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How to dispose the faded pakua mirror


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1. It is important to remember not to change the Ba Gua during the Hungry Ghost Festival. Off hand, I did not check the calendar but I think for this period i.e. 11 August to 9 September, this is the 7th month or Hungry Ghost Festival. Avoid changing the Ba Gua during this period.
2. To dispose of the faded Ba Gua, one effective way is to wrap it up in old news papers. You should tie it up with a string or rafia or even using scotch tape. This will do.
Next, bring it out to the dustbin and throw it away.
Warmest Regards,

On 8/13/99 3:30:59 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear cecil,
My main door faces the sun and
hence my pakua
mirror has got faded
completely. I needed to
know if I can just throw the
faded pakua or is there a
special way of disposing them.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 17 years later...


It is September 1st.  I do not know if I will be replacing my Bagua but I know it is faded and now the trigrams are peeling off the wood.  I sense I must put it to sleep and I have red paper and think perhaps burying it in the grown is a good thing to do.  Can I dispose of it this way without replacing until after Sept. 9th?  

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1. In my opinion, since you are going to replace it on or around September 9th; and this is just 8 days or less.

2. If it is me; I would instead do a swop after I had obtained a replacement unit (if any).

3. These are not considered as items and not religious relics or figurines; thus, best to e.g. wrap it up in newspaper and throw it away. Just like any other "rubbish" into the bin is fine or okay or acceptable.

4. The reason I recommend the method under Para 3; instead of burying it is because although say the wood can decompose; but if there is a mirror at the middle and if the mirror is made of glass;

4.1. This glass material may take 100's of years to decompose - if it is possible.

4.2. And if it should be broken, it can be a safety hazard when a person or child steps on it. Or if one has a playful dog; it may just get its' mouth on it and chew/digest... erh.. I don't even want to think ... about it...

P.S. I realised that this thread was one of the earliest postings when we migrated from one of those free forums to our very own server based forum.

This is the history and time-line ....


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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  • 1 year later...
Guest Where to hang

CanI hang a Baqua mirror ON the front door?  The way my dor is set up there is no way I can hang anything over it

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In my opinion, there must be a purpose of hanging a Ba gua mirror.

Cannot just out of one's whims and fancies... decide one day to hang it.

Furthermore, there are many versions and variants. For example pure concave/convex; ba gua trigram with integrated mirror in the middle: flat, concave and convex mirrors.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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