also be likened to understanding relationship dynamics. Just like driving, relationships require navigation, communication, and sometimes making quick decisions to avoid obstacles. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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