glyn Posted June 26, 2003 Share Posted June 26, 2003 Dear CecilStar #7 will revert to its evil nature come period 8. Apart from making sure there is no moving water where water star #7 resides and no mountain where mountain star #7 resides, what in your opinion is the safest method to weaken its evil effects come 2004.I have 737 at the facing, both stars being supported by forms.Thank youGlyn Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted June 26, 2003 Staff Share Posted June 26, 2003 Dear Glyn,For now, I personally feel that the `cleanest' method is to introduce the fire element.Since #7 x 2 are metal elementand #3 is bad wood elementThe `cleanest' method is therefore to use `fire' element e.g. a red carpet or for some Chinese, a red banner above their door.The rationale here is:-Under the Destructive sequence of the five elements concept:-Fire is used to CONTROL or weaken METALUnder the Productive sequence of the five elements concept:-Fire is used to draw or reduce wood i.e. fire helps to burn wood.This is still a better method than say introducing `water'. If water is introduced, it does help to reduce Metal as water helps to draw out water or weaken it. But the double edged sword is that it helps to fuel wood i.e. bad wood. If water is introduced; e.g. a fountain i.e. it has to have all five elements inside it inorder to circulate all five elements effectively.For example, in the past, I mentioned the senario of a public lamp post. This lamp post can be made of metal or wood. But, symbollically, it looks more like a tree trunk (wood element).If the lamp post slices thru our main door entrance or window, we cannot simply go out and use an axe or saw to remove it. It is illegal. If it is a tree, perphaps, if we are `evil' we can poison it.In such a situation, the most popular Hong Kong method was to introduce a fish tank to neutralise it. This is where the fish tank is made up of 4 or more elements:-Fish tank - often this is rectangular. Rectangle represents the Earth element.Fishes - Often goldfish and dragon fish is considered as the Metal element. Orange gold fish is often considered as metal elementFishes (some are red or pink). These colours represent the Fire elementFishes (black). These represent water element.Often, the fish tank also has lights i.e. this belongs to the fire element.Some plants - this may not be necessary but if these are introduced into a fish tank, it belongs to the wood element.Therefore: we can see that if the THREAT is WOOD:-We can introduce at least 4 other elements that help to neutralise it in a harmonious way instead of resorting to destroying it - which may be illegal.Warmest Regards,Cecil Quote On 6/26/2003 11:27:07 PM, Anonymous wrote:Dear CecilStar #7 will revert to itsevil nature come period 8.Apart from making sure thereis no moving water where waterstar #7 resides and nomountain where mountain star#7 resides, what in youropinion is the safest methodto weaken its evil effectscome 2004.I have 737 at the facing, bothstars being supported byforms.Thank youGlyn Expand Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
glyn Posted June 27, 2003 Share Posted June 27, 2003 Thank you for your response Cecil.I actually had been thinking of using still water in a large urn to weakenthe metal. I do take your point however about it strengthening the wood.I shall try fire. I will be using a red mat plus many red candles in theupstairs northern sector where 737 resides. . Should look most attractive.Of course caution will need to be taken when the monthly #2 and #5 visit.Now when do you feel the fire element can be introduced, now as the #7 isweakening or from February 2004 ?Kind regardsGlyn Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted June 27, 2003 Staff Share Posted June 27, 2003 Dear Glyn,After writing on the use of fire, I actually wanted to find out from you where this location was.For example, if this location is bathed with sun-light e.g. direct east or direct west. Or even if sufficient light flow-in; then one already has natural `fire' light element trickle down to this sector.I have not seen the actual Flying star but often, on the safer side, it should be used after next year's lunar new year.Please send my regards to Phil and your two lovely children:)One day, will visit you in Perth:)Warmest Regards,Cecil Quote On 6/27/2003 8:08:27 AM, Anonymous wrote:Thank you for your responseCecil.I actually had been thinkingof using still water in alarge urn to weakenthe metal. I do take yourpoint however about itstrengthening the wood.I shall try fire. I will beusing a red mat plus many redcandles in theupstairs northern sector where737 resides. . Should lookmost attractive.Of course caution will need tobe taken when the monthly #2and #5 visit.Now when do you feel the fireelement can be introduced, nowas the #7 isweakening or from February2004 ?Kind regardsGlyn Expand Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
glyn Posted July 15, 2003 Share Posted July 15, 2003 So Cecil, unlike other well known practitioners, coming into period 8 is notcause for panic?My clients have read bits and pieces from books available to the public,haveshown me ,and goodness me, the trauma expected is beyond belief. That beingthe case, at least 33% of my client base would have to sell home.How do people in this profession get away with all this doom, gloom andcreating panic ?CheersGlyn Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 15, 2003 Staff Share Posted July 15, 2003 Dear Glyn,Yes, this is indeed a good observation.These are my views:-1. In one or two of my past messages, I had mentioned that many practitioners are still `new' in this business and many did not live thru several of these "20 year" change of period.2. For example, if one has `lived' thru three x 20 year period, one would now be (if assuming this person had practised Feng Shui since 16 years old) would NOW BE 76 years old!3. If one looks at the age profile of many practitioners today, many would be in their teenage years when the last change occured in 1983-84. 