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How do I apply the Eight House Theory?


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I sent you an email this morning but made a mistake in identifying where my front door is facing. I just realized that our main door is facing towards north--about 15 degrees towards NE. The house direction is south.
My main door connects to an open kitchen door and heads to the back door (it's through and through which according. to Feng Shui drives the chi away. My husband, the breadwinner, is north...so am I. Our house is a baby split level (crestwood estate) was built on the 60's and is northeast. The center of the house is on the 3rd step of our upper staircase (between the toilet and kitchen -back part of the house and the den and my daughter's bedroom in the front). How can I correlate each other so that I can place the furnitures and cures properly?
Right now, I'm applying the north eight house theory as I am waiting for you response.

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Thanks for your information. Please see my feedback below:-

Your earlier message thru e-mail:
I have read about your stuffs in geomancy.net. To analyse my own house, I need
to know exactly the basis which is the main door. My house is situated in a
rectangular land but with a slant on the northeast (longer). Next, my house is
going towards the north direction ( lay out plan). My main door is directly in
the front house and the opposite direction is the back door (through and
through with an open kitchen door in between them). I know this is bad. Please
help me find the cures.
You have the following alternatives:
1. Place a screen between the front door and back door. The screen need not
be full height. This is to allow the ch'i to circulate (meander) into the
2. Do you use the back door? If not, leave it closed. But if you do open the
back door, then try alternative 1.
The breadwinner, my husband, was born 4/1/54 and
according to geomancy he is north. I am north, too. The house is northeast
acc. to its year (between 1956 and 1960). (2) When I have to stand in the the
center of the house, which direction should I be facing? Towards the main door
or towards the direction of the house? The center is in the 3rd step of our
upper stairway between the upper toilet(back) and beginning of my daughter's
or towards the direction of the house? The center is in the 3rd step of our
upper stairway between the upper toilet(back) and beginning of my daughter's
bedroom (front) kitchen. Please respond so that I can rearrange my furnitures
already. Thanks.g Shui-H
To correctly assess the compass direction of your main door:-
Determine the centre of the house. Where possible stand at the centre of
the house and look directly at the `mid-point' of the main door entrance.
Once you do that, check the compass direction. E.g. if it is say 10 degrees,

then your main entrance door is `North -- 10 degrees '.

I sent you an email (reproduced above) this morning but made a mistake in
identifying where my front door is facing. I just realized that our main door
is facing towards north--about 15 degrees towards NE. The house direction is south.

Thanks for the information.

My main door connects to an open kitchen door and heads to the back door (it's
through and through which according. to Feng Shui drives the chi away. My husba
nd, the breadwinner, is north...so am I. Our house is a baby split level (crest
wood estate) was built on the 60's and is northeast. The center of the house is
on the 3rd step of our upper staircase (between the toilet and kitchen -back
part of the house and the den and my daughter's bedroom in the front). How can
I correlate each other so that I can place the furnitures and cures properly?
Right now, I'm applying the north eight house theory as I am waiting for you re
What you should do next (if you are using the 8 House Theory) is:-
1. Get a copy of your house layout plan. Determine the North to South direction of
the house.
2. Next, obtain the template of your 8 house e.g. for your husband i.e. the North
House. (You can login to Geomancy-Online.com, create an account and use the free
8 house computerised report manager to generate a `North House' template).
Save or print this out on your home printer.
If you have a transparency, it is an excellent idea to add in all your family
member's 8 house template (using different colours).
3. Superimpose this template onto the copy of the layout plan by aligning it to
the North -- South direction.
4. Study the intangible forces flowing into each rooms e.g. the Death, Diaster,
Excellent, Longevity etc...
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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