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Change of Period

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Case 1: Endrika
Construction Date: 1979 Period 6
Degrees 253.5 Keng Facing (F to R)
House was uninhabited for 9 months and couple moved in Nov 4, 2001 Doing considerable remodeling No roof change yet.
1.Would this house be considered a Period 6 or 7 ?
2. This house is a Wang Shang Wang Shui house in period 6, but a Reverse house period 7, bur also has a combination 10 . Does this cancel the effects of the Reverse house for Period 7?
3. This house was unoccuppied for 9 months. Considerable remodeling is being done, ut no roof change.
Does this change the period?
Looking forward to your insight.
Respectfully yours, Mimi
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Dear Mimi,
1. In my opinion, as you mentioned that there is considerable remodelling (although no change of roof) usually, the house would take on Period 7's influence.
2. I believe that fortunately because of Period 7's is entering it's last lap, i.e. it is until 2003, where Period 8 comes in.
3. During this transition, especially when it reaches one year after lunar year 2003, I strongly believe that some of the enhancements done under Period 7 may not be effective or work. This relates especially to `wealth' positions e.g. water features that were looked at and meant to enhance qi during Period 7.
This is more so for the fortunes of business. Where, many of those who had made fortunes between 1984 to 2003. May collapse. And emerging new companies, expand and gather strength.
4. Overall, for those houses built in Period 7 one good effect is that the key problem areas faced i.e. South and East which are the worst sectors (characteristics) of a Period 7 house will be much negated.

2. This house is a Wang Shang
Wang Shui house in period 6,
but a Reverse house period 7,
bur also has a combination 10
. Does this cancel the effects
of the Reverse house for
Period 7?
In my opinion, no.

Warmest Regards,

On 4/24/2002 10:41:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Case 1: Endrika
Construction Date: 1979
Period 6
Degrees 253.5 Keng Facing
(F to R)
House was uninhabited for 9
months and couple moved in Nov
4, 2001 Doing considerable
remodeling No roof change
1.Would this house be
considered a Period 6 or 7 ?
2. This house is a Wang Shang
Wang Shui house in period 6,
but a Reverse house period 7,
bur also has a combination 10
. Does this cancel the effects
of the Reverse house for
Period 7?
3. This house was unoccuppied
for 9 months. Considerable
remodeling is being done, ut
no roof change.
Does this change the period?
Looking forward to your
Respectfully yours, Mimi

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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