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Chinese Name Calculator for Faster & Accurate Name Analysis = Productivity

Robert Lee

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Dear Users,


1. In order to improve the response time for the selection / choosing and changing of Chinese Name, we have created a Chinese Name Analysis report to add to the list of reports we already have.

2. This report is not currently released to the general public for use as it is only in the pre-development stage (version 1).

3. However, with the report it will help us to determine the luck of a person's name. This will greatly not only increase our time and accuracy to find the very best names with increased details provided to clients who request for our services.

4. Our analysis for names is extremely detailed, most of the time we choose names only if 95% of all luck periods and pillars are good. This is a very tedious task, but once it is well chosen it will match and compliment what is missing in a person's Ba Zi.

5. Here is a sample of a the report that we will be using and giving to all future users seeking our Chinese Name Analysis services.

6. Geomancy.net is a leader in using advanced technology as a productivity tool. This is because, often we were asked for a second opinion. As some parents felt uncomfortable with the review done by their former Feng Shui Master.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert & Cecil Lee




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  • 17 years later...
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Case Study of a Baby Name Service

1. This new client approached Master Robert Lee because he wanted a second opinion...

2. Previous FSM... There were some inconsistencies in his bazi naming report...


3. Thanks a lot, Robert. You have been very helpful and approachable, and learned quite a few things from you.

4. Will recommend my friends and relatives to you... do you also do home feng shui audit as well as is it done more by Cecil.




Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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