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need expert advise

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hi there, can you please kindly answer my questions, my house faces 273 degrees I understand that is west 2
i have a 844 in the NW part of my house according to the flying star method, which by the way half of it is missing, i understand is bad for children
and my daughter sleeps there she is Kua 2,
health wise what can I do to help her.
2nd question, on the outside I have a water feature, that is in front of my door that faces 327 degrees, water in front I've read that is no good. I bought eva wongs book and took reading according to her instruction, not to rely on the front door but on the main side of the house with the most road etc..
3rd and last question I promise I have 2 sections of my house with a 52, South and East and 529 in the center like it wasn't bad already. Boy do I need to move out of this house ...but unfortunately work is terrible...what can be good reliable cures for these sections, 6 coins, heavy metal etc. also metal in the East wouldn't that hurt my finances. I know health is important but being self employed is finances are bad then it really going to effct my health.according to lillian too water in east good should i put a fountain or aquarium there.
your help will be great.
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Dear Isabelle,
Please see below:-

On 5/19/2002 12:27:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
hi there, can you please
kindly answer my questions, my
house faces 273 degrees I
understand that is west 2
i have a 844 in the NW part of
my house according to the
flying star method, which by
the way half of it is missing,
i understand is bad for
and my daughter sleeps there
she is Kua 2,
health wise what can I do to
help her.

There is not much one can do other than to neutralise the #4's in this situation. Metal element would help to neutralise the bad wood #4's.

2nd question, on the outside I
have a water feature, that is
in front of my door that faces
327 degrees, water in front
I've read that is no good. I
bought eva wongs book and took
reading according to her
instruction, not to rely on
the front door but on the main
side of the house with the
most road etc..

There are several ways to look at water positions.
If one is using Flying Star method, the best location is one where there is metal at that sector. For example, if the frontage of the house has say a #7 mountain, Base 1 #7 water, in this area, there are metal elements.
Provided, this sector is as mentioned earlier, the frontage of the house, or e.g. the balcony area, one can take advantage of water elements with #7 metal elements.
The fundamental element in Feng Shui and even Flying Star Feng Shui is to apply the Five elements concept.
For example, this link
shows the world's largest fountain at Suntec City, Singapore.
The above slide(s) will show, a metal ring with water flowing into the centre of the fountain. Where circle also represents metal.
This two combination of water + metal is the key ingredient to any water position. The metal here is on a huge scale and thus should provide vibrant Qi.
Contrast this with a fish tank:-
In the past (and present), it is popular for a Feng Shui consultant, to advise on this "solution" to this problem:-
One sees a lamp-post slicing thru one's bedroom window.
One cure is to close the curtain or use a day curtain. If it cannot be seen it no longer becomes a threat.
But what happens if one needs to open the window all the time?
Here, the five element concept are looked at:-
A lamp-post (even if it is made of metal or wood) is considered as the `wood' element because it is tall and thin. Similar to a tree.
There is water in the fish tank. And most of the recommended fish(es) are of the metal element e.g. goldfish (metal element), dragonfish etc....
Here, under the productive sequence of the Five elements concept:-
Metal -> Water -> Wood
It is good to use a two combination flow e.g. metal with water onto wood.

3rd and last question I
promise I have 2 sections of
my house with a 52, South and
East and 529 in the center
like it wasn't bad already.
Boy do I need to move out of
this house ...but
unfortunately work is
terrible...what can be good
reliable cures for these
sections, 6 coins, heavy metal
etc. also metal in the East
wouldn't that hurt my
finances. I know health is
important but being self
employed is finances are bad
then it really going to effct
my health.according to lillian
too water in east good should
i put a fountain or aquarium

For sectors particularly with #5 (20 year) and #5 (this year), constant metal such as a pendulum or wind chime (provided it is placed just outside this sector) is considered more effective than the static 6 coins. Here, the constant `banging' or `cling' of metal would be of use here.
For locations with #2, six coins are ok.
As to whether water is good or bad, since you are using the Flying Star Feng Shui, use it more authentically as mentioned in my earlier note about it's effectiveness if there is metal element in that location.
If there is really no metal element(s) found at a specific sector, it is not effective.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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