4. Given this lack of experience, or little experience in this area; one can than understand why there are so much "talk/worry" etc...5. I sincerely hope that many practitioners remain `Honest' in this business. This is because, as you had mentioned, there can always be hidden motives.6. For example, it is interesting to `inflame' this issue; as it can ultimately increase additional audits for practitioners. More money. (I am not saying that this is true, but, as mention, this is one of the many methods, one can use to perk up one's business).7. FameAlthough, this is a lesser motive, but, this is one way to drum up activity e.g. in a forum. 8. What really matters is that whenever there is a change of period, one interesting thing to watch are the `millionaires'.9. In Singapore, this is already beginning to happen. The `richer' one is, the harder one falls'.For example, in the 1980's, those who know about the Pan Malaysian and the Carrian Group saga.Recently, we had a nominated Member of parliament (who also nearly wanted to vie for the President of Singapore's post. He was a teacher but `made' it rich in his `low tech' clothing company. Today, just before, the turn of the new period, he now owes millions to banks.10. Another case is the boss of the $1.99 shop. Her fortunes now turned in the next period.11. Frankly, many of this is related more towards: Poor strategic planning. For example, ridiculously paying high rental for mass market products. But, also bad luck e.g. SARs.12. Many people are `small' fries and live in "small" homes. We should all be contented that we at least have our all our arms and legs. And for most of us not saddled with such burden. Of course, some of us, do have financial problems. 13. Let us all not create a stampede or create fears. This is simply `lunatic'. In a stampede, some people can get trampled and die. These are innocent, people.14. I always feel that this is an appropriate statement:"After the bitterness, comes the sweetness""Avoid the self-fulfilling prophercy" and avoid "Auto-suggestion"15. Recently, when I was looking many client's palm, I see lots of branches on the heart line. This suggests too much undue worry! Life is short, so - make the best of it!Cheers!Warmest Regards,Cecil Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 15, 2003 Staff Share Posted July 15, 2003 Dear Glyn and all,1. Further to what I had mentioned,1. We have to be realistic with what Feng Shui can or cannot do. Feng Shui is not a cure all.2. Human Advancements.2.1 In the past, we can say that there is a limitation for all of us to change our "destiny". (Lest - we go time-travel). Even in time-travel, as we had seen the three series of Back to the Future.. our destiny can be alterated.2.2 In modern history, we now see advancements in science and technology. 2.3 For example, in the field of medicine; many of our lives are extended beyond what our Ba Zi tells us.2.4 Rather than buy a figure, sit down and wait for money to drop from the sky, we need to depend on ourselves.2.5 The classic case of " the richer, they are, the harder they fall'.Here, there is a vast improvement in the study, practise and application of many management methods such as: Strategic Planning; Organisation Behaviour; Human resource etc...Thus, rather than `relying' on the change of `Qi', we must have a realistic solid foundation.This is why, recently, I wanted to elaborate more on the `idea' of per square foot or p.s.f. To show that in REAL life, our LUCK is not soley on Feng Shui but rather -- prudent finacial planning; not only for today but for our FUTURE!Tell me, many Singaporeans today, have already made a Paper Loss on their property. Not to say stocks and shares. And many of these losses are `huge' to these individuals. Some even make as much as S$200K lossess! So, how can Feng Shui cure all these?Let's all go to the fundamentals to guide us: Use our Heads (first) not our hearts!Going forward, like family support or family bonding, these can far exceed our own personal failed `greed'. Warmest Regards,Cecil Quote On 7/15/2003 7:44:02 AM, Anonymous wrote:8. What really matters is thatwhenever there is a change ofperiod, one interesting thingto watch are the`millionaires'.9. In Singapore, this isalready beginning to happen.The `richer' one is, theharder one falls'.For example, in the 1980's,those who know about the PanMalaysian and the CarrianGroup saga.Recently, we had a nominatedMember of parliament (who alsonearly wanted to vie for thePresident of Singapore's post.He was a teacher but `made' itrich in his `low tech'clothing company. Today, justbefore, the turn of the newperiod, he now owes millionsto banks.10. Another case is the bossof the $1.99 shop. Herfortunes now turned in thenext period.11. Frankly, many of this isrelated more towards: Poorstrategic planning. Forexample, ridiculously payinghigh rental for mass marketproducts. But, also bad lucke.g. SARs.12. Many people are `small'fries and live in "small"homes. We should all becontented that we at leasthave our all our arms andlegs. And for most of us notsaddled with such burden. Ofcourse, some of us, do havefinancial problems.13. Let us all not create astampede or create fears. Thisis simply `lunatic'. In astampede, some people can gettrampled and die. These areinnocent, people.14. I always feel that this isan appropriate statement:"After the bitterness, comesthe sweetness""Avoid the self-fulfillingprophercy" and avoid"Auto-suggestion"15. Recently, when I waslooking many client's palm, Isee lots of branches on theheart line. This suggests toomuch undue worry! Life isshort, so - make the best ofit!Cheers!Warmest Regards,Cecil Expand Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
glyn Posted July 15, 2003 Share Posted July 15, 2003 Thank you Cecil for sharing your thoughts on this matter.I am in total agreement with you. Far too many people believe feng shui is the magic bullet for all their "ills".When I tell them this, some can get quite annoyed ! And usually these are the people that have got themselves into a mess.Sadly in this day and age we all seem to want instant gratification.CheersGlyn Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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