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Location of swimming pools


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Dear cecil,
we are in the process of looking for a house.
So its not possible for us to do a flying star for every house we look at. But we
want a house with a swimming pool. My
husband is a weak water and he is a west gp
person. So can you give us info about which
direction will be good for a swimming pool.
Since it is important for us to have swimming pool in good direction along with the good flying star.
Secondly my friend lives in a house which
was built in 1808 and they are installing a
fountain in front of their home so the auspicious direction for water feature will
be calculated according to cycle of 1808 or
the current cycle of 7. Thanks.

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Please see below:-

On 7/27/99 3:05:34 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear cecil,
we are in the process of
looking for a house.
So its not possible for us to
do a flying star for every
house we look at. But we
want a house with a swimming
pool. My
husband is a weak water and he
is a west gp
person. So can you give us
info about which
direction will be good for a
swimming pool.
Since it is important for us
to have swimming pool in good
direction along with the good
flying star.

For the swimming pool, you have to take note of the following important points:-
1. The swimming pool must not be directly behind the house.
2. Ideally, it should be in front of the house e.g. when you are standing at the main entrance area facing out of the home, preferably the swimming pool is on your left.
3. Make sure that the swimming pool does not have `sharp' edges e.g. pointing towards your house. This is Sha Qi or poision arrow.
4. A swimming pool should also not have many curves and `odd shaped'.
5. Where possible, the swimming pool should not occupy be more than 33.3 percent of the plot of land area.
6. The swimming pool must not be at the centre of the house.
7. Please take note that the Shapes and Form School (particularly the Four Symbolic Animals Concept) takes precedence over the Flying Star Theory.
Ideally, the house must have a solid backing and water behind the house is very unfavourable even if you have a good Flying Star Reading.
Yes, you can do a Flying Star reading for each house. As I mentioned, Flying Star is "useless" unless you combine it with the Shapes and Form theory.
No Feng Shui theory can live in isolation.
Also you can make use of the Eight House Theory to find a house or avoid a house where the death or disaster line is located. This means that the house is unsuitable for the owner. (Even if the Flying Star looks great).
When we apply Feng Shui, it is advisable to apply each individual theory so that everything goes `right'.
Never do Feng Shui in isolation e.g. using only the Flying Star Theory. I know some Western Traditional Feng Shui School does nothing but Flying Star but this is simply like living in isolation.

Secondly my friend lives in a
house which
was built in 1808 and they are
installing a
fountain in front of their
home so the auspicious
direction for water feature
be calculated according to
cycle of 1808 or
the current cycle of 7.

It is ok to install the fountain as it means that there is a clear space at the frontage of the house.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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