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A well in the backyard


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We are renovating a house which is relatively old. The owner passed away about one year ago. Three questions:
1.What should we do before we move in? Any rituals to "sweep away" the old aura of the owner?
2.There is a water well in the center of the backyard and one of the bedrooms looks directly down at it. Is this a cause of concern? If so, what can we do?
3.My 2 year old daughter's bedroom faces the stairs going down although the stairwell does turn a corner. How do I rememdy this?
Thank you!

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Please read below:-

On 8/11/99 7:39:18 AM, Anonymous wrote:
We are renovating a house
which is relatively old. The
owner passed away about one
year ago. Three questions:
1.What should we do before we
move in? Any rituals to
"sweep away" the old aura of
the owner?

If it is due to natural causes e.g. old age, this is acceptable.
Overall, this is not Feng Shui but based on `rituals' or practises.
If one is a Christian, some would invite the Priest to the house and offer some chants; for Catholics i.e. sprinkle " holy water ".
If you are doing it yourself, you can mix unpolished rice grains with salt and throw them around the house especially the corners. As I mentioned, this is not Feng Shui. Salt is often used in such occassions.

2.There is a water well in the
center of the backyard and one
of the bedrooms looks directly
down at it. Is this a cause
of concern? If so, what can
we do?

In Chinese studies, usually, well water is not well regarded as it is said that it harbours a well spirit. I can understand why because one must be careful especially if it is deep and may pose a `danger' especially to children.
There is the situation or the fear of dangers of underground water particuarly if it runs under e.g. the bedroom. Independent German studies have shown that in villages where water runs under specific households, and say the bed is close to this underground water, there is a high incidence of `cancer'.
The url: is http://www.geomancy.net/fs/under.htm
However, even if we disregard the above, we
need to remember that a water well is Yin. In certain conditions, if a location becomes too yin e.g. surrounding the well, there are many trees etc... these element will create too yin environment.
You could balance the Yin e.g. the wall facing the well should be `bright' e.g. neutral white or any bright colours or yang colours. Ideally if it natural brick (red / clay colour) red is the most yang colour is ideal or `nice to have'.

3.My 2 year old daughter's
bedroom faces the stairs going
down although the stairwell
does turn a corner. How do I
rememdy this?

The cheapest remedy is to buy a length of carpet and cut a semi-circle that fits the length of the door. Place it at the door. With the semi-circle radiating outwards. This will be able to neutralise the stairs.
For the colour, get a bright colour e.g.in any of the primary colours will do. Better still if it has a pattern or spikes e.g. that of the sun rays radiating outwards. This is ideal or nice to have but not compulsory.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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