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Display shoe cupboard


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LaughingDear Master Cecil

I have a question regarding display of shoe cupboard.There no altarnative where I can place the shoe cupboard. Is it alright to place it side of my door entrance or facing my door entrance. Will be much appreciate from your advice.

Have a nice day. Thank you in advance.


Rolling Eyes Sophia

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  • Staff

Dear Sophia,

We often hear or read books on Feng Shui giving advice on grave concerns of shoe cabinets or shoes outside a main door.

But frankly, in my opinion, this is considered "peanuts" Feng Shui or not a major issue.

This is because, for practical reasons, many (many) people, rich or poor, have at least a shoe cabinet or shoes outside their main door.

The only uncomfortable thing is to have a shoe cabinet built into a partition facing the main door. This is more of a personal feeling.

Warmest Regards,

On 6/15/2004 12:00:26 PM, Anonymous wrote:

Dear Master Cecil

I have a question regarding

display of shoe

cupboard.There no

altarnative where I can place

the shoe cupboard. Is it

alright to place it side of my

door entrance or facing my

door entrance. Will be much

appreciate from your advice.

Have a nice day. Thank you in




Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Master Cecil
What about a low shoe rack inside the house and facing the main entrance? Is this bad feng shui?
free-advice Listmanager wrote:
From: Cecil Lee
Dear Sophia,
We often hear or read books on Feng Shui giving advice on grave concerns of shoe cabinets or shoes outside a main door.
But frankly, in my opinion, this is considered "peanuts" Feng Shui or not a major issue.
This is because, for practical reasons, many (many) people, rich or poor, have at least a shoe cabinet or shoes outside their main door.
The only uncomfortable thing is to have a shoe cabinet built into a partition facing the main door. This is more of a personal feeling.
Warmest Regards,

On 6/15/2004 12:00:26 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Master Cecil
I have a question regarding
display of shoe
cupboard. There no
altarnative where I can place
the shoe cupboard. Is it
alright to place it side of my
door entrance or facing my
door entrance. Will be much
appreciate from your advice.
Have a nice day. Thank you in

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Dear Emily,

Actually, it has more to do with "visual" sight or appearance than Feng Shui.

For example, we can draw a parallel to the dining table. In Feng Shui, it is often mentioned by practitioners (including myself) avoid placing the dinning table facing the main door.

The rationale is that while some of us are very tidy, but for practical reasons, for a family, we have the father, mother and children; often, the family members come back at different times. And for practical reasons, often, food is left on the table for the last person to eat.

And if one often sees a dining table, it is usually (for many people) to have articles / food etc.. placed on it.

What is "worse" symbollically is to have fork, knives on this table, facing the main door. It is symbolic of disharmony.

For the shoe cabinet, so long as it is closed-up - not seen as in a transparent glass cabinet. To me, it is not a major issue - like do or die type of situation.

Warmest Regards,

On 6/18/2004 5:14:05 AM, Anonymous wrote:

Dear Master Cecil

What about a low shoe rack

inside the house and facing

the main entrance? Is this

bad feng shui?


free-advice Listmanager


From: Cecil Lee

Dear Sophia,

We often hear or read books on

Feng Shui giving advice on

grave concerns of shoe

cabinets or shoes outside a

main door.

But frankly, in my opinion,

this is considered "peanuts"

Feng Shui or not a major


This is because, for practical

reasons, many (many) people,

rich or poor, have at least a

shoe cabinet or shoes outside

their main door.

The only uncomfortable thing

is to have a shoe cabinet

built into a partition facing

the main door. This is more of

a personal feeling.

Warmest Regards,


On 6/15/2004 12:00:26 PM, Sophia Chia


Dear Master Cecil

I have a question regarding

display of shoe

cupboard. There no

altarnative where I can place

the shoe cupboard. Is it

alright to place it side of my

door entrance or facing my

door entrance. Will be much

appreciate from your advice.

Have a nice day. Thank you in




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Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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